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[Showcase] Replica Craft thread!

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The F22 and the F14 both look great! :D looks like they fly nicely too, does the f14 have variable geometry wings? I was trying my hand at VGW using that magic smoke industries pack with all the movable parts. It's definitely possible!

P.S Capt Snuggler pleeease do a video of that f14 doing a flyby on the control tower (with joe satriani guitar solo over it) :P

Edited by st3rv
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The F22 and the F14 both look great! :D looks like they fly nicely too, does the f14 have variable geometry wings? I was trying my hand at VGW using that magic smoke industries pack with all the movable parts. It's definitely possible!

P.S Capt Snuggler pleeease do a video of that f14 doing a flyby on the control tower (with joe satriani guitar solo over it) :P

The F14 flies great! its totally stock so no swing wings.

ill happily do a video but have no idea how. is there a KSP video tutorial i should take a look at?

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The F14 flies great! its totally stock so no swing wings.

ill happily do a video but have no idea how. is there a KSP video tutorial i should take a look at?

Easiest way would be to get a program like FRAPS and record some ingame footage of the craft, then use a wimple video editor and edit it into a nice show file, add a low volume soundtrack behind it, but dont cut off the game noise as its nice to hear sometimes, some text and your set.

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Yeah I use Fraps (only just learned that f2 turns off the UI in KSP) then I use adobe premier pro to edit (learning as I go) but yeah fraps is good for the job man, even on my crap machine it still has a nice frame rate most of the time.

Here are some more vehicles I made (been delving into the world of rotary aircraft) :D

Lockheed P38 - Lightning

English Electric Canberra (Americans know it as Martin B57)

AH1Z - Cobra

HC1 - Chinook (CH47)

Vulcan Bomber

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Well.. .

I was using MechJeb: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-22-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-1 (i should do it before)

This mod contain autopilot.

To prepare F-22 (modded version) i used:

B9 Aerospace pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-20-2-b9-aerospace-pack-r3-1

Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com

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Excellent music track on the C-17 video mate, for the B2 spirit I'd recommend the procedural wings mod to get the shape you need, they also maintain a good balance with lift (as not to make the aircraft cheaty)

Quality post though, keep 'em coming. :)

PS - F2 toggles User Interface and you could use Imgur to upload multiple images in a sleek little album.

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