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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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Matriarch sure looks pretty with all 16 VFXs running. I also was able to use the new FX for the ARM engines on these engines

Actually, wouldn't it be more realistic for the Matriarch to have one, big exhaust? Like with the RL Saturn V, it didn't look like five flames coming out of it, but rather just one big.

EDIT: That's not to say that it has to have one big flame. It looks really nice with all the small flames, too.

Edited by wasmic
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Oh yeah, Tiberion, a question. I still often use some of those old NP1-era engines (in particular, I use them in Reaching for the Stars). Since I try to release all craft files I demonstrate in RftS, I was wondering if you might put them up for download (or mind if I stuck the ones I use in RftS).

Actually, the only one that really gets used is the Bronco--the 3x and 5x Bearcats can be made by using 3x and 5x Bearcat S1 singles, and the M-50 and M-50 5x now have FASA counterparts in the F-1 and the Saturn V 5x mount.

So...would you mind having the old single Bronco up?

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The flames actually merge into one unless you're zoomed all the way in or throttled way down, I think it'll be alright. You can't really scale the FX up anyway (or even move them via config, most of the config options seem to be broken)

Nathan: Nope it's fine.

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That's the heat effect of re-entry making the part glow. Something seems to be disabling the fire trail that usually covers that, either a setting in KSP or an issue with your video card. I think the glow is normal, you just don't usually see that without the other effects.

I tested it here and its working as it should on normal settings.

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Think I've noticed an odd big here but haven't yet had a chance to chase it... Seems to be with the service module, it's not giving me electric or monoprop capacity in game... Everything looks fine in the VAN but get in game and there's nothing in the sm, although it does list their full capacities in the resources. Electricity won't charge into that "space," haven't tried transferring monoprop yet

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Hey Tiberion, seeing as you're working on a new Odin, there's a few requests I'd like to make:

1: Keep the black color scheme. It really distinguishes the Odin from other capsules.

2: Keep the funny legs for the Odin. Using them, it's possible to both land realistically on water and land. Coming down on land? Simply deploy legs berfore landing.

3: Keep the awesome heat shield pattern. It might not be very realistic, but it looks like flowing lava or something, which = awesome.

4: Keep the characteristic shape of the Service Module. It's another of the things that distinguish the Odin from other systems.

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wasmic: Some of those are doable - I'm not reusing the models so they're going to look different, otherwise I'll see what I can do.

RE: The electric charge: Yeah its bugged. Its also happening to Odin as well. When the electric flow is enabled on the trunk, you can see a small amount of charge flickering in and out (0.24 on Odin) but it never charges. I thought maybe it was due to the alternator module being on the same part, but even an engine with an alternator on a lower stage, an RTG, or solar panels will charge it.

So, I'll look into it. For now the smaller reserves on the pod will have to do. Only electric charge is effected, at least

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Helllo, i am having an issue with this mods engines. for some reasons when putting stacks of heavy parts my rocket tends to bend in the connections between the parts and the decouplers or stack separators... i thought the issue was heavy weight on the top of the rocket but i changed the fuel tanks for another ones from kw rocketry and it stopped bending or breaking.. the issue replicates with the connection between the low part of the engine and any separator i have.. i dont know why does this happen but it makes impossible to use the engines of this mod unless i put it on my first stage so it does not bend . cant use the fuel tanks unless it is a single stage rocket also :C

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If you aren't using the newest version (2.03.5) released within the last week, then that is the cause if your issue (due to the updated part joints in the last KSP release.

Otherwise, I need some screenshots or craft files (if there are no other mods) and a list of what mods you're using.

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im using the steam version. updated . yet the issue is still there. as soon i get home i will create a rocket with this mod parts and save it. i will only use the stock parts and novapunch ones . so far this issue happens when connecting either a fuel tank with a stack separator and a novapunch engine . being the engine of another stage. then the separator and then below the fuel tank for the stage before. it bends right on that connection.

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Because RCS is a control system. It's right there in the name: Reaction Control System

Basically, with so many new tanks and engines, adding in 4 or 5 more RCS tanks was too much. It's been that way for ages.

Mytrenet: Are you using the newest Novapunch though? Do a clean install, because any version previous to last week's will exhibit exactly what you're seeing when used in KSP 0.23.5

biohazard: dunno yet

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Because RCS is a control system. It's right there in the name: Reaction Control System

Basically, with so many new tanks and engines, adding in 4 or 5 more RCS tanks was too much. It's been that way for ages.

Mytrenet: Are you using the newest Novapunch though? Do a clean install, because any version previous to last week's will exhibit exactly what you're seeing when used in KSP 0.23.5

biohazard: dunno yet

I understand RCS being in Control, but the RCS tank is not a control system. It's a monoprop. I see it in Control though.

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They're part of the RCS system IMO, so I moved them where they are easier to find. Every time I went to add RCS to a craft I'd add the blocks and then have to flip tabs and go looking for the tanks, and it annoyed me.

Mostly, I was just waiting for better categories in the VAB. Except we've been waiting a couple of years now :P

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well , for some reason i did not see you updated this on april 7th, i had a download from april 5th, same version. dont get it ... seems to be fixed. there are still some issues but they are from one of my other mods.. this is an awesome mod :D

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Reminds me of the Sunday Punch N1. :) Glad to see it getting reviewed in a way. Could you, perhaps, add a 3rd tank that would taper from 2.5m to 1.875m (size of the Odin fairings and HGR Soyuz mod)? Ideally, there would also be a 4-engine, low profile, 2.5m orbital engine cluster. That way, we could make an N-1 lookalike of about the same fidelity as the NP Saturn V.

Oh, and I'm not sure if I like the purple effects. Could you look into making them yellow? N-1 was keroLOX.

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