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Which features do you want in 0.22?

Tom K.

Which features would you like in 0.22  

  1. 1. Which features would you like in 0.22

    • Resources (+Processing and mining)
    • Improved aerodynamics (+shrouds and fairing and better looking atmosphere in general)
    • Clouds and weather (GIANT STORMS ON EVE)
    • Improved IVA (modules to move around inside)
    • Continue working on carreer-mode
    • More celestial bodies (planets/moons)

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If i were given the opportunity to choose freely, i would like to see some sort of in-flight construction, cities around Kerbin and a part-organizer in the assembly buildings. Career-mode would probably be the best addition to the game, it would give a lot of current players a reason to keep playing, and attract new players to start :)

But i welcome any improvements to this amazing game!

Edited by Staffan
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Have a data screen receiving instrument readings from probes as they land on planets, moons, or the sun.

Have the heat physics set up for the sun to give you plenty of warning you are getting too close, reentry heating effect would work OK, before your craft goes poof.

Instruments for probes that could be used for chemical sampling of moons and planets.

Radiation and dust meters.

A comet or two for sending probes to study. One should be highly inclined to make it extremely difficult to get a close encounter to study.

Edited by SRV Ron
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I chose career, aerodynamics and atmosphere but I am happy with anything really.

But its a pretty useless poll as most people will just choose everything. You should have limited it to one choice only that really would be telling.

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Resources! That would add a whole new level of depth to my program.

IKR, resources would really get me into this game again... haven't fired up 0.21 cause I don't feel like playing right now.

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I put in a vote for career mode since the one I really want isn't there.

I know you have more planets/moons up there but what I would like to really see is whole new systems. I have a ship capable of leaving the Kerbal system (granted it would take eons to reach another one) but just the same I would like the ability (new engine type that only works in vacuum?) to travel to a whole new system and explore.

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I put in a vote for career mode since the one I really want isn't there.

I know you have more planets/moons up there but what I would like to really see is whole new systems. I have a ship capable of leaving the Kerbal system (granted it would take eons to reach another one) but just the same I would like the ability (new engine type that only works in vacuum?) to travel to a whole new system and explore.

I kept the options sorta in reach for 1 or 2 updates in the future...

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I voted for career mode development. That may include such things as resources and more planets/moons.

I also chose improved IVA because there is a huge amount of potential (particularly involving space stations and science-related parts).

Lastly, I decided to choose weather systems. I know it may not be practical, or even high on the priorities list, but it would be really cool.

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None of the above for me. I want to see a new, high res sky box. The current one is ugly as hell and when your zoomed into a planet in IVA it looks terrible against the background. And to go along with this...a more realistic apparent magnitude for celestial bodies AND spacecraft. You can see all the planets in real life ( five of them anyway ) as bright stars. Id love for this to be emulated in KSP. If you find Minmus in the sky that is a perfect example of how Jool should look.

And as for spacecraft I want them to do away with the 2.5km draw limit. Although not how you would think. After that 2.5 limit instead of just having the craft disappear have it turn into a small point of light that you can see hundreds of kilometers. This way we can see our satellites drift across the sky from the ground.

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I remember that electricity was a mod, then it became a game feature. sorry to say for the author, but it was a great improvement (not because the mod was bad, but now everything is compatible with it,.. )

same could happen with kethane, which is awesome!

Weather is my second favorite! modest wind, occasional showers on Kerbin.. lightning would be interesting during launching a hydrogen-lox powered rocket with many kerbals on board :P

Major storms on eve? gonna build a sailing boat :D

It's getting better and better!!

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Improved Aerodynamics would be very nice, also improved IVA and carrier mode because now it´s a pain to move over serveral Kerbals from one vehicle to another and now the carreer is hmm, let´s say it easy much like nothing.

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Changing the aerodynamic model would be a huge update, not in content and development, but in playtesting. Currently all parts are balanced according to the old model. A new model of aerodynamics would require a complete rebalancing of engines and aerodynamic parts. You can also expect that most of your rockets will not work anymore after this change.

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Changing the aerodynamic model would be a huge update, not in content and development, but in playtesting. Currently all parts are balanced according to the old model. A new model of aerodynamics would require a complete rebalancing of engines and aerodynamic parts. You can also expect that most of your rockets will not work anymore after this change.

Well better update it early then before adding more parts to reballance later...

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None of the above for me. I want to see a new, high res sky box. The current one is ugly as hell and when your zoomed into a planet in IVA it looks terrible against the background. And to go along with this...a more realistic apparent magnitude for celestial bodies AND spacecraft. You can see all the planets in real life ( five of them anyway ) as bright stars. Id love for this to be emulated in KSP. If you find Minmus in the sky that is a perfect example of how Jool should look.

And as for spacecraft I want them to do away with the 2.5km draw limit. Although not how you would think. After that 2.5 limit instead of just having the craft disappear have it turn into a small point of light that you can see hundreds of kilometers. This way we can see our satellites drift across the sky from the ground.

'Improved aerodynamics' does also include improved atmosphere... just that.

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The more I've played the more I realised the core of the game is interesting and novel rocket designs; stuff like missions and career mode are pretty irrelevant and I think spaceplanes are a waste of time too, but others like them so fair enough.

I'd like the aero to be fixed, because the asparagus designs just wouldn't work in real life, making the whole thing a bit unrealistic. The only drawback is the 16:9 screen format is ideal for short fat rockets.

I'd like to see more parts, and more places to visit. The parts should be interesting and novel contraptions like airbags, balloons, maybe even project orion propulsion etc and more science instruments and sample collection.

The other feature I'd like is for the flight and map screens to be merged into one display.

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