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[1.0.5] TAC Life Support v0.11.2.1 [12Dec]


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remember when ever u update a mod delte the whole mod if u can and replace it. it keeps bad things from happening

It can also make bad things (or at least unpleasant things) happen too. Follow the mod maintainers instructions.

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Delete your GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg

The old mod stored the consumption per day in the settings, the new version does consumption per second, so instead of consuming 1 unit a day it's now consuming 1 unit of oxygen a second and depletes almost immediately. You don't need to do anything else, on the next launch the mod will find that there is no config and just create a new one with default values.

Unless you're having old ships that were created before TACLS 0.9, in that case the containers are probably of the wrong size and will run out quicker than intended.

Thanks, I have only one manned ship with the old TACLS parts on so it won't be too big a problem to fix them.

ANd yes I have deleted all mods and redownloaded them when the game updated.

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Guys, is there a workaround/solution for pods starting without lifesupport/running out instantly?

I downloaded the newest client (NOT x64 this time) and got the version of TAC LS.

Reading this forum, alot of people seem to have problems, some give vague advice (re-downloading etc..) which sadly did not help in my case.

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Guys, is there a workaround/solution for pods starting without lifesupport/running out instantly?

I downloaded the newest client (NOT x64 this time) and got the version of TAC LS.

Reading this forum, alot of people seem to have problems, some give vague advice (re-downloading etc..) which sadly did not help in my case.

What other mods are you using? It's been working well for me during some pretty extended missions with EVAs and ships of all sizes.

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I've had my own issue I've been unable to narrow down, so I just threw my hands up and went on my way.

With LS enabled in a career game, I launched a craft for that easy 'on the pad' set of science reports and then recovered it, and it NAN'd my funds upon recovery. I also tried a few variations and it seemed to end up being any craft recovery regardless of conditions. When I disabled LS via the menu, the problem went away. The life support materials are still being installed into the vessel and recovered, but it no longer insta-bankrupted me upon recovery.

It's annoying, but avoidable if I just don't use life support. And I have no idea what to chase down since the event appeared to generate no error logs.

This occurs with KSP x64 for windows, TAC LS Prerelease 0.9 #3. And I don't think you want me to list mods because I have something like... eighty. But even then, a ship consisting entirely of just a Mk I command pod generated the problem.

I'm scratching my head on this, but I'm not in the mood to go through the process of stripping down to stock and then going mods-in in chunks at this time.

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What other mods are you using? It's been working well for me during some pretty extended missions with EVAs and ships of all sizes.

Station Science and MechJeb

Hoping to add Koloniasation and Kethane. Just want to build a big space station for science and have the ultimate goal of settling other planets.

I know that you should wait for a month after a KSP update to play with all the mods you really want. It's just too damn hard to do that :D

Edited by Rockfeel
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I *think* that this mod is causing crashes when i load my savegame (fresh 0.24.2 save, just restarted the game).

The crash log gives me a statement from TAC that it's trying to add life support stuff to an EVA kerbal. With some exception errors.

The thing is, there are no EVA kerbals anywhere in my persistence file. I have no kerbals nor any capsules in orbit or landed, they're all recovered.

I think what might have happened is that during the last flight i landed in the desert, did a quick EVA to get a surface sample and plant a flag (Tac worked fine then, had proper resources in the capsule and on the EVA suit).

Then i boarded the capsule and pretty much clicked Recover within a second, perhaps TAC didn't have enough time to realize that the kerbal was now recovered back to KSC?

So now it's trying to add life support to an EVA kerbal that isn't actually there?

Idk.. Using 64bit client, also happened with the 32bit. I just know i can't play without this magnificent mod.

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has anyone else found that food, water and oxygen are not being depleted? im on 0.24.2 (steam) using TAC with a bunch of mods.

if its not normal, which modules should i check and update to make work again?


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I'm currently trying career mode in 24.2 (via Steam) and am using TAC .9 pre3. I'm not sure when it started or what caused it, but most of the tac life support modules are unavailable (even after having been researched). Any idea as to what is causing this or how to fix it?

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I'm currently trying career mode in 24.2 (via Steam) and am using TAC .9 pre3. I'm not sure when it started or what caused it, but most of the tac life support modules are unavailable (even after having been researched). Any idea as to what is causing this or how to fix it?

