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Do you have any abandoned ships?


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At first I had an abandoned space station, the 3 man crew bailed when a kerbal on EVA jetpacked into the only solar panel... So that was floating around Kerbin for awhile...

Later I sent up a 20 man 'Colony ship" which by some great chance, collided with the derelict space station, crew bailed out.... so now there is a debris field of space station bits... and two halves of the colony ship floating around kerbin....

I want some pics of that.

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I had Jeb stuck in a rocket, of me failing to get to an orbit around Eve. Back then I knew nothing about the planet or how to do a capture burn.

Brought him back to Kerbin, since he was costing KSC a lot of money.

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I have a really simple 1 man lander on minmus. I actually tried to land on a really big flat but overshot it. So i had to land on a extremely small salt lake directly west of it. This one was completely surrounded by steep cliffs.

My brave kerbal went out and planted the flag, activated his jetpack and flew up to the cliffs to investigate the plateu above. Some beautiful pictures were taken. The Kerbonaut at the edge of the plateu, the small flat below with lander and flag, mountains behind that and above all that majestic kerbin and the mun.

After taking some pictures it was time to leave...

The Kerbal jumped activated his jetpack and slowed down his descent.

300-400m above the flat, well... he ran out of fuel. I hope he didn't feel the impact.

I have to admit, to my own shame, I forgot his name.

And so this fully functional lander with enough fuel to get home, will stay there as a sad monument of an unsung hero.

I will upload a screenshot as soon as i get back to my pc.

Edited by Baenki
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Yes, No kerbals stranded aboard though, It was the biproduct of my failed attempt at landing on the Mun 'Apollo Style'. (2 man lander can with a 3rd dude in a command module orbiting)

This god dammed lander can would NOT, no matter how I came at it, Dock with my command module, So I EVA'd everyone to the command module and flew off.

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I have a Research Station at 0º inclination around the Kerbin. Originally it was planned as a core habitat module for extended stay and study, however the Orbiter One's project funding got cut when Kethane was Discovered on the Mun. The Kerbinoughts were allowed to finish the research. Hermes I piloted by Bill picked up the Scientists, but not before they moth balled the station.

It was later to be repurposed, a transfer module was docked with the station, and the inclination was brought to 45º and it's orbit was raised to 250km. However project "Rescue Bacon" was postponed then scrapped. Obiter One station was then repurposed into a refueling hub for scanners headed to the Mun and Minmus. It was moved back into 0º and 100km and a fuel tank was docked. However, after an incident with a malfunctioning probe core and Port Solar Panel, the station has been abandoned.

At this time a mission is planned to send a de-orbiter module to the station and bring it down to burn up in Kerbins atmosphere east of KSC.

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I have one of my orbital tugs adrift around Kerbal. I decided to take it for a joy ride to Minmus and it didn't have enough fuel to make the trip back. Fortunately it settled into a very high orbit around Kerbin. I did launch a rescue with the intention of refueling it but I forgot to add a dock to the rescue ship so had to do an eva to get my kerbal out.

Since then my orbital tugs have been redesigned to be remotely piloted.

That is the only ship I have floating around, though I do have Bill floating out in the middle of nowhere on his way out of the system after a failed attempt to get to Eeloo, sent him on eva to play around, went to space center to clean up my mess, deleted the ship and forgot about Bill.

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In 0.21 I have noe after i did an 13Km/s landing on Moho with an probe who was launched wrong towards it. Yes I could probaly done an Eve aerobraking with it but it was passing close to Moho.

Guess I will end up with an lot of burned out probes as you can not simply end their missions anymore.

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I have a capsule left on the Mun, empty. A hundred meters away lies the four descent motors of the automated rescue craft. There is a flag at the capsule and the debris of the lander, telling the story of the fated Last Light mission. On Kerbin, there is an empty capsule, once again with a flag. About halfway between KSC and the landing site lies a rescue plane which ran out of fuel, then next to that lies the debris of a rescue plane. I'm thinking of uploading my save file so people can see the story of Last Light, by reading the flags.

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not in space, but somewhere on Kerbin. It was one of my first Airplanes in .21 and I forgot to put a ladder on it so the pilote can return back inside the cockpit.

Since the pilote was jeb, I made a rescue mission and picked him up, but his now unmanned aircraft still stands around in the middle of nowhere.

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In 2.0, there are four Voyager type probes in solar escape. Some even have full fourth stage fuel tanks with three third stage boosters also on solar escape velocity.. And, a lot of empty boosters either in Kerbal or solar orbit. Several probes are now in abandoned orbit or landed on various planets and moons in the Kerbal system. Crushed remains are somewhere in Jool. The sun probes were vaporized long ago.

In 2.1, there is a probe on solar escape at a inclined angle due to a bad launch. That's when I learned that the SAS module attached to the Kersputnik has to be disabled to regain control of the probe once you ditch the last stage of that rocket launching it.

Edited by SRV Ron
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My first station module ended up in a Polar orbit around Kerbin due to a *ahem* malfunction during launch. The station was meant for testing long duration missions in Kerbin orbit. It only has solar arrays and a reserve of Monopropellant on board now. While I've replaced it with a much larger (and more useful) equatorial station, it did serve as the docking target for my program's first orbital rendezvous. Before returning to Kerbin, the ship that docked corrected it's orbit to a more circular / stable orbit. So it's safe.

