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[1.0.3] Editor Extensions v2.12 - 23 June


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I will be petitioning the developers for various specific improvements to be included in the work currently being done and better part alignment will be one of these. This will not just be the alignment to the vertical center of the parent part that EE enables at the moment but will also include alignment to the top and bottom of the parent part and alignment to other parts that are already attached to the parent part and also various improvements to the part rotation that I had planned to add to Part Angle Display.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Radial toggling is already here, the disabling part anyway (I doubt we'll ever see enabling for parts that aren't "supposed" to have it). Vertical snap is essential to me, hope it makes it in.

Here's something embarrassing: I have been using EE for a while and I never even knew about vertical snap. I should read more. :P

Also, on petitioning the devs for more editor features:

One thing that might persuade them to implement more technical features (like those available in PAD and EE) would be to have the option to toggle between "Basic" and "Advanced" mode in the VAB/SPH. That way you could keep it simple for new players while giving powerful tools to people who know how to handle them. Basic could be like the current stock editor setup.

Edited by GusTurbo
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  Padishar said:
I will be petitioning the developers for various specific improvements to be included in the work currently being done and better part alignment will be one of these. This will not just be the alignment to the vertical center of the parent part that EE enables at the moment but will also include alignment to the top and bottom of the parent part and alignment to other parts that are already attached to the parent part and also various improvements to the part rotation that I had planned to add to Part Angle Display.
  GusTurbo said:
Also, on petitioning the devs for more editor features:

One thing that might persuade them to implement more technical features (like those available in PAD and EE) would be to have the option to toggle between "Basic" and "Advanced" mode in the VAB/SPH. That way you could keep it simple for new players while giving powerful tools to people who know how to handle them. Basic could be like the current stock editor setup.

I started a new thread today in Suggestions and Discussion as a sort of catch-all for editor improvement ideas. May I respectfully ask you both to add your thoughts there in addition to whatever other methods you were planning to use to petition the devs?

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could you please make a config file for the key binds, at least some options for alt, shift keys, because for some reason the Alt key is not being captured on my Ubuntu (i check the debug log and nothing pops up when i press Alt+R or Alt+Z). I tried remove all key shortcuts in the system that use Alt, but it still not work. Finally, I edit the source file and recompile the key binds with Shift (Shift+R, ....f +Z), then every thing works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EditorExtensions_v1.4.zip from the direct download link makes my Windows 7's unzipper freeze for some reason. I had to use Cygwin's unzip. It could be just me, but if it's not, I thought you ought to know.

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Not having the same issue as beabop on my win 7 machine, but I am getting a warning from windows when unzipping this download. Says " a problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted". This is the only mod I have ever seen throw this warning.

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  beabop said:
EditorExtensions_v1.4.zip from the direct download link makes my Windows 7's unzipper freeze for some reason. I had to use Cygwin's unzip. It could be just me, but if it's not, I thought you ought to know.
  Otis said:
Not having the same issue as beabop on my win 7 machine, but I am getting a warning from windows when unzipping this download. Says " a problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted". This is the only mod I have ever seen throw this warning.

You could try the zip I released just after 0.25 was released. It is linked in this post and MachXXV gave it his blessing in this post.

Edited by Padishar
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  Padishar said:
You could try the zip I released just after 0.25 was released. It is linked in this post and MachXXV gave it his blessing in this post.

Ok, thanks for this. It works just fine. I think the link provided at the top of the first post is a version that is up to date, it just looks like it was packed with something out of the ordinary, causing some weird issues. Your version works just fine. Also, the link in the first post comes with a mac OSX version and I've never seen that before. Anyway, as there looks to be an editor overhaul coming in the next release, it's probably nothing to get excited about. This is a nice mod to have in the meantime. For me, mainly for the ability to change symmetry modes without all the hub-ub.

