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Shopping for indie games.


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I've had it with the big companies, since they just keep releasing the same game over and over again and calling it a sequel with a number in the title, and also because they sell them to you for $50 even though the things are only about 80% complete and full of bugs. But how do you shop for little games like KSP? I happened across KSP while pottering around with Sandbox Universe, but obviously that was just luck. However, I will NOT go through Steam, for a number of reasons we need not go into here, so please, don't even bother to bring it up.

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Most of the indie games I find through forums, people usually have a thread recommending this game they found and it goes from there. When you don't know what you're looking for google isn't much help and I know you said you won't use steam but when it comes to indie games I won't go to steam either because the indie selection there is lack luster to say the least.

Basically the only advice I can give you is look for forums maybe even some older threads on here suggesting games and go on from there.

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Check out IndieDB and Desura.

Desura is essentially Steam minus DRM and evil corporations. It's really nice. Project Zomboid is a great in-development title, the incredible indie horror Paranormal is there, and a number of other really awesome games. There was a forum post a long time ago about Ace Combat that ended up with someone mentioning a then-pre-alpha PC game titled Vector Thrust. It's matured into a very interesting cel-shaded PC Ace Combat of sorts, and it's a Desura title.

Otherwise, as previously suggested, check out forums around the internet. Look at YouTube comments for other indie titles to discover new ones.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Desura looks especially interesting.

As for the kinds of games I'm looking for, I used to love the Total War series before they decided "Debugging is for pansies!" and saddled it with Steam, Simcity before EA decided to make it cartoonish and simple instead of a detailed simulation, and the X-Com top-down tactical shoot-outs, but only the early ones with base, research, and personnel management in addition to the firefights. Going way the snot back, I loved Master of Magic (but not the pale imitation of Age of Wonders), and Civilization before they decided to downplay managing your empire and just kept adding more military units and mindless conflict. I *LOVED" Morrowind, but gave up on Elder Scrolls when they decided to discard all the career alternatives, house-building, customized items, and kept all the tedious combat. And, I ike the occasional oddball that doesn't fit into any category, like KSP.

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Yup, definitely agree that Games are made now just for mindless people who don't enjoy thinking and working their way to the top. The latest XCOM and Tomb Raider Games were my final straw with bothering with AAA Titles. I've had more enjoyment with the 3 Indie Games I play, KSP, Faster than Light, and Don't Starve, then I have with all Games combined for the last like 5 or so Years [GTA being a exception!!!]

I'll generall have a Quick look through Steam, and Youtube for any fields I'm interested in, for instance, I found KSP through Youtube by just typing in "Space Game" and a Vid from Kurtjmac came up, after 5 minutes of watching it, I bought the Game straight away, no need for the Demo, and have never looked back. Kickstarters are also a good place to find some decent Indie Games that are in production, such as Lacuna Passage.

In my Oppinion Youtube is mandatory to watch some Let's Plays to get a proper feel of the Game rather than some Reviews by brainwashed morons who just like to Promote / "Lie through their Teeth" for things that aren't worth my time. Hint hint Firaxis...

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Yes, these days I do check Youtube to get an idea of what a game is like. But although that gets away from some of the hype from the company trying to sell you the game, the majority of player-made videos, well, SUCK! I hate having to sit through 20 minutes of garbage waiting to get to the point, or often just somebody fumbling around because he doesn't know what he's trying to do. It's still useful, but you have to dig through a lot of junk to find anything worthwhile. A plea to Youtubers: EDIT YOUR FLIPPING RECORDINGS!

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