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Possible Planet Additions (Revised)

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I have spent a great deal of time creating and generating custom celestial bodies. I was wondering if these could be possible candidates for addition. I know asking for more planets is on the do not suggest list, but I'm pretty sure creating them for addition is okay. Each of these planets have been simulated and calculated as realistically as possible (With some artistic flexibility). So in theory, these planets might exist in real life.

-12/06/2013: Added Cite
-13/06/2013: Added Bombora
-17/06/2013: Added Volco
-19/06/2013: Added Craio
-22/06/2013: Added Crato
-23/06/2013: Added Glace
-26/07/2013: Planet Name Changes & Tweaks
-25/11/2013: Added Niia
-11/12/2013: Fixed Bombora and its moons stats
-12/12/2013: Added Lavao
-16/01/2014: Remodeled some surfaces
-11/04/2014: Added Destry
-29/05/2014: Edited Blight and Ici
-22/12/2014: Edited Destry
-03/08/2015: Added Moei and tweaked some worlds

Here is a list of the ones I have completed so far:

(The stats for these planets may be adjusted if required to become satisfactory for addition)

(Stats presented here are the full size stats, if added to the game, these stats will be changed or reduced)



A view of Blalo and its moons from space.

A map of Blalo's surface.

A to scale 3D render of Blalo and its two moons Blolo and Ici


Mass: 7.486e+25 kg
Diameter: 28030 km
Volume: 1.15e+13 km3
Density: 6.51 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: 22.4 Hours
Orbital Period: 7.03 years (Not relevant for Addition)
Farthest distance from star: 3.7 AU or 552620000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Mean distance from star: 3.7 AU or 551300000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Closest distance from star: 3.7 AU or 549980000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Eccentricity: 0.0024 (Not relevant for Addition)
Inclination: 1.2 degrees (Not relevant for Addition)
Surface Area: 2.468e+9 km2
Surface Gravity: 2.61 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 279 K or 6 C
Axial Tilt: 17.4 degrees


- 38% Oxygen
- 16% Silicon
- 14.2% Iron
- 11.7% Carbon
- 9.8% Nickel
- 8.1% Cobalt
- 1.6% Aluminum
- 0.3% Titanium
- 0.2% Gold
- 0.1% Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Blalo is a large rocky planet, nearly twice the diameter as the Earth. It features a large canyon system that spans the planet, going down as far as 10 km deep. These canyons are the result of millions of years of tidal interactions with the planet’s two planet sized moons. The result is a crust that is not governed by plate tectonics, but rather the intensity of tidal forces stretching and compressing the very structure of the planet. Despite all this, Blalo is an inhabited world, home to many indigenous species. All life on the surface though is located only in the deepest parts of the canyons along the surface, the rest of the planet is a massive plateau that is regularly blasted with cosmic radiation, due to the extremely tenuous atmosphere. Only within the canyons is the air thick enough not only to provide breathable air to wildlife, but also to provide an ozone layer, keeping the bottom of the valleys capable of supporting life. Since all the gas is concentrated within narrow lines along the planet, the atmospheric pressure in the canyons is nearly 3 bars. The rest of the barren surface barely registers a tenth of a bar, basically a vacuum for any life form. The center of the canyons is home to a large sea-like river that spans the entire valley. It cuts into the planet deep enough to penetrate the semi-molten mantle and as a result, the entire body of water is heated by the geothermal energy from within the planet. It is also heated indirectly from the massive amounts of greenhouse gases emitted by the vast system of undersea vents that trap the little energy that is received by the sun within the canyons. The barren wastelands surrounding the valleys extend for thousands of kilometers, uniform in elevation with occasional mountains and pits dotting the otherwise featureless landscape.

