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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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  Lexx Thai said:
You first. :wink:

Seriously, post here ship config (or picture, at least) with noticed problem, because I'm using KOSMOS fairings with latest PF and can't see any problems with that.

I must take my last words back. I found the problem with KOSMOS's fairing bases. They don't works properly because, 1 - configs too old (I try to repair that), and 2 - that bases influenced by TweakScale to change their sizes.

KOSMOS's fairing sides works well. You can use that with standard PF fairing bases.

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This mod is truly fantastic. My ideal KSP would allow one to choose a custom size for all the structural, aerodynamic and tank parts.

It's so good that I've decided to make a large rocket with a lot of fairings. However, at just over 700 parts the VAB has become unplayable with camera movements being jerky and some stage actions being unselectable. In contrast to another rocket of mine which lacks fairing - and thus is hideous - that has in excess of 1000 parts and causes no noticeable lag in the VAB.

Other mods I'm currently running:

KSPRC & dependencies (less a lot of the part textures)



Active Texture Management (aggressive)

Texture Replacer

Are any of these mods known to conflict? Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?

If not its time for a reinstall :(

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  Sheiss said:

However, at just over 700 parts the VAB has become unplayable with camera movements being jerky and some stage actions being unselectable.

Make sure you have PF 3.03 (the latest) installed, there was a performance improvement.

Also try it without MechJeb (or at least without its delta-v calculator in VAB).

Let me know if you still have issues.

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Thanks e-dog! It seems to fix it if I make the body of the rocket a sub-assembly and then place it again. The jerkiness came back again after I made a few modifications to the fairings, but seemed to go away once I launched the rocket and returned to the VAB. So its playable, yipee!

Oh and might I add that you good sir are a champion.

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  Gristle said:

How do you lock the fairings with the new tweakable interface?

They can't decide on the size :)

You can right-click side fairings (about at the cylindrical section) and lock the shape.

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Alright, so it was running nicely and then the game crashed again. Since then its been bugging out. For example, some of the struts and fuel lines seem to 'forget' what they were connected to. After I reconnect them, launch the rocket and return to the VAB the connections are forgotten once again. Another bug is if I undo the removal of a part, the part becomes unclickable until I reattach one of its parent parts. I'm thinking maybe the ship save was corrupted by the crash?

I think the crash may have been caused by memory use, which was at 3.5 GB at the time. I don't know how it reached this value as when I first loaded the rocket in the VAB, memory use was only at 2.6 GB.

If it helps I can send the crash log and craft file.

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The thurst plate multi-adapter seem to overheat with Nervas. This is a quite recent change. (not sure when it happened). The engines themselves are OK but the multi-adapter is destroyed with "overheated on reentry" if I run above about 50% thrust with 6 Nervas.

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  frisch said:
The thurst plate multi-adapter seem to overheat with Nervas. This is a quite recent change. (not sure when it happened). The engines themselves are OK but the multi-adapter is destroyed with "overheated on reentry" if I run above about 50% thrust with 6 Nervas.

When did you install Deadly Reentry? It lowers the maximum temperature of parts across the board. And if you attached multiple engines to the plate then they're all dumping heat into it.

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Why Procedural Fairings don't work anymore?


Here are logs: http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/22398963/file.html

And here is modlist:

Mehanic KAS Compability V5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71683-A-Mechanic-Is-Jeb-or-KAS-For-Almost-Everything

Load on Demand V3.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73236-WIP-Loading-textures-only-as-required

Module Manager V2.1.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-6-%28Jan-6%29

ResearchThemAll V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78067-0-23-5-Research-Them-All-1-0-%28April-27%29

Mod Statistics V1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81764-ModStatistics-1-0-0-Anonymous-mod-usage-statistics-Now-for-public-distribution!

000_Toolbar V1.7.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-0-23-5-Toolbar-Plugin-1-7-1-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar

blizzy (Achievements) V1.6.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52535-0-23-5-Achievements-1-6-0-Earn-136-achievements-while-playing

Aerojet Kerbodyne V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76170-0-23-5-Aerojet-Kerodyne-%28Service-Module-NASA-Extension%29

B9_Aerospace V4.0c: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures

BahaSP (Taurus) v1.0.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75074-Taurus-HCV-3-75-m-Stock-ish-Crew-Pod-now-with-internals!-v1-0-1-April-20-2014

BoJaN (Q Struts) 27-2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71030-Quantum-Struts-Continued-%282014-02-27%29-Tweakables-KAS-grab-attach

BoulderCo (EVE/Better Atmosphere) V4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77523-Better-Atmospheres-V4-April-23rd-2014?p=1111947

ConnectedLivingSpace V1.0.6.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70161.

