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Starting to dislike the Discovery channel.

Epic DaVinci

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Has anybody else noticed the amount of crap the Doscovery channel is showing these days?

What happened to showing sciency documentrys like it used to?

The current schedual is full of stupid fly on the wall shows about, trucking, flying, fishing (hillbilly style) storage wars, storage hunters, auction hunters etc etc....

These shows belong on Sky 1 or Living. Not Discovery.

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It does show some shows i like, such as the odd program featuring Steven Hawking, and one of my faveroute shows "Mythbusters", How its made and How do they do it are also very good in my eyes, but the majority of the listings is utter tosh.

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Fortunately, Mythbusters still resides on Discovery, and every now and then, there will be a program about space or something else that's interesting. I think Discovery Science is probably the better channel for your science needs though.

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A few years ago I remember telling my then to be girlfriend that Discovery was my least favorite science channel. To much reality I said. I preffered NGC and History Channle. Now, after those two channles went through the Histroy Channle Effect, I was left with Discovery channle as the most science oriented. It is really depressing. I kind of liked how the three had there own niches. History was History and a little bit how the future could be (based on the past), NGC was more about science and nature (remember those long boring documentaries about the silver back gorrilas in central Congo?) and Discovery did more of the tid-bits, interesting facts and experiments. It was a way to get the dose of everything you needed.

I remember my sister saying to me: "You watch a lot of TV, but I dont know if I should frown upon it because you are watching educational programs."

I miss those days.

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  RogueMason said:
Fortunately, Mythbusters still resides on Discovery, and every now and then, there will be a program about space or something else that's interesting. I think Discovery Science is probably the better channel for your science needs though.

here in holland, they replaced Discovery Science with Investigation Discovery. All I get to see is he murderd her and she cheated on him and her lover killed him.......

What is happening. I miss science :(

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The History Channel... man, there was a time when there was HISTORY on it. Now all science channels have gone to Nostradamus, ghosts and UFO kind of crap. NatGeo seems to be the only one that remains semi-pure. But it's all animals, I want medieval battles and WWII documentaries. Where are my Stukas? Where?

Speaking of Discovery, the moment I realized they were going for the cash only was around 2007 when they had this special "the lost tomb of christ" or something like that. My first thought was "wait, this is a quite controversial. But it's the Discovery Channel, I'm sure there's going to be a huge debate here". And then, 15 minutes into the "documentary" it was like "what the hell is this?!" At that moment I knew it was over, DC went down from there.

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I think Comedy Central might be the only cable channel that still follows its original genre. Syfy has wrestling, reality/game shows, and drivel like. AMC runs junk that is not classic and often not even American. Bravo is not the best of syndication anymore. A&E is neither artistic nor entertaining. History and History International are mostly reality shows. The only thing you can learn from The Learning Channel is that reality shows suck. And the only reason Discovery even still runs Mythbusters is that its the closest thing to a hit they've ever had. Even flippin' TVLand has given up its retro theme and is making execrable sitcoms of its own. I think it's a local thing, but I find myself watching METV more and more. Bonanza and Emergency may be decades old, but METV is just about the only thing on that isn't centered around vapid wretches shrieking inarticulately at each other.

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I now use Netflix and YouTube. I am content with that.

Though I do miss the days in the past were I would just tune into the History or Discovery channel, watch whatever documentary was on, and learn something new.

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Educational TV is dead.

You may say, "OH! Science Channel still has educational stuff!" But I only handle so much of "How Do They Do It?" "How It's Made" and "Factory Made" before I pull my hair out. Don't get me wrong, "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" is decent, but that's all the Science Channel is, those same programs over and over and over. Plus, most weekends, Science Channel goes sci-fi. There used to be some variety and you had about 6 channels of educational programming. Now, all that's on TV is garbage.

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I remember watching the transition from actual documentaries to reality BS. It happened around the time Deadliest Catch became popular; once that became a hit every "educational" station had to have their own (actually, TLC (The Learning Channel, lol) got crappy even before that). Axmen started the downfall of the History Channel. Mythbusters is also getting pretty bad as of late, but then, they're probably running out of original material.

What creeps me out is that History Channel shows all BS and you have to pay for the "premium" channel H2 in order to even get a glimpse of documentaries from them.

Fortunately, NOVA is still running and is still pretty good.

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That's been going on for years, History (which is owned by Discovery) is even worse.

We've started taking to calling them "Conspiracy Theory Channel" because of all the crackpot theories presented as fact.

"Ancient Aliens" anyone?

"Hunt for Bigfoot"?

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  Fredonia said:
Educational TV is dead.

You may say, "OH! Science Channel still has educational stuff!" But I only handle so much of "How Do They Do It?" "How It's Made" and "Factory Made" before I pull my hair out.

And those are so utterly morose they don't actually tell you how it's done, or made...

Nice pictures of production lines and machines, but little else.

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H2 (formerly History International) runs Universe, which is semi-informative, but they won't talk about any astronomical phenomenon without contriving some way to explain how IT COULD WIPE OUT ALL LIFE ON EARTH!!! That gets really old. But the thing that broke my heart, and I can barely stand to watch it since, is the time they made some poor astronomer explain the relative sizes of things in terms of monster trucks. Yes, monster trucks.



(Amy Mainzer is pretty hot, though.)

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  jwenting said:
"Hunt for Bigfoot"?

I dunno... I think Hunt for Bigfoot might actually be brilliant in an animal-cunning sort of way. Consider this: You have a show all about chasing something that doesn't exist. You can potentially keep making that show forever! (At least, until the ratings run out. But the point is that you won't find yourself in the awkward position of having no more material to continue, since the hunt for something nonexistent never has to end.)

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problem is it's fiction presented as fact, and they present tons of "evidence" that bigfoot does indeed exist, including using those fake footprints and having "scientists" verify that they're real.

Same with that mermaid show they put up a while ago, which was pure fiction, shown on Discovery, and presented as fact unless you bothered to read the small print in the closing credits (which at least here are usually removed by the cable company and replaced with extra advertising).

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Theres a new one now about Amish hardmen who go round Amish communities dealing with people who are breaking the Amish law. WHAT THE HELL???

This is getting insulting now.

Deadliest Catch

Ice Road Truckers

Hillbilly Fishing

Storage Wars

Storage Hunters

Salvage wars

Ice Pilots

Highway through Hell

Amish hardmen

American Chopper

Sons of Guns

Im too mad to continue..

What about programs like...

Nasa Missions

Aerospace news

The "I F***ing Love Science" show (popular Facebook group)

Shows about actual science topics like whats happening at Cern these days? what is NASA JPL working on? how is the cure for cancer going?

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