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Sorry if someone's already mentioned this, but a symmetry bug that shows itself when swapping between VAB and SPH modes has just been annoying the hell out of me, lately. If you put, say, 4 objects around a central object using VAB 4x symmetry, and then you swap to SPH mode with mirror symmetry in order to place mirrored parts on just two of those four objects, superficially it looks like it works, but it actually places FOUR instances of the object on the opposite side. You caninstantly see it's doing this with Z-fighting that's produced by the extra instances, and if you use a robotic piece from MSI it's even clearer when a whole bunch more pieces show up in the robotics editor window than there should be. This bug has been around forever, and perhaps due to the way I build stuff I'm constantly having trouble with it. An simple example would be making a lander with four tanks around a central body that you then want to put wheels on the bottom of in a rover-style configuration. I can't have been the only one to try such a thing...

Is this an Editor Extensions bug, something to do with the stock game, or what? Is it something that could be fixed? Any info would be appreciated.

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  KerBlammo! said:
Is this an Editor Extensions bug, something to do with the stock game, or what? Is it something that could be fixed? Any info would be appreciated.

I've found that switching symmetry modes works best if you also reorient your craft. When switching to SPH symmetry, grab your root part and tilt the craft on its side so it lies horizontally. When switching to VAB symmetry, stand the craft back up on its tail.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
I've found that switching symmetry modes works best if you also reorient your craft. When switching to SPH symmetry, grab your root part and tilt the craft on its side so it lies horizontally. When switching to VAB symmetry, stand the craft back up on its tail.

Thanks, I'll give this a shot, and reply here if that actually fixes the problem, to let people know. I've had problems with symmetry just in the SPH without even using EE, though, which is why I thought it might be a game limitation (even though you can't edit things with SPH symmetry in teh stock game unless you copy your VAB ships into your SPH folder). For example, say you want wings both on top of and underneath a fuel tank on either side of a plane - the smart thing to do is obviously to rotate your craft so the wing/tank is pointing up, then stick your wings on with mirror symmetry so you can put wings on one side and they will automatically be added to the other, then you can re-orient the tank and stick it back on the fuselage with symmetry on so you then have your four wings sections (one above and below the tank on each side of the craft. Unfortunately that does all sorts of odd things with bits disappearing, depending on how you add stuff.

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  BloodyRain2k said:
That's KSP for you, not EE.

Are you sure? The only way you could even replicate doing that in stock KSP is to create something in the VAB with radial symmetry, copy the ship file from the VAB folder to the SPH folder and then try to add something using mirror symmetry in the SPH (I think - I've never actually tried it). I kind of wish there was just one construction building with both symmetry options in the stock game, then people would have the most construction options and a problem like this would def be in Squad's court to fix. Maybe with the new updates to building this might change.

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First of all, MachXXV, thanks =) It's well executed and easy to use and absolutely essential.

I was wondering if anyone knows how EditorExtensions calculates the snapping point for vertical snap? Is it just halfway between the "lowest" and "highest" vertices? Is it based on the rendered model or the collider? Or is there some heavier math involved? Thanks in advance!

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  swankidelic said:
I was wondering if anyone knows how EditorExtensions calculates the snapping point for vertical snap? Is it just halfway between the "lowest" and "highest" vertices? Is it based on the rendered model or the collider? Or is there some heavier math involved? Thanks in advance!

EE doesn't calculate it. It is a feature of the stock editor that has no control in the stock game. EE just adds a key shortcut to toggle it on and off. I believe (though I could quite easily be wrong) that it simply uses the CoM of the parent part...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This mod appears to crash instantly now in .90, but I'm not surprised considering the new editor system. From what I've seen so far in .90, the editor changes are fantastic, and I'm thinking this mod is probably obsolete. I haven't had a chance to poke around the new game files, but the API is probably completely changed. I'll see if there's still use in tweaking some things like expanded symmetry modes and VAB/SPH toggling.

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  MachXXV said:
This mod appears to crash instantly now in .90, but I'm not surprised considering the new editor system. From what I've seen so far in .90, the editor changes are fantastic, and I'm thinking this mod is probably obsolete. I haven't had a chance to poke around the new game files, but the API is probably completely changed. I'll see if there's still use in tweaking some things like expanded symmetry modes and VAB/SPH toggling.

Definitely NOT obsolete. I can't KSP without your wonderful mod. :)

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