Internal Structure:

Seismic recordings on Blalo have indicated that the inner structure of the planet is very uneven. Blalo is believed to have a dense solid metal core around 2000 kilometers in diameter, but the outer molten layer of the core is an egg shape, with the tip pointing a little bit ahead of Blalo's closest moon Blight. This coincides with Blalo’s tidal lock to Blight, with both bodies showing the same sides to each other throughout each others rotation. Strangely though, the planet itself remains roughly spherical despite the obvious gravitational interactions that would normally distort it, the reason for this is currently unknown. The mantle of Blalo is deeply scarred. The canyons seen on the surface technically extend down 200 km below the sea floor in the form of fissures. Evidence collected from deep core samples have shown that the entire surface of Blalo is spinning at an uneven rate. Over the course of millions of years, each plateau on the planet has shifted westwards, with some at different speeds than others. This creates great stress within the mantle, and around 3 million years ago, Blalo suffered a quake that spanned the entire planet, reaching 10.7 on the Richter scale during its peak. Around 85% of all species on Blalo at the time went extinct during this event, probably from extensive tsunamis ravaging the populated coasts. Planet wide quakes on Blalo were found to occur at intervals of 70 million years, and each time becoming more and more severe. The final analysis predicted that in 1.3 billion years, the entire surface of Blalo will collapse in on itself, causing a massive flux of volcanic activity that would engulf the planet in a magma ocean 10 km deep for millions of years. This so far has happened only once in the planet’s history, around a billion years before any life begin to appear on the planet. When this event takes place, the entire planet will become sterile indefinitely.


Blalo’s atmosphere seems extremely thin for a planet so large. The reason for this was found to be the tidal interactions from its closest moon, Blight, which regularly steals billions of tons of atmospheric gas from Blalo every year. Blight however can’t fully hold onto the gas, instead a column of air is formed between the two bodies, visible from space. It cuts off just 800 km before reaching Blight’s surface, where it then streams back toward the parent planet. The sole reason why all the gas doesn’t float back to Blalo is that when Blalo’s second moon Ici eclipses behind Blight, the gravitational influence from the two bodies combined force all the air on Blalo towards Blight, only to stop just before reaching the surface as Ici orbits past Blight's position. This gravity vacuum has been at work since primordial times, with only the deepest portions of Blalo’s valleys capable to holding on to any atmosphere during these events due to a combination of proximity to Blalo’s center of gravity, and the vast vertical cliffs that inhibit much air from escaping the valleys.

Orbit and Rotation:
Blalo is tidally locked to its closest moon, always showing the same side towards it at all times, as such, it's rotational period is identical to Blight's orbital period. Its orbit around its sun is quite circular and flat, not deviating by much.

Blight (Formally Blolo)




Mass: 3.231e+24 kg
Diameter: 11245 km
Volume: 7.445e+11 km3
Density: 4.34 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 22.4 hours
Farthest distance from Blalo: 95005 km
Mean distance from Blalo: 95000 km
Closest distance from Blalo: 94995 km
Eccentricity: 0.00005
Inclination: 0.04 degrees
Axial Tilt: 0.2 degrees
Surface Area: 3.973e+8 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.70 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 126 K or -147 C


- 45% Water Ice
- 32% Silicon Oxides
- 12% Iron
- 4.6% Nickel
- 3.1% Carbon
- 2.7% Nitrogen
- 0.5% Cobalt
- 0.1% Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Blight is Blalo’s largest moon. The surface is quite smooth, with periodic craters and glaciers spread over the landscape. The ground is a mixture of ice and dust, with different regions having more ice and others more dust than average. There are multiple shallow valleys that dot the surface, the largest going no deeper than 32 kilometers, but with a maximum width of 230 km. Overall, the surface of Blight is somewhat uneven, with plenty of hills, craters, and mountains creating an interesting landscape.

Internal Structure:

Blight`s massive bulk allows it to maintain a large dynamic core. Like Earth, it has a solid inner core surrounded by a molten outer core. The crust of the moon is quite thin, only 7 kilometers deep on average. The mantle is mostly composed of silicates and metallic ores, extending down around 3000 kilometers. The molten outer core produces a magnetic field roughly half as strong as Earth’s, however, due to Blight’s proximity to its parent planet, both its magnetic field and Blalo’s magnetic field merge into one that is nearly 3 times more powerful as Earth’s. Despite the activity going on within the moon, the surface is quite devoid of any geologic activity. Small fissures have been found on the surface, spewing out vapors and lava in small intervals, but no significant volcanoes or tectonic plates have been observed. Studies have shown that the tidal forces from Blalo seem to stabilize the moon’s interior. In other words, Blight’s interactions with Blalo are doing exactly the opposite to itself where as Blalo’s interactions with Blight are destabilizing Blalo’s interior.


