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What-or who-got you into this game? What has your time since then been like?


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I was watching youtube videos about minecraft from chickenkeeper24 and saw his Ksp videos and started watching...

Downloaded the demo..

My wife became a widow and my children fatherless orphans...

I bought the full version and now I play for around 18 hours a day...

Eating and sleeping at my computer..

Friends call and they don't ask what I'm doing any more..

They already know....

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I heard of KSP from a youtuber I am subbed to, called PlumpHelmetPunk. He posted a couple of videos of KSP in late 2011. Downloaded the game soonafter, it was free then :sticktongue:. Have been playing it on and off ever since.

Edited by Fleb
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I came across

while browsing youtube. Downloaded the game, then at version 0.11, as soon as the video ended. When 0.14 was near, I bought the game (for $7, it was cheap back then! I almost wish I had paid more.) as soon as I could convince my parents.
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selif1's KSP videos. selif1 is one of the best commentators out there. He explains what he's doing. He's not like HOCgaming, Duncan and Zoey Proasheck from the Yogscast, et cetera, et cetera. He doesn't spam talking like some. Scott manley talks a lot, but he is AWESOME. So he doesn't count.

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Northernlion's Apollo to infinity and beyond series. He never got into an actual orbit but he got REALLY high up for they number of attempts he made. His first few were pure SRB. I do way better than him but i always wished he would make more.

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Mucking around on YouTube for Universe Sandbox vids, found Kurtjmac, found KSP, got 0.13.3. Yeah, I've been here for a while.

Although I did have a dream where it was the old KSP title screen, and I dreamed that the Kerbals on top were green blobs with eyes... And this was the day before I found KSP. :P

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Finnish hobby astronomer's magazine made an article about KSP during last autumn. I downloaded a demo and made first rockets. After 2 or 3 flights I bought a full version (it was 18.0). After that the game has delayed all of my other hobby projects and caused some conflicts with wife. It is the most addictive game I have ever played.

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I first heard about KSP when people starting talking about it on reddit on the r/space subreddit. At first I thought it was a joke like all the other space games out there, but after a few months and so many people talking about it, I decided to try the demo. I downloaded the full game the next day and have played almost every day since then.

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Long ago, in the days before KSP even had the Mun, the founder of the Let's Play group the Freelance Astronauts (Maxwell Adams) posted a video showcasing 0.8.4. Around two or so months later, I saw that video and thought KSP sounded pretty cool. So I went and downloaded it, and joined the forums a little while later around the time 0.12 came out and blew all our minds with the addition of the Mun. I played KSP pretty much daily from then on (much to the annoyance of my best friend). Good times.

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I watched Kurt's first KSP video. I was instantly hooked.

For four months, I waited in anticipation (I was waiting for tax refund). Watching all the videos I could find, finding out about all the Easter Eggs, getting the demo (back when it was 13.3, rather than the new demo), signing up for a forum account. Finally, I downloaded it... and it ran slow.

But that's fixed now, because I have a new computer. Easily the best game I've ever played, even when I did have lag!

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KSP is awesome. I saw it on steam, played the demo, got the game and then spent 188 hours on it and counting :) My first dock took me three days and I smiled for a week. No other game ever made me feel like that!! Since then Kethane Mining, Easter Egg hunting with ISA MapSat, KW Rockets and AIES. The mods are amazing and the game just grows and becomes more and more amazing. I love it.

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I was looking around for gmod videos in Youtube, then, I saw kerbal space program and it looked nice in the thumbnail, (was of the VAB) I clicked and the youtuber was making a shuttle, I loved it. He wasn't famous and I don't remember his name though.

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A friend who plays Minecraft found it and mentioned it to me. She was like "You like to build model rockets and you're always talking about how you use clustering and staging for your model rockets.. you should try KSP."

My incomplete Saturn 5, Saturn 1B and V-2 are now collecting dust and my Saturn 1 Block 2 is sitting with 5 engines installed and wired for launch, pouting at me from the launch pad assembly on my desk.

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I heard of this game via this guy called JJ5X5 (I really liked his minecraft series) in 0.8.4. I saw that it was a casual space simulator, crashy game. I downloaded the game and had tons of fun with it. When 0.9 came, I started looking for tutorials and stuff as such. That's when I found Scott Manley. I really liked the game at that point and pre-ordered the game for $7. When .14 came, I really started making significant progress since. It's been almost 2 years since I first started playing.

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A friend of a friend told me about KSP, had me watch a bunch of YouTube videos and I smiled and nodded. I'm a HUGE space flight nerd, so he naturally knew I'd like it.

I'm not typically a fan of unfinished software so I moved on and forgot about Kerbal Space.

I saw it advertised on Steam and was reminded of the videos, and I had the extra $ so I bought a copy... Since then I've played over 1141 hours (by Steam) and have got a copy of it for pretty much everyone on my Steam friends list. I even gave one away (on sale) on facebook O_o ... this is not normal "every day joe behavior"... Have to say ...

In summary, with cheese. Somehow there's some of me in this game, not unlike a song you feel is in some way yours. THANKS KSP Team! for the dream :D


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