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Kerbin Mini Shuttle


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I left the note a long long time ago, but instead of using airbrakes, wouldn't you guys be interested to use actual drag chutes to slow the shuttle down, like the actual one (well the acctual one had both admittedly)? RealChute would allow for such parachutes and I'm sure most people would appreciate. If they were integrated in the shuttle.

Actually, airbrakes would also work using RealChuteModule. Simply adding an empty or invisible transform to the cap would do the trick.

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I left the note a long long time ago, but instead of using airbrakes, wouldn't you guys be interested to use actual drag chutes to slow the shuttle down, like the actual one (well the acctual one had both admittedly)? RealChute would allow for such parachutes and I'm sure most people would appreciate. If they were integrated in the shuttle.

Actually, airbrakes would also work using RealChuteModule. Simply adding an empty or invisible transform to the cap would do the trick.

Second this :D

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wouldn't you guys be interested to use actual drag chutes to slow the shuttle down, like the actual one (well the acctual one had both admittedly)?

That will probably be good to have as an optional part to add on. Right now the airbrake isn't only used to slow down, it's used to get the craft level while its still flying high.

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Actually, airbrakes would also work using RealChuteModule. Simply adding an empty or invisible transform to the cap would do the trick.

i think this or drag chutes may be a better idea, RealChuteModule seems to be a less intrusive mod

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Define less intrusive.

hard to say. i've had problems with Firespitter before loading errors and crashes mostly, and just using it for airbrakes seems excessive RealChute on the other hand is small and seems to be compatible with dam near everything

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hard to say. i've had problems with Firespitter before loading errors and crashes mostly, and just using it for airbrakes seems excessive RealChute on the other hand is small and seems to be compatible with dam near everything

I second that

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Guys, chill. It looks as if he's already got most of the work done; so what if he uses Firespitter? It's his shuttle, and the odds are you've already got it installed for support of another mod like: B9, KOSMOS, or cBBp's Dragon rider.

Let's all just wait, and see what the final release is like; then start complaining about issues.

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hard to say. i've had problems with Firespitter before loading errors and crashes mostly, and just using it for airbrakes seems excessive RealChute on the other hand is small and seems to be compatible with dam near everything

RealChute would not work as a stabilizer during ascent as he plans to use it however. The module is not flexible on that regard, unlike Firespitter.dll, which allows you to do damn near everything.

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Just a quick update.

-Nazari continued to import systems and test the fuel, weight distribution, and some separation issues with the LRB (losing control during flight before LRB separation).

-We've been researching how to resolve the drag, re-entry issue.

-Added additional artwork support needed by some workarounds we've been discussing.

-RPM (RasterPropMonitor) support implemented which required redoing the MFDs.

Experimental flaps to help solve aerodynamic issues during re-entry and at low speeds so as to keep from cheating by giving the wings too much lift capacity (Nazari will be experimenting and researching different methods to solve this).


RPM support for the cockpit. I had to do new artwork since the stock RPM MFDs didn't fit the theme and style of the more civilian KSO.



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-RPM (RasterPropMonitor) support implemented which required redoing the MFDs.

You probably want Hyomoto's help in redesigning the menus to fit the shuttle better, the stock RPM menus are very generic.

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Just a quick update.

-Nazari continued to import systems and test the fuel, weight distribution, and some separation issues with the LRB (losing control during flight before LRB separation).

-We've been researching how to resolve the drag, re-entry issue.

-Added additional artwork support needed by some workarounds we've been discussing.

-RPM (RasterPropMonitor) support implemented which required redoing the MFDs.

Experimental flaps to help solve aerodynamic issues during re-entry and at low speeds so as to keep from cheating by giving the wings too much lift capacity (Nazari will be experimenting and researching different methods to solve this).


RPM support for the cockpit. I had to do new artwork since the stock RPM MFDs didn't fit the theme and style of the more civilian KSO.



Have you considered using the space shuttle engines mod?

Also, I second the idea of adding some orange in the skin. It would look awesome!

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-RPM (RasterPropMonitor) support implemented which required redoing the MFDs.

In case you weren't already aware, RPM can animate the joystick and rudder pedals to show control position. It can also manipulate the throttle, switches, and indicator lamps. And if you wanted to go really crazy, those 10 key keypads could be tied in, too (although I don't remember if Mihara already put that capability in yet).

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-Nazari continued to import systems and test the fuel, weight distribution, and some separation issues with the LRB (losing control during flight before LRB separation).

are you still planing on using the real fuels mod?

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I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the off white textures with the panel shading, especially on the bay doors. They look pearlescent and remind me of 1701 from "The Motion Picture" And that is a very good thing.


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This looks awesome! I love that you are giving a lot of updates about it! RPM is a really awesome mod and I can't wait to use this but I might not be able to see the outside of the shuttle in flight. I am addicted to IVA now with RPM. :D

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