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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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I have a problem with this lovely add-on and was wondering if anyone could help me out. I can get the fairing on no problem but I don't get any extra decoupler stages to break them open. So they stay stuck on and it's strange.

Is there something I'm doing wrong or is it a bug or...?

Please help.

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I have a problem with this lovely add-on and was wondering if anyone could help me out. I can get the fairing on no problem but I don't get any extra decoupler stages to break them open. So they stay stuck on and it's strange.

Is there something I'm doing wrong or is it a bug or...?

Please help.

You do know there are 2 types of fairings? The white one is an inline hull fairing and does NOT have radial decoupler functions. The beige ones do have the radial decouple functions. Also the bases do not have decouple functions, you need to supply your own inline decoupler.

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A-ha, that would be it, pretty sure I've only really used the white ones. Cheers. I saw the comment in the OP about not having the inline decoupler and even managed to work out that isn't what I was in need of. I shall have a go with the beige ones when I get home from work and see.

Thanks again.

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Is possible to have a mixed version of fairing, the top part is ogival or egg-shaped and the bottom part is conic, like some large KW fairings?

Edit side1.cfg

Change the baseConeShape to:

baseConeShape=0.1, 0, 0.7, 0.667

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Having seen this mod, I began to wonder if animated procedural cargo bays are possible.

Possible. I'd rather do procedural wing though. I know there is already one, but it's not very good (getting thick for wide wing etc.), and I want procedural control surfaces with wing cutting itself out around them when you attach control surface, so they are "inline", not attached at the back of the wing as the stock/B9 ones. Like winglets, but procedural with separate wing and control surface parts.

I love this mod :) but i built a mini plane to put inside the fairing on top of a rocket and i nottice the control surfaces are affectign rocket flight... is it just me or if control surfaces are in a fairing they have no wind hitting o nthem so they are innafective? my question is.. will this mod ever simulate the fact that objects are inside and cant affect flight with control surfaces? Or is that somthing that KSP is planning to add?

It's even worse with extendable solar panels - they don't know they're shielded, and will break when moving in the atmosphere. And I don't see what I can do about it. Disabling control surfaces (no drag/lift) is possible with a lot of work, but solar panels just don't know they can be shielded at all.

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hmm, thanks for the offer.. but i should make an "example craft" first, with no other mods (current one uses also ST escape capsule mod). Hmm actually, THAT could be the reason, I will look into this :)

Because it used to work fine for me. But the escape capsule has an internal decoupler, this in combination with proc. fairings may confuse things up.

EDIT: Ah, no i found one without any other addons, will add a craft file in a sec.

Here is the craft file:


(save content as foobar.craft)

should only use stock 0.21 and procedural fairings

Here's another one, same problem:

Both use CORE.CSB-412-1 and CORE.CSB-209-1 parts I don't know anything about. What mod is that?

Also, please check flight log (F3) for structural failures.

Sorry for late reply, I've just got time to look at it.

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Could you do a conic-shaped fuselage please? With the same texture as the egg-shaped one, if possible.

Can you get a conic one by using the different size mount points on each end and then adjusting the fairing radius by hovering your mouse over the bases and pressing R until the blue indicator lines are straight from adaptor to adaptor?

Both use CORE.CSB-412-1 and CORE.CSB-209-1 parts I don't know anything about. What mod is that?.

The names look like they're out of the Core - ANVIL pack?

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Could you do a conic-shaped fuselage please? With the same texture as the egg-shaped one, if possible.

Sure, meanwhile, you can do it yourself: make a copy of fuselage1.cfg, change part name at the top, title, and replace baseConeShape with one from side2.cfg

Can you get a conic one by using the different size mount points on each end and then adjusting the fairing radius by hovering your mouse over the bases and pressing R until the blue indicator lines are straight from adaptor to adaptor?

That'll make a cylinder.

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Perhaps, you could make a procedural heat shield? I feel like it would be helpful. Of course, waiting till reentry heat is added would make sense. Would you consider it?

Yes, it's in the future plans in the OP. It's low priority for now though.

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Here is the craft file:


(save content as foobar.craft)

should only use stock 0.21 and procedural fairings

Well, I've finally loaded it after digging up the missing part from CORE ANVIL archive (the unsupported old one) and fixing it for KSP 0.20+.

It's strange, but it works as designed (but probably not as intended):

When you press space for the first time, you start the engine.

When you press it again, the payload is decoupled from the rocket. The fairings are left below the decoupler, on the now-debris non-controllable lower stage, so they disappear from staging.

If you swap stages 2 and 3, the fairings will eject before decoupling the payload.

Oh, and the second craft you posted has no fairings and I don't see what's the problem with it.

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Could you do a conic-shaped fuselage please? With the same texture as the egg-shaped one, if possible.

Save as fuselage2.cfg:

name = KzProcFairingFuselage2
module = Part
author = e-dog

model = Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/sideModel
texture = fairing1, Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/fuselage1

//scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_connect = 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

cost = 300
category = Aero
subcategory = 0
title = Conic fuselage shroud
manufacturer = Keramzit Engineering
description = A fairing without decoupler, for those who just can't part from their beloved fairings. Useful for space bases, flying saucers, hiding things in your rockets and other unconventional projects.

attachRules = 1,0,0,1,1

mass = 0.1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.1
minimum_drag = 0.1
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 8
breakingForce = 200
breakingTorque = 200
maxTemp = 3600
fuelCrossFeed = True

name = ProceduralFairingSide

specificBreakingForce =2000

baseConeShape=0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7
noseConeShape=0.1, 0, 0.7, 0.667

mappingScale=1024, 1024
stripMapping=992, 1024
horMapping=10, 490, 500, 980
vertMapping=10, 170, 694, 1014


It'll be in the next update.