Blight retains an extremely tenuous atmosphere, just under one tenth of a bar. The thickness of the atmosphere fluctuates according to Ici’s position in its orbit. When Ici is behind Blalo, the atmosphere depletes, when Ici is behind Blight, the atmosphere thickens. The reason for this is depending on Ici’s position relative to Blalo, its gravity either assists or conflicts with Blight’s gravitational influence on Blalo, where as when it is assisting, Blight sucks in part of Blalo’s atmosphere, but when it conflicts, Blalo sucks in part of Blight’s atmosphere. The result is a planetary exchange of gases that ensures neither two bodies retain any significant atmosphere. Blalo does maintain more than Blight only because of the massive canyons that trap any air that gets within them.

Orbit and Rotation:

As Blight is tidally locked with Blalo, its rotation is identical to its orbital period. Due to the proximity of the moon though, this period is very short, spinning around Blalo in less than 23 hours. This orbit has shown no signs of changing within the predictable future, although possibly within 7 billion years, Blight might collide with Blalo from gravitational decay. For the most part however, it has an extremely stable and circular orbit for such a large body.





Mass: 7.4055e+23 kg
Diameter: 8455 km
Volume: 3.165e+11 km3
Density: 2.34 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 3.57 days
Farthest distance from Blalo: 230100 km
Mean distance from Blalo: 230000 km
Closest distance from Blalo: 229900 km
Eccentricity: 0.00045
Inclination: 0.4 degrees
Surface Area: 2.246e+8 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.28 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 124 K or -149 C


- ≈50% Water Ice
- ≈25% Silicon Oxides
- 10% Iron
- 7.5% Sulfur
- 4.3% Boron
- 1.6% Aluminum
- 1.2% Carbon
- 0.4% Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Ici is the second, smaller moon to Blalo, but still quite massive in comparison. The dominant feature across the landscape is smooth, dusty glaciers. The majority of the crust is an ice sheet composed of frozen water and carbon dioxide with an average thickness of 40 km. The surface itself is coated in a fine silicon dust similar to finely grained sand. This gives the moon a light grey hue, due the mixture of ice reflecting light, and the dust absorbing it. The surface is very uniform, with only a few hills and canyons disturbing the nearly flat landscape.

Internal Structure:

It is speculated that Ici is geologically dead, that is the entire moon is solid with no liquid core or tectonic activity present. The core is thought to be a medium metal/rock sphere no larger than 850 km in diameter. The mantle is a mixture of liquid water pockets and solid rock and ice, with the liquid water pockets slowly freezing up and shrinking. Tiny quakes have been detected around the moon, only strong enough to be detected by seismographs. They are most likely the result of impacts from meteorites and ice shifting within the crust.


Ici has no atmosphere to speak of. A thin, tenuous layer of oxygen and argon less than a meter thick floats across the surface, although at a pressure less than a thousandth of a bar. So in practice, Ici’s surface is entirely exposed to the vacuum of space around it.

Orbit and rotation:

Ici has a very stable orbit around Blalo, and as with most moons, it rotates at the same rate at which it orbits, always showing the same side to Blalo throughout its orbit.





Mass: 8.36304e+23 kg
Diameter: 7200 km
Volume: 1.95e+11 km3
Density: 4.27 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: 26 hrs 32 min
Orbital Period: 806 Days (2.2 Years) (Not relevent for Addition)
Farthest distance to star: 1.71 AU or 255900000 km (Not relevent for Addition)
Mean distance from star: 1.71 AU or 255810000 km (Not relevent for Addition)
Closest distance to star: 1.71 AU or 255730000 km (Not relevent for Addition)
Eccentricity: 0.00034 (Not relevent for Addition)
Inclination: 0.53 degrees
Surface Area: 1.63e+8 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.44 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 292 K or 19 C
Axial Tilt: 4.1 degrees


