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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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I got 8gb, I doubt that is the reason, unless there are some other factors...

You could have 10 million GB and running out of memory in KSP would still crash the game. KSP is 32 bit so if the active game RAM footprint ever exceeds roughly 3.5-3.7GB it will immediately crash. Don't ask for help then immediately discount the answers when people then give you that help.

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To be helpful, here are links to some of the texture reduction packs.

Novapunch reduction pack spaceport link

Squad stock parts reduction pack spaceport link

rbrays excellent active memory reduction mod forum link

B9 aerospace reduction pack spaceport link

KW rocketry reduction kit spaceport link

These packs installed together will literally save GB's of your RAM footprint. Wish I'd checked how much they all saved in total while installing them.

Installing all these packs will leave loads of room for a shed-load more mods without experiencing the CTD on load or in-game happening. I run at 2.5GB with all these chugging away in my install.

Edit: Switching to half-res textures saves a large amount of RAM too. Not sure how all these packs will add up on 0.23 but according to rbray, Squads new loading methods aren't the greatest they could have been in this update.


Edited by Kass
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escape towers are a must if you go for realism, in real life there is no revert flight when there's an explosion :P

Actually from the mod I just use the engines and the escape towers! (Everything else is awesome, but memory is an issue)

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escape towers are a must if you go for realism, in real life there is no revert flight when there's an explosion :P

Actually from the mod I just use the engines and the escape towers! (Everything else is awesome, but memory is an issue)

Ask and you shall receive:

This reduction pack frees up 427MB of the RAM footprint claimed by NovaPunch 2.03a running on a Windows platform.

Forum link - NovaPunch-2-03a-Texture-Reduction-Pack-(Extreme)

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my landing legs aren't really landing legs yet, they're just animated generic parts. Will hopefully change those over in an upcoming version.

And for those who asked, I wouldn't expect a release before the new year - we haven't worked on finishing the engine or started modeling new SRBs. The Freyja artwork is done, but that's all, and I have other related things to do there.

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my landing legs aren't really landing legs yet, they're just animated generic parts. Will hopefully change those over in an upcoming version.

And for those who asked, I wouldn't expect a release before the new year - we haven't worked on finishing the engine or started modeling new SRBs. The Freyja artwork is done, but that's all, and I have other related things to do there.

So we won't get a christmas present? Not even a little one?

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I do not know if it has been mentioned earlier, but the Yawmaster 2500 service module icon "explodes" whenever you mouse over it in the VAB. I have also tried this out on a fresh install of KSP, just to make sure it was not some issue with the memory reduction mod or anything.

Two parts from the FASA pack also did this, but that has apparently been fixed already.

Just figured I'd let you know about it, in case you didn't know.



Edited by SBaL
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Exploding parts are there because there are more than 2 resources and no engines defined in the .cfg. Its a weird bug. I added a 0 thrust RCS moduel and it fixed it for mine.

Thank you good sir. I took the few lines with that fix and added them into the two NP parts that was suffering from this bug. :D

Worked like a charm

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What I did was borrowing

//Fix for exploding VAB Icons

stageOffset = 0
childStageOffset = 0

name = ModuleRCS
thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
thrusterPower = 0.0
resourceName = MonoPropellant
fxOffset = 0, 0.25, 0.0
key = 0 300
key = 1 280

//end fix

from the FASA mod, and adding it after the end of the

// --- standard part parameters ---


paragraph in the cfg's of both the ...\NovaPunch2\Parts\FuelTanks\NP_LFT_2_5m_BigLanderTank and the ...\NovaPunch2\Parts\YawmasterCSM\NP_Yawmaster_ServiceModule folders.

I'm no modder, so I'm not sure if that bit of code HAS to be placed where I placed it, but that's how frizzank did it, and it worked. Which is good enough for me.

Edited by SBaL
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Exploding parts are there because there are more than 2 resources and no engines defined in the .cfg. Its a weird bug. I added a 0 thrust RCS moduel and it fixed it for mine.

Have added a fix for this problem here that doesn't require any editing on any parts, and fixes the problem on any mod that may contain the problem.

It's a really strange piece of code from squad that causes this... :P

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