Cool Rockets V0.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68196-CoolRockets!-Cryo-and-Launch-Particle-FX

Crew Manifest V0.5.7.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60936-0-23-5-Kerbal-Crew-Manifest-v0-5-7-0

Deadly Reentry V4.7: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54954-0-23-5-Deadly-Reentry-Continued-v4-7-5-5-14

Distant Object Enhancement V1.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69907-0-23-Distant-Object-Enhancement-v1-3-Planets-satellites-in-the-night-sky!-%283-3%29

Editor Extensions V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-0-23-5-Editor-Extensions-v1-1-2-Apr-2014-%28EdTools-Editor-Tools-replacement%29

EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements V7.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-3-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW!-VolumetricClouds!

ExsurgentEngineering (B9's plugin): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66020-B9-0-23-fixes

Ferram Aerospace Research V0.13.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-0-23-5-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-13-3-4-30-14

Firesplatter V6.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-%28May-6th%29-for-KSP-0-23-5

FShangarExtender V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-23-Hangar-Extender

HullCameraVDS V0.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-23-5-Hullcam-VDS-Converted-DEA-to-MU-Updated-29-Apr

ImprovedChaseCamera V1.3.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80112-0-23-5-Improved-Chase-Camera-v1-2

Kerbal Attachment System V0.4.7 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System

Kethane V0.8.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-8-5-Find-it-mine-it-burn-it!-0-23-5-%28ARM%29-compatibility-update

Klockheed_Martian (Asteroids) V0.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79675-Klockheed-Martian-Asteroid-Cities-V0-2-Improved-conversion-and-detection

Kine Tech Animation (B9's plugin): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66020-B9-0-23-fixes

KerbalFlightIndicators V2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80277-Kerbal-Flight-Indicators-%2817-05-2014%29

KerbalJointReinforcement V2.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-0-23-5-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v2-3-4-14-14

Kotysoft (Test weights) V1.4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76231

KSPScienceLibrary V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78305-0-23-5-Science-Library-v1-1

KW Rocketry V2.5.6B: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51037-0-21-X-KW-Rocketry-v2-5-29-09-2013

MagicSmokeIndustries (Infernal Robotics) V0.15d: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-23-5-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics-0-14-stable%29

MechJeb V2.2.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-23-5-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-2-1

ModsByTal (Cargo Tansportion) V0.3.4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77505-Cargo-Transportation-Solutions-%28WIP%29

ModZero: B9 KSPI Fix

MP_Nazzari (Hot Rockets) V7.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65754-HotRockets!-Particle-FX-Replacement-Tutorial

Nereid (Final Frontier) V0.3.9: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67246-0-23-Final-Frontier-0-3-9

NovaPunch V2.04: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/3870

Open Resource System V1.1.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64595-Open-Resource-System-%28ORS%29-Mod-Resource-API-version-1-1-0

Part Catalog V3.0 RC4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35018-0-23-5-PartCatalog-2-4-3-0-RC2-released

Procedual Dynamics V0.7: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862-0-23-Procedural-Dynamics-Procedural-Wing-0-7

Procedural Fairings V3.03: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-0-23-Procedural-Fairings-2-4-4-tech-tree-and-minor-improvements-%28March-31%29

Procedual Parts V0.9.14: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70676-WIP-Procedural-Parts-Parts-the-way-you-want-em

Protractor V2.4.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/21544-23-Protractor-Rendezvous-Plugin-v-2-4-5

R&SCapsuledyne (Taurus) V1.0.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75074-Taurus-HCV-3-75-m-Stock-ish-Crew-Pod-now-with-internals!-v1-0-1-April-20-2014

RealChute V1.1.0.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-0-23-x-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-Presets!-v1-1-0-1-27-04-14

ResGen V0.28: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28895-0-20-2-Resource-Generation-Module-%280-28%29

