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[1.0.4] SteamGauges V1.7.2 - 27 July '15


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@ Trueborn: I love your mod.

Then, I would love it even more if it was possible to have what follows (not urgent, I don't want to distract you from your priorities):

- a shortcut key for setting the HUD on/off;

- a configuration option for when the HUD has to appear. My preference is for the HUD to appear for vehicles close to the surface of the body, but not for vehicles in deep space (unless I really need it). Now I have to manually switch the HUD on/off (shortcut key would be great). I would like if your mod was able to automatically make the HUD appear based on altitude: if greater than a proper amount (like say, 20% of the radius of the principal body) it does not make the HUD appear unless switched on by the user, if less than the above set altitude, HUD appears (but can always be switched off/on).

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How can i move around this square icon that shows options? It appeared nearly in center of the screen.

And using orbit gauge, how can i know is im closing to peryapsis or apoapsis?

Edited by kiwiak
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I'll take a look at it. There is a chance that it somehow isn't saving the state change, I'll look into it.


You can drag the whole toolbar from any of the edges, although the lower right corner resizes the window. It is a small border, maybe try pointing the icon at the sun if you're having trouble finding where the icon and toolbar end.

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You can drag the whole toolbar from any of the edges, although the lower right corner resizes the window. It is a small border, maybe try pointing the icon at the sun if you're having trouble finding where the icon and toolbar end.

This will be easier with the next version of the Toolbar Plugin.

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Toolbar version 1.1.0 has been released by blizzy78. I recommend you go download it directly from his thread. I will be not be updating the 1.3.2 download with the new version of Toolbar because I plan on releasing a new beta in a few days. That beta will come with the current toolbar version, however. Edited by Trueborn
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I just got this idea.


Now we have just watch ungly stock resources chart.

So, something for one of life supoport mods, maybe for ECLSS or TAC - showing level of 02 and co2, maybe deployment rate or estimated time left until crew dies horrible death.

Edited by kiwiak
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Why orbital gauge does not show negative values of apo and pery?

Its good to know how low below ground goes our trajectory - thats how engineer redux shows orbit data.

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Version 1.3.3 of SteamGauges is now released with Toolbar 1.1, and a fix for XanderTek's bug. There is also a 1.4 Beta 1 release here.

I'll look at adding an option for negative periapsis values in the next release.

Thank you for posting this update. Even the next-to-recent version updates have made a big difference. I love trying to fly with just the gauges.

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@ Trueborn: at least with the last version (1.4 beta) it seems to me a minor incongruence exists with the orbital gauge: where it reads "Period", it actually displays the time remaining to the next apside (the minor among TTAp and TTPe).

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@ Trueborn: at least with the last version (1.4 beta) it seems to me a minor incongruence exists with the orbital gauge: where it reads "Period", it actually displays the time remaining to the next apside (the minor among TTAp and TTPe).

Thanks for pointing that out, but I think in the next version I will be replacing the period gauge with a time to Ap/Pe, and possibly An/Dn, depending on which is next.

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Thanks for pointing that out, but I think in the next version I will be replacing the period gauge with a time to Ap/Pe, and possibly An/Dn, depending on which is next.

Fine. Time to next node woud be more useful to me as well.

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First off I love this mod, sort of wish the text wouldn't be unreadable at the scales I'd like to have, but that's fine.

I having an issue with the mod's calculated burn time and LV-N engines, in that it's not calculating and I have to switch to the stock burn time to get any sort of figure. For example my 11t Duna Science Lander had the 1070 dv transfer burn calculated for 33 s in 33 s, when switching over to stock gave me a ~4:30 burn in 12 m. On other vessels with LV-N's it's similarly refused to calculate. I'm currently running v1.3, so that may have something to do with it. Does anyone have a fix for this?

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I'm afraid I would recommend using the stock burn time for now. I'll be taking a look into the calculations again soon (I think it is picking up more engines than it should), but can't promise when it will be fixed.

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Version 1.3.4 Release!

Sorry it took an extra day, but here is your release for 0.23

In addition to the HUD working again, toolbar 1.2.0 is included with release. And all of the requests for the Orbital Gauge have been answered. There is now an option to display negative Periapsis values. The period clock has been replaced by a counter that displays the time until Ap/Pe or Ascending/Descending node (if applicable). The HUD's Periapsis readout uses the same option toggle to display negative values if desired.

The HUD's orbital mode should display when periapsis is > 500m and above atmosphere (if applicable) instead of occasionally turning off around apoapsis.

The maneuver node's calculations have been improved a little bit, but are still not recommended for burns over 1000 m/s or so. The HUD still display's the Nav Ball's values.


As usual, available on Spaceport or the alternate download.

Edited by Trueborn
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I have a clean copy of 0.23, and your latest 1.3.4. The HUD isn't showing up at all for me. Supposedly this is the version that updates whatever error you had related to the HUD.

Also, I used to be able to move the button position by changing the coords in the config file, but now that doesn't work. Once I start the game, my button position entries are gone entirely. It'd be wonderful to be able to drag the button where you want it, but barring that, having the config entry work again would be fine.

Thanks for an awesome mod.

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Version 1.3.4 Release!

Sorry it took an extra day, but here is your release for 0.23

In addition to the HUD working again, toolbar 1.2.0 is included with release. And all of the requests for the Orbital Gauge have been answered. There is now an option to display negative Periapsis values. The period clock has been replaced by a counter that displays the time until Ap/Pe or Ascending/Descending node (if applicable). The HUD's Periapsis readout uses the same option toggle to display negative values if desired.

The HUD's orbital mode should display when periapsis is > 500m and above atmosphere (if applicable) instead of occasionally turning off around apoapsis.

The maneuver node's calculations have been improved a little bit, but are still not recommended for burns over 1000 m/s or so. The HUD still display's the Nav Ball's values.


As usual, available on Spaceport or the alternate download.

Thanks for updating orbital gauge to show negative values!

Have you thought of implementing some sound notifictions and alarms?

There is nothing as good as few sirens and beeping to feel like real space pilot.

There was mod adding various alarms and annunciator (analog annunciator fits nicely with oldschool theme of steam gauges) but unfortunetly author disappeared.


Link to plugin and source can be still found in google cache by the way.

Edited by kiwiak
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