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I love this mod.


The Atherus-V interior.


On Ascend.

The rocket however is in early prototyping and is extremely inefficient. On a normal launch currently, the rocket gets a 3.04 ton payload including the empty 3rd stage to 5,012 m/s however O_o.

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It's even worse with extendable solar panels - they don't know they're shielded, and will break when moving in the atmosphere. And I don't see what I can do about it. Disabling control surfaces (no drag/lift) is possible with a lot of work, but solar panels just don't know they can be shielded at all.

And FAR doesn't help with that at all?

Also, how about procedural fuel tanks?? They'd be resizable and dynamically changing their fuel capacity based on their size. The concept could be made to work really well with Modular Fuel Tanks where you can configure in the VAB what fuels or resources you want loaded up. Capacity would be m3 / 160.

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Possible. I'd rather do procedural wing though. I know there is already one, but it's not very good (getting thick for wide wing etc.), and I want procedural control surfaces with wing cutting itself out around them when you attach control surface, so they are "inline", not attached at the back of the wing as the stock/B9 ones. Like winglets, but procedural with separate wing and control surface parts.

It's even worse with extendable solar panels - they don't know they're shielded, and will break when moving in the atmosphere. And I don't see what I can do about it. Disabling control surfaces (no drag/lift) is possible with a lot of work, but solar panels just don't know they can be shielded at all.

YEa solar panels don;t bug me as much because u just get folded ones and its ok but control surfaces.... ifu want ot launch a space plane whne u get at high speeds it creates alot of turbulence and can creat disasters... :( i hope KSP updated the game engine to calulate the fact u have fairings.

IF we are to make anythign realistic.. in real life theres alot of fairing based rockets its jsut smart for drag ect.... i'm actually surprized it hasent ben puit in the stock game yet O_O!

But I don't want to have only negative in my post so i will say I'm impressed with your work !! it opened up somany new design ideas for rockets :) and now u can make smoooth bodies with Diferant fuel tanks.... ect It's exciting :)

Edited by Dermeister
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Save as fuselage2.cfg:

name = KzProcFairingFuselage2
module = Part
author = e-dog

model = Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/sideModel
texture = fairing1, Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/fuselage1

//scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_connect = 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

cost = 300
category = Aero
subcategory = 0
title = Conic fuselage shroud
manufacturer = Keramzit Engineering
description = A fairing without decoupler, for those who just can't part from their beloved fairings. Useful for space bases, flying saucers, hiding things in your rockets and other unconventional projects.

attachRules = 1,0,0,1,1

mass = 0.1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.1
minimum_drag = 0.1
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 8
breakingForce = 200
breakingTorque = 200
maxTemp = 3600
fuelCrossFeed = True

name = ProceduralFairingSide

specificBreakingForce =2000

baseConeShape=0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7
noseConeShape=0.1, 0, 0.7, 0.667

mappingScale=1024, 1024
stripMapping=992, 1024
horMapping=10, 490, 500, 980
vertMapping=10, 170, 694, 1014


It'll be in the next update.

Thanks. I'll do it when I get home.

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What do you mean?

He means that making the fuel tank look taller or shorter is achieveable, but the glowing green blobs at the top and bottom of it (the attachment nodes) are in fixed locations, so a shortened tank will have a gap before the next part, and a stretched tank will end up overlapping the next part.

Currently, I don't think any modder has found a way to adjust the locations of the attachment nodes within the game once it has loaded. i.e. unless Squad add some API calls to allow this, it may not be possible to do.

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It's possible to move attachment nodes, but there might be issues.

Creating new ones dynamically won't work though, because it's done after the craft is loaded, and it won't load (will crash the game) if the nodes are missing.

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He means that making the fuel tank look taller or shorter is achieveable, but the glowing green blobs at the top and bottom of it (the attachment nodes) are in fixed locations, so a shortened tank will have a gap before the next part, and a stretched tank will end up overlapping the next part.

Currently, I don't think any modder has found a way to adjust the locations of the attachment nodes within the game once it has loaded. i.e. unless Squad add some API calls to allow this, it may not be possible to do.

I have been doing some work along these lines with somthing I call "float nodes" whereby you can radially attach parts to the base or top of the stack (ie as you would to create an engine cluster) and the top or bottom stack node is procedurally moved up or down to "float" to allow the stack to continue depending on the size of the radially attached parts. The idea is that you can use it to create fairings for a clustered engine compartment. If anyone is interested let me know and I can send you something to play with.

Ok, did anyone take this guy up on his offer?

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I don't know if this has been suggested, but it would be nice if we could modify certain parts of the fairing, e.g the top of it could be lower with the sides being the same width. Here's a pic that shows what i cant do UQismI2.jpg As you can see if i make the fairing any smaller the kethane detectors would glitch through the fairing, what I want to be able to do is make the top part shorter/lower so its less long (I know I'm very picky I just like the look of small/stubby fairings :P) I know its a bit much to ask but is this being implemented? (if it can't be implemented then never mind) PS: awesome mod by the way :D love the frequent updates

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