- 30.5% Iron
- 29.8% Oxygen
- 17.3% Silicon
- 14.1% Magnesium
- 2.5% Sulfur
- 2.0% Nickel
- 1.9% Calcium
- 1.1% Aluminum
- 0.8% Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Cite is a young rocky planet with a diameter around the size of Mars. It is a heavily cratered world with many impact sites over 100 km in diameter. Smaller impact sites were probably much more numerous in the past but they have since eroded away. Water covers roughly a quarter of the surface, with most of it located in craters, thereby retaining the majority of Cite's habitation near them. Life is quite abundant on Cite, only the vast expanses of desert seem devoid of fauna. The seasons on Cite change relative to the rainfall received throughout the year as its axial tilt prohibits significant change in sunlight received on either hemisphere. Life on the surface tends to concentrate around static bodies of water across the planet, with many animals never leaving their respective area for the majority of their lifetime. The absence of plate tectonics and volcanism has left the surface mostly unchanged with exception to any erosion that takes place. The oldest standing structures on Cite are the many mountains that conquer the vast deserts, many of which are believed to be the same age as the planet itself. The rest of Cite is quite flat and uniform, with only the odd crater and valley interrupting a seemingly endless desert. Unlike many habitable worlds, Cite began boasting multi-cellular life forms very early on in its history, only 2 billion years after its birth. Fossil records have shown that multi-cellular life forms began to appear across the planet almost immediately after oxygen levels rose above 7% , first within water filled craters then expanding to the rest of the planet. Not surprisingly, most animals seen today on the planet have remained unchanged for billions of years, many of which have developed a specialization to a single portion of the planet, not found anywhere else. Despite this, a few creatures have extended their range across the planet, regularly migrating when food becomes scarce. Many of them are predators, although a few grazing creatures have also taken steps to encompassing the planet.

Internal Structure:

Cite has been geologically dead for around 3 billion years now, with only a minute liquid core remaining. It provides just enough of a magnetic field to block all but the most powerful solar radiation from reaching the surface although it has been steadily been getting weaker by as much as 10% per 100 million years. It is relatively porous, with many pockets of air in excess of a few kilometers in diameter regularly placed within the crust. This has in the past created quakes when an air pocket near the surface collapses, however this happens quite rarely. The crust is quite thick at an average thickness of 60 km across the planet. The mantle of Cite is still quite porous although not nearly as much as the crust is. Pockets of air and magma have been detected within the mantle, but are quite small and unevenly distributed, so they produce minimal risk to the surface above if one were to collapse. Cite’s core is extremely tiny, less than 700 km from side to side. It is entirely molten and spinning at a rate many times greater than Cite is, rotating nearly 7 times in a day. Cite’s core has been shrinking at a rate of 70 meters per million years and it will become solid probably within the next billion.


Weather on Cite is almost absent. Clouds regularly form and rain across the planet but only in very small intervals. This is one of the reasons Cite’s life is located only near bodies of water, as the vast deserts around them receive absolutely zero rainfall for many thousands of years. The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere can vary between 15% and 25% every few centuries, mostly due to wildfires that engulf the planet and persist for many months. Cite’s overall climate however is very stable, the past 600 million years has had nearly no change in temperature, only dipping every now and then from periodic asteroid impacts that release dust into the upper atmosphere, though most of the dust escapes Cite entirely due to the planet’s low gravity. Although Cite is well outside the “Goldilocks” range of its sun, an abnormally large amount of greenhouse gases have kept the planet from freezing solid.

Orbit and Rotation:

Cite has a very circular orbit, only varying by one hundred and seventy thousand kilometers from its farthest point, to its closest. Cite’s orbit has near zero inclination, deviating less than a tenth of a degree. Cite’s rotation is quite average, rotating on its axis every 26 hours.





Mass: 452 (Earth = 1) or 2.7e+27 kg
Diameter: 164710 km
Volume: 2.34e+15 km3
Density: 1.35 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: 13.5 hrs
Orbital Period: 229.47 days (Not relevant for Addition)
Farthest distance from star: 0.94 AU or 140624000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Mean distance from star: 0.74 AU or 110704000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Closest distance to star: 0.54 AU or 80784000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Eccentricity: 0.2703
Inclination: 1.6 degrees
Surface Area: 8.52e+10 km2
Surface Gravity: Variable
Mean Surface Temperature: 315 K or 42 C ( 6 C in Winter, 96 C in Summer)
Axial Tilt: 2.17 degrees


- 79.3% Hydrogen
- 20.1% Helium
- 0.4% Oxygen
- 0.15% Chlorine
- 0.024% Ammonia
- 0.015% Ethane
- 0.011% Trace elements

Surface Features and Internal Structure:

Bombora is a large gas giant that is primarily composed of hydrogen with a substantial amount of helium. It is believed to have a rocky core roughly 20000 km in diameter but otherwise has no defined surface. Surrounding the planet is a thick planetary ring system that orbits around the equator, likely as a result of two large moons colliding with each other. Bombora has multiple large storm systems in its upper atmosphere, mostly due to the high temperature gradient experienced by the planet during its orbit. Like most other Gas giants, Bombora's lower layers consist of liquid and metallic hydrogen, though the planet’s proximity to its star restricts the maximum size of these layers considerably.


