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Will 0.21 create a massive Newb firestorm?


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The only thing that irks me about this is I'm going to have to hold off on my big projects until after it releases whenever that is so as not to suffer the same fate as commander zoom. And also to the op some of us have been playing for a while and just decide to actually join the forums at some point. I didn't even know about the save wipe until after I joined.

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Expect a fair number of new folks and returning lurkers as a result of it, although releasing word in advance that it probably will happen is going to do more to soften the impact than anything else that could be attached to it.

And when they do, its going to fall through to you guys to help them out as much as it is the staff's responsibility to answer. There will be plenty of people talking about it, and probably more threads of it than we really need. Long as everyone stays respectful and follows the rules we'll ride it out just fine. The updates always are followed by a hectic period on the forums before settling down again.

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I think in order to archive a save-file that is so important that it shouldn't be lost you need to have done alot of advanced missions.

And inorder to do advanced missions you have to be patient and have a decent knowledge of space, these are not the type of people that will start raging that quikly.

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  Tw1 said:
I think it would be fair enough.

Anyone who has spent a while working on something may upset to learn that they won't be able to carry it on into the next version, so it would be polite to give a warning.

Don't forget some people look and read the forums for ages before making the jump and joining. I did.

Edit: Saw your edit. Now people reading this are going to be looking up and down to make sense of it, haha.

While space stations, crafts, colonies, etc. would be lost, you must remember that at least 80% of progress in KSP is not what you build, but what you learn. While you still lose these things, you could recreate them much faster than you built them the first time, as you already know what works and only need to spend time testing for fine tuning.

My computer's hard drive needed to have windows re-installed and I lost my saves, but not long after I downloaded KSP again, I was walking around on laythe!

Edited by Kodiak42
Should probably include my own experience
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  Ming said:
By now most, if not all, KSP forum frequenters already know in detail what the new 0.21 will do to their "save" files. However, most gamers do not use forums until a crisis has occurred. So, it's most likely that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of new KSP'ers will be jolted to the bone when their "saves" don't work.

With this in mind the intended purpose of this thread is to solicit ideas from us "frequenters" as to what might be done to lessen the impact of this coming horde of hate. I totally agree that "save" breaking is part and parcel with alpha-adventurism and is to be expected. But, rest assured, that the majority of the uninformed KSP community will not see it that way.

I will start:

When you fire up KSP, direct or on Steam, you will get a BIG BOLD NOTICE (perhaps with a link) about the impending update and what it's impact will be. Kind of like what you get with Minecraft, Borderlands, etc..

NEXT ....

hey man im a noob and ive played the game for 2 weeks now and I will be pretty ok with a break in save files yet I will be saddened but will not rage and heckle squad instead I will just start new and besides the kind of people who play ksp are smart and patient, and remember the game is in early alpha

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We were all noobs once, don't you guys remember your first rockets? And how you couldn't get to orbit?

Remember how the other community members helped you?

New players are a great thing to see, it means the game is still fun, exciting and accessible for new players.

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  DisarmingBaton5 said:
IDK. The steam description of the game isn't terribly informative, and I think a lot of people might not see the learning curve. Might be wrong though. Who cares, noobs are friendly!

not all of them...

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  sal_vager said:
We were all noobs once, don't you guys remember your first rockets? And how you couldn't get to orbit?

Remember how the other community members helped you?

New players are a great thing to see, it means the game is still fun, exciting and accessible for new players.

Allready have 2 friends that picked up today the KSP Demo, and where supprised by the game, as they allways thought by the looks on Steam it would an simplistic shallow game..

man they where in for a supprise, was half evening on Teamspeak explaining stuff too them how too stage rockets, how too get into LKO, and such..

Within a few hours they got utterly addicted and enthousiast bout KSP :D

Edited by Arran
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