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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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It has been done and I thought it actually looked pretty good.
The problem (as I've found) is that fairing nodes face "up"/"forward", while most if not all powered hinges in IR face "out". You can't make a fairing that looks smooth, like a nosecone, which then unfolds into a service boom or docking node, because you'll have the hinges poking out. It can work mechanically, but it won't work aesthetically. And I like aesthetics. :P

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The problem (as I've found) is that fairing nodes face "up"/"forward", while most if not all powered hinges in IR face "out". You can't make a fairing that looks smooth, like a nosecone, which then unfolds into a service boom or docking node, because you'll have the hinges poking out. It can work mechanically, but it won't work aesthetically. And I like aesthetics. :P


Where are those roundish RCS thrusters from?

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I'm not posting this as a bug report, its just funny so I thought I'd share it. I'm honestly not sure what happened, except that I was using a ton of fairings to basically coat an entire rocket to make it look wider and have a more SaturnV appearance. Something odd happened with symmetry and well, words can't describe it so here's a gif;


A reload fixed it, here's the end product (not 100% happy with my design thou)


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How do you get these fairings to eject? I can't figure it out. I eject my stages but the probe just stays encapsulated. Is there a special key? I didn't see any mention in the readme. Also it mentions while building to press F over the fairing to adjust ejection force, this also does nothing at all. I see no text or window indicating its changing or adjusting anything.

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Suggestion/minor bug fix: make the transparency/alpha channel in the png textures white, to make diffuse color come out right. Gray tint in the alpha channel darkens the diffuse color in ksp.

Request: (slightly) increase max diameter of fairing bases and adapter so that they can fit a 5m tank.

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Suggestion/minor bug fix: make the transparency/alpha channel in the png textures white, to make diffuse color come out right. Gray tint in the alpha channel darkens the diffuse color in ksp.

The alpha is used for specular strength.

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The alpha is used for specular strength.

Oh, right. Also the textures aren't even in png. So never mind that.

But I'd like to reiterate the request for increasing the maximum size of fairing bases and the adapter, though i'd actually like to have it up to 7.5 meters...

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But I'd like to reiterate the request for increasing the maximum size of fairing bases and the adapter, though i'd actually like to have it up to 7.5 meters...

You can increase the maximum radius in common.cfg, it's based on tech. I guess I'll disable that in sandbox mode in the next update.

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Since I'm using PF for some time now and currently work on a ship including several fairings, I would like to add a suggestion.

Currently there is the possibility to select the ejection force for the parts of the fairing, which is directly affecting the radial speed of the jettisoned parts. But they are flying away in a strictly radial motion without any tumbling or rotation. For purely cosmetic purposes, I would really like to have the option to either select a certain amount of torque applied to the fairing during the decoupling process or the selection of a secondary force. In the latter case one of the forces would be applied to the base of the fairing, while the other one would be applied to the top.

Using this, one could create a fairing separation in which the parts would seem to split from top to bottom for example. Additionaly this would have the effect, that the fairing parts would slowly tumble away instead of just kind of gliding motionless. It would just look more interesting and more awesome as it already does :cool:

(I briefly looked into the sourcecode and found some parts about ejection force and torque, so I hope that this is possible. Unfortunately I know nothing about modding in KSP, so I wasn't able to experiment with the code by myself :( )

Another point I would like to add: Currently, even if you set the ejection force to zero, the force isn't really zero. Can this be changed so that we have the possibility to eject the fairing even slower? Again, it is just for looking more awesome and majestically. I just like some good locking space action :D


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Yeah, it's possible. There's some torque now, but it's small, and it's effect is likely even smaller with 23.5 changes. I'll add a tweakable in the next update.

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Just a little request.

Can u make procedural Heat shields and include them in here please?

I mean u can make 2 types the ones that are just plain circular that adapts to the diameter of your ship and u can have another that actually follows the shape of the craft. That would be awsome!!! Im a big fan of your mod.

Ill be waiting for the reply.

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That sounds perfect. I'm looking forward to it :) (Any rough idea when this update will be released?)

There is another thing I just remembered: Is it possible to change the height of the interstage fairing base? I'm currently building kind of a payloadbay for my command and service module. Because it's 2.5 meters wide, the interstage fairing base takes up quite a big part of the length of the csm. Currently I'm solving the problem with clipping a fuel tank into the base ring to avoid wasting to much space, but maybe this can be avoided by reducing the height of the base.

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Since I'm using PF for some time now and currently work on a ship including several fairings, I would like to add a suggestion.

Currently there is the possibility to select the ejection force for the parts of the fairing, which is directly affecting the radial speed of the jettisoned parts. But they are flying away in a strictly radial motion without any tumbling or rotation. For purely cosmetic purposes, I would really like to have the option to either select a certain amount of torque applied to the fairing during the decoupling process or the selection of a secondary force. In the latter case one of the forces would be applied to the base of the fairing, while the other one would be applied to the top.

Using this, one could create a fairing separation in which the parts would seem to split from top to bottom for example. Additionaly this would have the effect, that the fairing parts would slowly tumble away instead of just kind of gliding motionless. It would just look more interesting and more awesome as it already does :cool:

(I briefly looked into the sourcecode and found some parts about ejection force and torque, so I hope that this is possible. Unfortunately I know nothing about modding in KSP, so I wasn't able to experiment with the code by myself :( )

Another point I would like to add: Currently, even if you set the ejection force to zero, the force isn't really zero. Can this be changed so that we have the possibility to eject the fairing even slower? Again, it is just for looking more awesome and majestically. I just like some good locking space action :D


I`ll second the call for a slider to adjust ejection force (one that can go to zero too) and also ejection torque (can the pivot point be where the fairing connects to the base?)

Awesome mod.

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Just a little request.

Can u make procedural Heat shields and include them in here please?

I mean u can make 2 types the ones that are just plain circular that adapts to the diameter of your ship and u can have another that actually follows the shape of the craft. That would be awsome!!! Im a big fan of your mod.

Ill be waiting for the reply.

Yes, heat shields are planned. No estimate for now though.

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I thought I remember reading here a while back where someone figured out a way to create a realistic interstage ring like Apollo's but for the life of me can't seem to find it. I've got an interstage adapter in between an engine and tank, to allow the fairings to also serve the purpose of a size adapter (going from 2.5m to 3.75m.) So not only does it decouple from the section below, but it also can then eject the interstage fairing. Of course, there isn't a zero ejection force option, so the pieces all separate rather than stay together when ejected. Not terribly important, I just think it would look a bit cooler.

EDIT: Found it a good number of pages back. Need to put the interstage adapter under the engine instead. Wouldn't really work for the design I wanted to do, directly underneath is actually the cargo bay for a lander, so I need the docking port to be fully exposed after separation and didn't want another piece of debris to be decoupled and lost in space (I'm a responsible Mission Control planner.)

Edited by Castun
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Two ways. 1, if you want single-plane separation, you do as follows:

Use KJR (obvs)

Build upper stage.

Attach interstage adapter, via floating node, to the bottom node of the upper stage.

Add either fairings (and move the fairing decouplers to above the adapter decoupler in staging) or structural fuselage sides

Decouple using the interstage adapter decoupler; the extra joints that normally are killed only on interstage fairing separation will be killed by KJR.

2. If you want dual-plane, look upthread where HoneyFox posted a new part that can do that.

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