Bombora has many distinct bands of clouds, the prominent green bands caused by the abundance of chlorine within the upper layers. Overall, weather on Bombora quite violent, with wind speeds regularly exceeding 1100 kph, and large storms recorded at over 2500 kph during the summer. The night side of the planet is nearly as well lit as the sunlit side, as lightning ravages the planet at nearly 5000 flashes per second throughout the upper layers, giving the sky a flashing, purple hue. Near the poles, the planet’s extensive magnetosphere brings extremely bright auroras for months at a time, depending on solar activity. During the summer, the aurora can be bright enough to be seen during the day in the upper atmosphere, adding a magnificent wispy glow to the clouds.

Orbit and Rotation:

Bombora rotates at quite a rapid speed, spinning around on its axis in less than 14 hours. The cloud layers are most affected by this rapid motion, creating extreme turbulence across the planet. Bombora is unique for gas giants as it has a very elliptical orbit for such a planet. The massive change in distance from its parent star creates a massive temperature flux that adds huge pressure differences within the atmosphere. The entire planet actually expands almost 35 km during its closest approach to the sun. Some of the most violent storms cover the planet during the retreat, as the cooling effect from moving away from the star causes the planet to contract, thus causing the position of storms across the planet to alter, sometimes making them collide with another although they usually rip each other apart in the process. While at its farthest point from the sun, Bombora is quite docile, only harboring a few large storm systems while the rest of the planet spins at a uniform rate.

Volco (Formally Blowi)




Mass: 3.01e+22 kg
Diameter: 3123 km
Volume: 1.59e+10 km3
Density: 1.88 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 19.9 hrs
Mean Distance from Bombora: 300000 km
Eccentricity: 0.0002
Inclination: 0.003 degrees
Surface Area: 3.06e+7 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.11 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 1673 K or 1400 C


- 39.8% Carbon
- 22.0% Oxygen
- 17.9% Hydrogen
- 6.7% Silicon
- 3.2% Iron
- 2.9% Nickel
- 2.7% Cobalt
- 2.1% Sulfur
- 1.5% Phosphors
- 1.2% Other Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Volco is the closest moon to Bombora, it is also the third largest. Due to gravitational stress from Bombora, the surface of this strange world tends to crack and split. The colorful liquid that spans the moon is many strains of hydrocarbons, ammonia, and other nasty chemicals that are direct byproducts of the internal reactions happening inside the mantle. The stress caused by the gravitational tug of Bombora causes a sort of mixing effect within the moon, generating an effect equivalent to a moon-sized blender. The exact processes taking place are anyone's guess, but however it happens, at regular intervals the moon bleeds a whole spectrum of chemicals, covering the body in dramatic light and color. Splotches on the moon, more evident on the dark side, are pools of chemicals that were too thick to flow into the oceans before hardening. Eventually these pools solidify, glowing bright in the process, before becoming part of the temporary landscape. The surface rarely stays the same for more than a few centuries, as constant eruptions from hundreds of volcanoes plus the regular chemical flows that can cover entire hemispheres are always reshaping this hostile world.

Internal Structure:

During its lifetime, constant gravitational stress on Volco has created a very violent mantle. Although it is agreed to have a semi-molten metal core, all of the surrounding rock is exposed to dramatic changes in temperature and pressure during its orbit. Volco has an extremely uneven mantle composition, compounds from the surface constantly melt and leak below the semi-molten crust into the mantle below. Strangely, Volco's mantle rotates at a different speed than the crust, speeding up or slowing down depending on Volco's position in its orbit.


Although it has no atmospheric gases in measurable quantities, molten ash and dust regularly floats across the surface, including small amounts of vapors emitted from the chemical oceans. However, the surface otherwise is entirely exposed to space, and as such, is a near vacuum.

Orbit and Rotation:

Volco has a synchronous rotation with Bombora, always showing the same face to its parent planet. Its orbit is quite circular and so far, the minimum and maximum distances from Bombora has never exceeded 1000 km from the mean.