If you installed TAC after career mode was already ongoing, you may need to go to the node you have researched and manually research TAC parts from those nodes.

- - - Updated - - -

Guys, is there a workaround/solution for pods starting without lifesupport/running out instantly?

I downloaded the newest client (NOT x64 this time) and got the version of TAC LS.

Reading this forum, alot of people seem to have problems, some give vague advice (re-downloading etc..) which sadly did not help in my case.

I have the same issue, we are currently discussing this here as well - http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/2c1uzs/i_am_having_an_issue_with_tac_life_support_i_was/

Edited by aaqucnaona
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Station Science and MechJeb

It's not Station Science - I use that for a orbital station that has been working flawlessly with TAC LS 0.9 pre3. No idea if MechJeb interacts with resources, I don't use it.

Generally I'd expect the problems to stem from a mod that interacts with ship resources and conflicts with TAC LS.

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if u using mft remove it it hasnt been updated for 24.2 yet so dont work right. also check any MM .cfg to make sure u dont have any that would interfeer with tac modifying the cockpits.

if u start using tac on a game u already have started u ned on the first space port screen u at open the tac menu to active its settings then it kick in. ive found if u dont open that menu at the space port at times tac wont start right. thats only for first install thou.

@aaqucnaona that bug is random aaqucnaona it hits soem but not others. i had it for prerelease 2 but it stoped suddenly on its own and hasnt started back for realse 3. one way u can try to fix is remove everything that uses or requiares tac and reinstallthem to make sure that they installed right then also make sure u dont have any conflicting MM files that can cause problems.

mj doesnt do anything iwth tac so it wont notmaly cuase problems with it.

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Going on this I tried changing these lines in LifeSupportController.cs and SpaceCenterManager.cs:

//CrewRoster crewRoster = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster;
KerbalRoster crewRoster = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster;
var knownCrew = gameSettings.knownCrew;
//foreach (ProtoCrewMember crewMember in crewRoster)
foreach (ProtoCrewMember crewMember in crewRoster.Crew)
//if (crewMember.rosterStatus != ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.ASSIGNED && knownCrew.ContainsKey(crewMember.name))
if (crewMember.rosterStatus != ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Assigned && knownCrew.ContainsKey(crewMember.name))

This works and fixes the EVA resources problem for me. I have no idea if this causes any other issues or if it is all necessary or sufficient.

Does this solve the EVA issue in 0.24.2 with TAC 0.9 [3] as well? I am not familiar with coding, so if it does, can someone tell me how to do this?

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I just updated to .24 and I installed the latest version of TLS but I'm noticing that the capsules have no food or water included. Is this by design? I don't remember this being the case in the past as I think they used to have three days or so of supplies.


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tac has changed use the prerealse 3 the .8 version dont work with 24.2

I am using prerelase 3. I just wanted to confirm that there isn't supposed to be water or food in the capsule any more and that it wasn't a bug or an install issue.

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are u using modular fuel tanks it hasnt been updated and bugs stuff remove it

I don't think I am using it. So are you saying there should be food and water by default in the capsule?

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I don't think I am using it. So are you saying there should be food and water by default in the capsule?

Yes, TAC version .9 gives 3 days of life support to every capsule that is not already configured for it.

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jarmenia, I have the same Problem - no LS resources in capsules. I just gave up on TAC LS for now... But are you actually telling me, if i add LS containers, that i can still use LS??? Gotta try this! If that works i'll buy you a beer!! (or non-alcoholic beverage)

[edit] IT DOES WORK!! None of the capsules/pods come with any life support. Added LS tanks to the craft and it seems to work just fine now. Seems awkward to play a game starting from scratch like that though.

Should capsules have LS on them in v. (newest)?

If so, how can i add LS to them?

And thank you jarmenia for the hint that made me try this... no idea why i gave up so quickly.

Edited by Rockfeel
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So I tried this mod just today, and it strikes me that there's no dedicated Waste storage tank, as it appears to be the only waste resource that doesn't have an associated recycling module, and most of the other recycler modules appear to produce it. So perhaps a Waste container, a Waste recycler, or both?

Edited by Bomoo
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