For now it remains piloted by computer in polar orbit. No plans currently, but it could be incorporated to the new station or be used as the core of a much larger polar orbit station in the future.

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I actually make the effort to decommission my abandoned vessels. I docked with my first space station last night, moved the crew to the rocket and used the rocket's engine to push the station into an orbit where it would eventually lose altitude and burn up on re-entry. Got a nice shot just before it crashed into the ground.

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I launched an unmanned test rocket, seeing what I could do with massed nuclear engines. Just forgot one little detail... remote control units require battery power. Mine died just after I started my circularization burn... and since I couldn't turn the engines OFF, it quickly became a planetary escape burn. Dang thing ended up on an elliptical solar orbit that nearly reached Jool by the time it ran out of fuel.

But... Don't engines produce power when running?

Otherwise, that is downright hilarious.

I have... A LOT of abandoned missions. Three or four space station parts in kerbin orbit, waiting for me to figure out how to dock the fracking things.

Various unkerbed probes, including my first ever successful mission. Which ended up on a solar escape orbit, because whoops.

Until recently, I had a bunch of kerbals in orbit waiting to be station crew. Got sick of having them up there and end-missioned them.

Anybody sent to the Mun is still there, unless they're dead. I'm actually working on a way to get them BACK. It works well, but landing is iffy in the new update.

There's a bunch of unkerbed rovers and some habitation structures up there. Most of the rovers are broken, since I'm bad at driving them. Every time one broke, I launched another one up. There's like five or six there. And there's a GIGANTIC rover up there, that's basically a base on wheels. That's not abandoned, though; I took so much time and effort to GET it there, I'm going to find a use.

There is, however, a slightly broken version of it (wheels broke on landing), the lander for it and crew from a prior attempts, where there wasn't enough fuel to land everything, and the rover had to be dumped to save kerbals. And a couple of habitation modules sat around, awaiting a reason for them to exist.

My Minimus exploration went badly. One mission landed with fuel to come back, but no chutes to land with. The next had chutes, AND a rover, but someone had a rovering accident and fell through the goddamn ground, exploded, and died. Then one of the other crew had an unfortunate encounter with a mountain trying to take that guy's place on the return.

I eventually decided 'screw it', and just hopped the first lander to the second, jetpacked the short way across, and shot them both back to kerbin. But the landing didn't work out, and they died on splashdown. At least they died on kerbin.

There's a Duna probe mission that missed, and one I got bored of while waiting for an encounter.

Numerous probes in orbits, as I was playing with lifters. Probes around the mun and minimus, landed on them, etc. But they're carrying instruments and powered up, so not really abandoned, just quietly doing their job.

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Question. The Apollo missions. The lander takes off, docks with the CM. Crew transfers then the lander is ditched, no? So to this day is the LM still orbiting the moon? Or do they deorbit it?

The mascons in the Moon (areas under the large impact basins) cause some low orbits around our Moon to be unstable. As a result, the Apollo 11 ascent stage eventually crashed into the lunar surface. Some later LM ascent sages were deliberately deorbited to crash on the Moon.

Edit: Ah! I see that the LM ascent stage from Apollo 10 was remotely sent out of lunar orbit into orbit around the Sun (I had forgotten that). So it is the only remaining flight LM ascent stage still intact...but apparently it's exact location is unknown.

Edited by Brotoro
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Then the great .21 solar flare destroyed all exposed vessels.

In the post .21 Kerbal Space Program, Bill's "Dogolpon" spaceplane crash landed on a beach during initial testing, and is now a high class hotel/fuel depot


Bill and his Crew, bored of sitting around in Kafrica, decided to attempt to fly the stricken Dogolpon back to the KSC using its secondary engines (4x sabre s engines).

Sadly, Bill was killed in a horrific ladder accident right before takeoff. However, his crew was able to get the plane airborne again and flew back to KSC with no issues (aside from Bob's corpse falling out of the "not food" cabinet mid flight). It's now at the Kerbal Space Exploration Museum on the old airfield.

WOO, salvage missions!!

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My Jool Lunar Lander mission had (in addition to a drive stage, a habitation stage from the HOME mod, and the lander itself) a single full Jumbo-64 tank with four solar panels, a large RCS tank, and a Mk2 lander-can. Since the spaceship was so huge and it ran off of four nuclear engines, the J64 was fully depleted by the time the initial transfer burn was complete. Delta-V was already tight, so I just dumped excess RCS fuel into its tank, moved its crew into the habitation stage, undocked it, and maneuvered it away before docking the rest of the ship back together. It has a Mechjeb module and the solar panels are still intact, so it's technically working, but by the time I reached Jool it was thousands of kilometers away from the nearest ship. Now it's a just a derelict drifting through interplanetary space, crew quarters dark and empty. Maybe it'll end up crashing into Tylo or something.

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A broken space station after a part clipping glitch lost its docking port, one of the back up engines and half the solar panels.

It's really creepy, a broken battered old ship orbiting kerbin.

Also an abandoned mun base, at night only one of the base modules lights still work, the rover is tipped up and it's solar panels broken, next to a pile of broken bits of lander.

The base is like something out of a horror movie :0.0:

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I have sent a kerbel through my mass acelorator which had 200 mainsail engines in it as thrust and shot him out at ~300,000,000 metres per second......

Pics or it didn't happen. I don't believe you docked/built a thing with 200 engines, as it would crash your game and/or lag like hell. Also, good luck aiming those engines the kerbal,

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