ROMFARER (Lazor) V33: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/9923-0-23-5-Lazor-System-v33-%28April-17%29

SCANSat + SCANsatRPM V7 RC2.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369

ScienceAlert V1.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76793-0-23-5-ScienceAlert-1-5-Experiment-availability-feedback-%28April-26%29

Smoke Screen V2.0.1.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71630-0-23-SmokeScreen-Extended-FX-plugin

ShipManifest V0. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-3-11-May-14

TAC V0.8: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-0-23-0-23-5-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-0-8-22Dec

TimeControl V11.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69363-0-23-5-Time-Control-4-23-14-v11-1

Timmers (KeepFit): V1.0.44: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67739-0-23-WIP-PLUGIN-KeepFit-Kerbal-fitness-degradation-mod-v1-0-43

TreeLoader V1.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53192-0-22-TreeLoader-Custom-Career-Tech-tree-Loader-1-0

TriggerTech (Alt. Resource Display) V2.2.2.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60227-0-23-5-KSP-Alternate-Resource-Panel-v2-2-0-0-%28April-19%29

UmbraSpaceIndustries (MKS) V0.16.7: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588

VNG V1.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25305-0-23-Vanguard-Technologies-EVA-parachutes-23!-Sry-4-not-fixing-earlier-%28Dec-30%29

WarpPlugin (Interstellar) V0.11: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-5-KSP-Interstellar-%28Toolbar-Integration-New-Models-New-Tech%29-Version-0-11

EDIT: Redownbloading mod fixed it.

Edited by raxo2222
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  JuggernautOfWar said:
Is 1.5m the maximum size for the bases? The imgur how-to album shows large 3m fairing bases. With only 1.5m max size it looks very funny having a larger lower stage.

Are you in carreer mode ? Because that's how it behaves in it.

In career mode, minimum and maximum size is limited by tech. You won't be able to resize bases far from 1.25m at first, but as you unlock new aerodynamics and construction tech larger (and smaller) sizes become available.
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  JuggernautOfWar said:
Ah that must be it. Strange, I don't see any size unlocks in the tech tree.

I am having the same issue, I have unlocked the top trees in the highest tiers but didn't unlock very much in the "aerodynamics" (spaceplanes) path -- my guess is that it is getting limited there in some form. If this is the case, the restriction should be removed and changed to a "rockets OR aerodynamics" not BOTH for the larger part sizes to unlock in the part edit context menu.

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  Caelib said:
I am having the same issue, I have unlocked the top trees in the highest tiers but didn't unlock very much in the "aerodynamics" (spaceplanes) path -- my guess is that it is getting limited there in some form. If this is the case, the restriction should be removed and changed to a "rockets OR aerodynamics" not BOTH for the larger part sizes to unlock in the part edit context menu.

just keep unlocking

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  Caelib said:
I am having the same issue, I have unlocked the top trees in the highest tiers but didn't unlock very much in the "aerodynamics" (spaceplanes) path -- my guess is that it is getting limited there in some form. If this is the case, the restriction should be removed and changed to a "rockets OR aerodynamics" not BOTH for the larger part sizes to unlock in the part edit context menu.

I don't see why it should be that way. If you have, say, KW fairings, they're in the aerodynamics tech, so you need to unlock it to get them. The same is true for PF. Rocket (construction) tech is needed for larger thrust plates, not fairings.

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Right now ProceduralFairings mod is not behaving correct in KSP 64 bit. There is some difference in how .decouple() function is being handled between 64 and 32 bit client, resulting in force on fairings not being applied correctly (looks like force just doesn't have correct direction applied, instead it just explodes in attachment node point).

It all results in fairings being just detached from ship, but either no force is applied, or it's applied to vessel instead, changing torque/power in VAB does not impacts decoupling behaviour.

Any chance for some fix? Or way of generally fixing problem with .decouple() in 64? Exactly same problem renders Kerbal Attachment System unusable atm.


Can it be related to http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/2412 ?

Edited by koksny
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Are you talking about the 64-bit hack for Windows? It's unrealistic to ask mod authors to support a hack that Squad won't even touch. Firstly, it is quite possible that no code change will fix the problem. Secondly, it is quite possible that *if* a fix is possible, that it would break as and when Squad produce an official 64-bit version, and the fix will have to be un-fixed.

