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Bill, bob and Jebs immortality to end?


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I'd wondered about this myself. If so, then I guess it's about time for Jebediah Kerman to retire and take up his new position as flight director for the Kerbal Space Program. He can spend the rest of his hopefully long life sitting in a comfortable air-conditioned, and completely safe, control room.

I just don't think I could ever forgive myself if I were responsible for the permanent death of Jeb. He's probably going to need assistance from the rest of the A-team, Bob and Bill in that control room of his too.

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I'd wondered about this myself. If so, then I guess it's about time for Jebediah Kerman to retire and take up his new position as flight director for the Kerbal Space Program. He can spend the rest of his hopefully long life sitting in a comfortable air-conditioned, and completely safe, control room.

I just don't think I could ever forgive myself if I were responsible for the permanent death of Jeb. He's probably going to need assistance from the rest of the A-team, Bob and Bill in that control room of his too.

I'm inclined to think Jeb would prefer to depart this world whilst doing what he loved (and preferably in a huge explosion), rather than be grounded and stuck in a control room.

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I believe, though don't quote me on it, it was mentioned during the livestream that they'll still recover after a certain time has passed, but all other Kerbals remain on the lost list.

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If this is true, then I will immediately place Jeb, Bill, and Bob in a small, protected box in front of the launchpad to forever watch rockets launch that they can't go on.

Unless, of course, I have a "completely safe" and tested rocket that will take the trio to some base or station, and put them in another box. :P

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If this is true I'm putting Jeb, Bob, and Bill into a highly inclined and eccentric orbit so nobody will ever be able to harm them again. Oh yeah and they'll be in a box with no RCS, engines, docking port, or doors.

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If anything, Jebediah wants to go through the pearly gates backwards, doused in rocket fuel, while on fire, laughing the whole way... And then he'll stand up, look at god, and say ," Jebediah Kerman reporting for duty. Where's my ship?"

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I'm pretty sure it was stated during the live stream / marathon that 'Hero' Kerbal pilots (Such as Jeb) will simply be MIA for a while (one week), then become available again, while regular (randomly generated) Kerbal pilots would/could be perma-killed

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Actually... having time to think about it, the Kerbal "Dream Team" of Bill, Bob, and Jeb will be split up and given their own crews. They will be mission commanders for the most prestigous and dangerous missions.

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Rigorous testing and robust (have to have robust in a political speech) training plan have kept Bill, Bob and Jeb alive in my Space Agency. We test all craft to destruction before we allow any kerballed missions. Many Bots died for this information.

The amount of testing for aborted takeoff on each new rocket is a pain but it keeps most Kerbals alive. I have lost some though when I panicked due to something going pear shaped. Like landing craft flipping upside down while under P66 Translatron mode. Usually comes down to unbalanced fuel tanks.

Anyway, if Bill, Bob or Jeb get in trouble I just send Space Cat to retrieve them...


You know, I always wondered what a cat would be like in free fall (once it acclimatised that is).

Edited by NeoMorph
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I loaded my 0.19 game one day to find Bill on the beach near KSC, mournfully staring out to sea ( that game had a habit of spawning Kerbals in random locations, usually in eccentric orbits ), so there he still is. I didn't have the heart to disturb him and he made a really handy marker for deorbiting :). I would suggest if you wanted to park Jeb somewhere, to put him on the top of one of the mountains west of KSC - that way you can use him to line up for finals and use him as an altitude marker, and he gets all the excitement of high-speed near misses.

I suspect a cat in free fall would be quite amazingly messy.

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