Mass: 8.23e+22 kg
Diameter: 3474.2 km
Volume: 2.20e+10 km3
Density: 3.75 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 1.66 Days
Mean Distance from Bombora: 476283 km
Eccentricity: 0.00006
Inclination: 0.09 degrees
Surface Area: 3.79e+7 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.37 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 1873 K or 1600 C


- 51.3% Oxygen
- 25.9% Silicon
- 12.2% Iron
- 8.3% Aluminum
- 2.1% Calcium
- 0.1% Titanium
- 0.1% Trace elements

Surface Features and Internal Structure:

Craio is Bombora's second largest moon. The surface is mostly covered in a magma ocean, stretching across the moon. Quakes on Craio are extremely common, and many of them are capable of causing even the hardest stone to wave and flow as if it were liquid. This and the scorching temperatures high enough to melt metal, makes the surface of Craio a swarming ocean of stone. Craio's ocean does contain a few islands of solidified rock, although if one could stand on the beaches, they would find them to be no more solid than wet clay. The center of the largest islands are cool enough that the ground resembles stone, however the ground is still at least 200 degrees. It is not exactly understood why Craio has remained molten for so long, most bodies of this size should have cooled down in just a few millennia. Craio still looks as if it was born only yesterday.

Currently there are two theories to explain why Craio remains molten, both of which have evidence to support them but not enough to verify them.

Atomic Decay Theory:
This theory speculates that Craio has remained molten due to abnormal amounts of radioactive isotopes within the body, thus constantly reapplying heat that other wise would have been lost leaking into space.
Currently, no physical evidence has been found to support this theory. No significant amounts of radioactive isotopes have been collected from the survivable surface. Scans have shown that Craio is losing mass at a rate of 2 tons a year, possibly do to in part by radioactive decay although molten vapors evaporating from the surface seems like a more plausible cause.

Tug-O-War Theory:
This theory speculates that Bombora's gravitational field warps the interior of Craio enough to cause mass melting of the mantle, leaking the molten rock to the surface and keeping Craio at a constant high temperature.
Examining the crust so far has given no indication that the mantle is disturbed enough by Bombora to cause it to melt. The only major impact Bombora seems to have on Craio is the tidal bulge seen in the ocean on the side pointing towards the planet. However, seeing as molten rock is quite difficult to scan through accurately, the mantle may in fact be affected by Bombora, it just may be extremely hard if not impossible to detect with current technology.

As of now, the reason that Craio remains molten is still up for debate.


No atmospheric gases are present on Craio's surface. Significant amounts of molten vapors do coat the moon in a hazy cloud that expands nearly 300 meters into the sky. It is a very thin cloud through, only visible from either space or during nighttime. Since this cloud is composed of solid particles and not gas, there is no atmosphere technically present, although on a large scale, the cloud behaves as though Craio has an atmosphere equal to a tenth of a bar.

Orbit and Rotation:

Craio's orbit is a stable and circular one, varying little between apoapsis and periapsis. As with nearly all moons, Craio has a synchronous rotation, meaning that only one side faces Bombora at any given time.





Mass: 3.70e+24 kg
Diameter: 10423 km
Volume: 5.93e+11 km3
Density: 6.24 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 3.32 days
Farthest Distance from Bombora: 869800 km
Mean Distance from Bombora: 756345 km
Closest Distance from Bombora: 642890 km
Eccentricity: 0.075
Inclination: 5.7 degrees
Surface Area: 3.41e+8 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.93 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 334 K or 61 C ( 119 C in Summer, 24 C in Winter)

Currently unknown in exact quantities

- <50% Heavy metals
- ~20-30% Silica compounds
- ~20-30% Oxides

Surface Features:

Crato is Bombora's largest moon, larger than than all the rest of Bombora's moons put together. Crato is a very unique world, its massive bulk should have retained an atmosphere but it has not. There are two major features on the surface, both visible from space.

One is a massive crater that was the result of a massive impact, the second is a large circular mountain range on the exact opposite side of Crato from where the crater is. Many of the hills and mountains located here are jagged, uneven, and all composed of cracked layers. Even stranger, the rest of the surface is devoid of any other impact craters. When first observed, it may seem that Crato had beaten all odds and only got hit once in its lifetime, an absolute impossibility. What actually seems to have happened, based on rock samples gathered from the surface, is that a body around 1500 km across hit Crato at nearly 90 degrees. The speed of the object must have been very low, probably sharing Crato's orbit for some time before the collision. If the collision was any faster, Crato may very well have been blown apart and created a new ring around Bombora. Despite the low speed of the impact, the tremendous amount of kinetic energy released was enough to fracture and melt the entire surface, as well as rupturing the mantle. The quakes that followed formed the mountains and valleys seen on Crato today as the melted rock quickly cooled due to its exposure to the vacuum of space. The seismic waves then all met on the other side of the moon, where they merged into each other and created the unusual mountain range.