The 64-bit hack is fun, but it isn't the way to go.

If you are talking about the Linux 64-bit, that is different.

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It's kind of misleading imo to call 64 bit Unity player a "hack", you probably wouldn't call a 64 bit web browser a "hack". Besides, fact is that except this one case there are no incompatibilities between 64/86, in wide variety of mods (Like highly physics/math precision dependent FAR/IR)

If there is in fact some dependency in code that relies on floating point, 64/86 integer precision, it's not like it is not causing problems already. As you can see on bugtracker, there are in fact some stack overflows problems with decouplers right now, leading to game crashing on Mac/Nix (with exception handler keeping it from crashing on Win). So even if it's "not supported hack", i believe it can at least be used as feedback to backtrack x86 problems.

And really, playing the game on 64 bit player is just so much smoother and faster that i'm not going to give up so much FPS performance just to get back into x86 texture-reduction-mods hell. And i hope modding community will soon help with supporting "unofficial" x64 player, just as now there are modders modding "unofficial" mods. I literally believe it's just case of waiting before everyone using mods like KW/B9 will get into x64, because it's just so good. (And the "hack" is really pasting two files. Truly a hack.)

Also i'm not coming here just expecting to get a fix - it's in fact a matter of 2 days looking in code for this little pesky bug. And i'm not a dev at all. Just hoping that with this knowledge someone with experience in C# can at least find an ugly hotfix. Or at least tell me where to look for code of decouple()/ModuleDecoupler.

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  koksny said:
It's kind of misleading imo to call 64 bit Unity player a "hack", you probably wouldn't call a 64 bit web browser a "hack". Besides, fact is that except this one case there are no incompatibilities between 64/86, in wide variety of mods (Like highly physics/math precision dependent FAR/IR)

Considering that it involves forcing the 32 bit KSP.exe executable (and two 32 bit dlls) to run with the 64 bit Unity player... which wasn't intended and isn't supported, yeah I'd call that a hack. Don't forget that just because you're using the 64 bit Unity player doesn't mean that the KSP side of things is suddenly 64 bit. That discrepancy hasn't been and probably can't be addressed with the tools available to the modding community. It requires access to the KSP source code and recompilation into 64 bit versions. (to say nothing of any required code edits beforehand)

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  Starwaster said:
Considering that it involves forcing the 32 bit KSP.exe executable (and two 32 bit dlls) to run with the 64 bit Unity player... which wasn't intended and isn't supported, yeah I'd call that a hack. Don't forget that just because you're using the 64 bit Unity player doesn't mean that the KSP side of things is suddenly 64 bit. That discrepancy hasn't been and probably can't be addressed with the tools available to the modding community. It requires access to the KSP source code and recompilation into 64 bit versions. (to say nothing of any required code edits beforehand)

Just to prove a point - it does not. Executable itself is a player, there is no "32 bit ksp executable", you can replace it with any Unity player. And the only DLL involved is 64 bit Mono. Any sort of hack would require modification of game files, this method doesn't. And it is, kind of, intended. The fact that it works on Windows is probably leftover from the nix versions.

But as i said, i'm not a dev so i can't prove here anything, but in same time i'm fairly confident there are ways to override API functions. Maybe there is possible some rough replacement for decoupling code, maybe it is case of some simple modificiations, one way or the other, i'm at least hoping for someone smarter than me to try cracking the problem before calling it unadressable (if thats a word).

I mean, come on, i'm not calling for multiplayer or fluid dynamics, it's case of some slight model hitbox collision miscalculation. It's probably some position value getting wild with precision, and it's the only thing standing between me, and thousands parts stations working without crashes and with decent fps. There just has to be way.

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  koksny said:
Just to prove a point - it does not. Executable itself is a player, there is no "32 bit ksp executable", you can replace it with any Unity player. And the only DLL involved is 64 bit Mono. Any sort of hack would require modification of game files, this method doesn't. And it is, kind of, intended. The fact that it works on Windows is probably leftover from the nix versions..

even if thats correct about ksp.exe there are two dlls that contain KSP code, the game code and modules. they are 32 bit. unless there are 64 bit versions you have access to?

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