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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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I'm making something for Nyrath's Orion mod, figured I should post it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56154768/KSP.21/KorionLaunchSite.png

I like it!!

So Raz. Instead of erm.. Having to write my own module (i can't do it). Making it so that adding a certain gameobject at a certain angle emit smoke on launch.

Adding particle systems that emit only when you launch should be a sub-mod. Hopefully someone will help you achieve that.

You'd be most likely to get help after Squad fixes their exporter/importer for the legacy-based particle components.

I'm working on something....Quite epic!But for those curious,there are no pictures because its a secret.

Lol. Shh don't tell us that, it's a secret!

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Are there plans for more monolithic structures in the future of this mod?

Because although the kerbol system is neat, I like the idea of discovering ruins or structures all over the place.

Yes - I am making some stock EE ruins to discover and some to explore and will publish them when they're ready. :)

I have found a bug.


Hint: look at the navbal.

Using IVA when the placement mode is active results in a strange, out of body type experience. Is this a known bug?

I'll take a look. Step to replicate is just to create or select an object while in IVA mode?

@Devo; Very nice company monument! :D

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I'll take a look. Step to replicate is just to create or select an object while in IVA mode?

So far, it seems to only happen when the positioning controls are active. Creation didn't cause a problem, just editing.

I switched to IVA after placement. External view seemed to jump around abit too.

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Well it's in game and it works now! It still doesn't look that great, probably because I tried to fit everything into a single 1080x1080 texture. The main hill thing is face-mapped too.

Here's the zip if anybody wants it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21315217/OT-Rover%20Test%20Ground.zip

I'll probably do some more with it later on but I have been playing SRIV constantly instead.

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My kerbal portraits now flash pink and other colors when I start a flight, and are black (with no kerbal) while the flight is in progress. I installed this mod and the Kerbin City content, but not the beta content.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?

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Is there a possibility, in the far, far future maybe, that we could change/mod the atmosphere of planets or is that not in the scope of this mod (Im asking because it looks like it might be possible, if you already can do such stuff like adding buildings...)

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Is there a possibility, in the far, far future maybe, that we could change/mod the atmosphere of planets or is that not in the scope of this mod (Im asking because it looks like it might be possible, if you already can do such stuff like adding buildings...)

Adding buildings and changeing the atmosphere are way different things. What do you want to do? You could head over to ask at the Universe Replacer mod.

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Wait such a mod exists?! OMG! THX² (good I had ² in my clipboard already...lol)...I want it to so that ascending needs the same amount of Delta-V as it does for an Earth ascent.

No, it's for aesthetics only. Sorry.

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I've just installed Kerbtown and Kerbin City and note I can't get a Load menu in the SPH or VAB anymore. I have subassembly mod and am running in Linux via the native Steam client. Is this a known bug?

Edit: I removed Kerbin City and the Subassembly mod and neither had an effect. Now trying the 64-bit executable.

Edited by colmo
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A KFA.IND (yes it's something I made up, not a real thing :P) Airfield that is currently a WIP, obviously xD , and yes I do plan on lengthening the runway, maybe adding a hangar or two.

Edited by Psycho529
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Well it's in game and it works now! It still doesn't look that great, probably because I tried to fit everything into a single 1080x1080 texture. The main hill thing is face-mapped too.

Here's the zip if anybody wants it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21315217/OT-Rover%20Test%20Ground.zip

I'll probably do some more with it later on but I have been playing SRIV constantly instead.

Nice. This will be sitting nearby my KSC. I think I may add some slanted walls around it though (as a separate object).

Very slick. Reminds me of my sea port.

My kerbal portraits now flash pink and other colors when I start a flight, and are black (with no kerbal) while the flight is in progress. I installed this mod and the Kerbin City content, but not the beta content.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?

Next time it happens, quit out of KSP (ALT+F4) and send me the output_log.txt and any steps needed to replicate it.

Is there a possibility, in the far, far future maybe, that we could change/mod the atmosphere of planets or is that not in the scope of this mod (Im asking because it looks like it might be possible, if you already can do such stuff like adding buildings...)

Not in the scope of this mod, but changing atmospheres of the planet is actually relatively easy. I'm sure if you put the request out in the requests forum someone will take it up.

I've just installed Kerbtown and Kerbin City and note I can't get a Load menu in the SPH or VAB anymore. I have subassembly mod and am running in Linux via the native Steam client. Is this a known bug?

Edit: I removed Kerbin City and the Subassembly mod and neither had an effect. Now trying the 64-bit executable.

Sounds like you don't have the new "Assets" folder installed where it should be. (GameData/Hubs/Assets/KerbTown/*)

Extract everything from the archive rather than just the plugin library.


A KFA.IND (yes it's something I made up, not a real thing :P) Airfield that is currently a WIP, obviously xD , and yes I do plan on lengthening the runway, maybe adding a hangar or two.

Very cool! The tower looks familiar haha.

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Mockup of base layout...


Need to add roads, a crane near the pad, and a dock with the rocket transport ship moored there.

I do hope you post this up for people to use. I need another reason to visit those icy places.

Perhaps you might want to write an optional module as well: to adjust the friction of the wheel colliders that enter a trigger collider around the icy runway.

Then simply revert the changes when the wheel colliders leave the runway. Would be a nice surprise. :D

Good thing the ice doesn't melt between launches. :P

Edited by Razchek
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