This impact must also have eliminated all of Crato's atmosphere, as some rock samples collected contained air bubbles. When examined, these bubbles indeed all contain gases common with terrestrial planets, and were not formed from vapors as the rock cooled. This series of events is currently the most accepted theory to why Crato is what it is today.

Internal Structure:

The internal structure of Crato is very uniform in composition, with an overall thick crust of 50 km, an average mantle of ~4500 km, and a small liquid core of ~650 km. Based on collected samples, it is believed that Crato was not originally one of Bombora's moons, but a captured planet. However this is not certain, as collecting decent samples for analyzing has proven difficult due to the difficultly of landing on Crato.


Crato has no detectable atmosphere. A possible thin layer of helium and argon might cover the surface but for all intents and purposes, Crato's atmosphere is identical to the vacuum of space around it.

Orbit and rotation:

As Crato's most likely point of origin is from outside Bombora's influence, the reason for Crato's elliptical and angled orbit is of no curiosity. As with most moons, its rotational period coincides with its orbital period, with only one face visible to Bombora.

Glace (Formally Ilalala)




Mass: 8.0825e+21 kg
Diameter: 2316 km
Volume: 5.20e+10 km3
Density: 1.25 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 31.6 Days
Mean distance from Cite: 225000 km
Eccentricity: 0.0004
Inclination: 0.2 degrees
Surface Area: 1.685e+7 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.04 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 105 K or -168 C


~80-90% Water Ice
~10-20% Rock and Metal

Surface Features:

Glace is Cite's largest moon. The surface is unusually smooth overall with most of the surface covered in a glacier over 120 km thick. Despite this, the ice is crawling with fissures 50 to 200 meters wide and extending for kilometers across the moon. The fissures themselves are not very deep, though some have been recorded to extend down nearly 700 meters.The majority of the ice located on the surface is extremely pure, almost 99% water ice. Impurities within the ice are only found in sufficient quantities nearly 3 kilometers down into the ice or near impact craters. The most of the impurities detected is a mixture of oxides and raw metals, with no particular metal more common than another. A few samples taken have been found to contain high levels of sulfur. With no obvious volcanism existing on Glace presently, the source of this sulfur is still up for debate.

Internal Structure:

Glace is nearly solid ice for almost 950 kilometers below the crust, and so far, no underground ocean or even a rocky mantle has been detected. Because of this, Glace has an extremely low surface gravity for its diameter. Glace's core is believed to be only 200 kilometers in diameter, made of either solid rock or a solid rock/metal mixture. The area between the core and ice crust is somewhat of a mystery. All attempts to analyze this layer with seismic equipment have all met with differing results. Most of the results point to this layer being no more than a kilometer or two thick and composed of some kind compressed dust. A small number of readings however point to this layer being a pocket of air 200 meters thick, entirely devoid of liquid or solid matter. Until more accurate detection equipment is designed, this layer will remain an anomaly of Glace.


Glace has a very tenuous atmosphere. A thin layer of nitrogen gas has been detected on the surface, with a density of around half of a tenth of a bar on average. In practice, it is better to assume the surface is exposed to a vacuum than to worry about any sort of aerodynamics on the surface, as even a paper airplane would need to be going nearly 75 m/s before it would encounter any kind of lift or drag.

Orbit and Rotation:
Glace's orbit is quite circular and has almost no inclination relative to Cite. As with most moons, Glace is in synchronous rotation with its parent planet, showing the same side to Cite throughout its orbit.




Mass: 8.619e+16 kg
Diameter: 28 km X 52 km x 32 km (37 km Mean)
Volume: 26522 km3
Density: 3.25 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 22.6 days
Farthest distance from Cite: 234850 km
Mean distance from Cite: 175264 km
Closest distance from Cite: 115670 km
Eccentricity: 0.34
Inclination: 34.4 degrees
Surface Area: 4301 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.002 g (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 214 K or -59 C


70-80% Silicon Oxides
20-30% Ferrous Oxides

Surface Features and Internal Structure:

Niia is Cite's second moon and is almost certainly a captured asteroid, as such it is not surprising that the little body is riddled with craters. However, most are nearly invisible from space as the rock is covered with a fine silica dust almost a meter thick. The origin of this powder is not well understood, but is believed to be the debris from millions of years of bombardment from small meteorites small enough to just blast the surface layers and create vast amounts of dust. The center of Niia is almost hollow, filled with multiple pockets averaging 2 meters in diameter although scans have shown holes as large as 10 meters. Overall, it is a metal poor body, with most of the metals either located in oxides or in spread out evenly throughout the rock, with no concentrations of any metal greater than 2 ppm.

Orbit and Rotation:

Niia’s orbit is very unstable, it is almost guaranteed that it will either hit Cite or Glace within the next 5 million years or get slung out of the system by Glace’s gravity. Even so, Niia has been in orbit around Cite long enough that its rotation is the same as its orbital period, so that the same side faces Cite at any given time. Current estimates of Niia’s capture range from 50 million years ago to as recent as 7 million years ago, although this is only an approximation based on Niia’s orbital changes within the past decade.





Mass: 7.76e+24 kg
Diameter: 11340 km
Volume: 7.64e+11 km3
Density: 10.2 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: 42.5 days
Orbital Period: 43.4 days (Not relevant for Addition)
Farthest distance from star: 0.36 AU or 53353000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Mean distance from star: 0.36 AU or 53000000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Closest distance from star: 0.36 AU or 53247000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Eccentricity: 0.001
Inclination: 4.3 degrees
Surface Area: 4.04e+8 km2
Surface Gravity: 1.65 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 1226 K or 953 C
Axial Tilt: 0.2 degrees


- 31% Silicon
- 23% Oxygen
- 16.1% Tin
- 14.3% Copper
- 9.2% Gold
- 3.5% Tungsten
- 1.9% Aluminum
- 0.7% Chromium
- 0.3% Iron
- 0.1% Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Lavao is a large terrestrial planet with a close proximity to its parent star and extremely high density. The main features on this scorched world are the large lakes of molten rock and excessively strong magnetic field. Lavao is a world dominated by volcanic and tectonic activity. Volcanoes regularly dot the surface and erupt constantly.

The magnetic field around Lavao is around quadruple the strength of Earth's, however, the miniscule atmosphere blocks nearly none of the solar wind captured and thus the radiation directly impacts the surface. This extra solar radiation melts the poles and paradoxically, the polar regions of this planet are much warmer than the equatorial region.

Most of the surface is a disfigured landscape of vents, volcanoes, caverns, and mountains, with the lakes of molten rock melting the surrounding beaches ever so gradually. As its parent star increases in luminosity, the lakes slowly expand into the surrounding area, eventually, the entire planet itself will liquify before being destroyed by its central star. Currently, the shores are a strange mixture of stone with plastic-like properties due the extreme temperatures, and ores of metals that still remain solid, a bit very brittle.

Around the mountainous regions of the planet sheltered by the sun and away from volcanic activity, strange masses of crude bronze dot the surface and the surrounding cliffs. While extremely impure, the alloyed nuggets are quite strong, although extremely weak under pressure, it holds up quite well to tension and shear. How these alloys formed is still uncertain, but the high concentrations of tin and copper on this planet, together with the extremely high temperatures may have created the conditions necessary for a sort of natural smelter. Even so, more research into the alloy is needed before a definite conclusion can be made.

Internal Structure:

Lavao is extremely dense for a body of its size, suggesting that it contains a high amount of metals within its core. The structure of the planet itself is rather strange. It starts off with the crust, around 7 km deep maximum and then transiting into the molten mantle. About three quarters into the planet, the mantle re-solidifies before melting again into the outer core. The solid inner core beyond that is tiny, only 350 km in diameter. The strange inner structure of Lavao is baffling, but the combined dynamo effect caused by the two rotating bodies of molten metals is believed to be the reason behind Lavao's incredibly immense magnetic field.

The solid surface above is believed to be actually floating across the mantle, not just moved by it as in Earth's case. The low viscosity of the magma and the huge mass of the landmasses prevents it from drifting swiftly, and it has remained in mostly the same place for most of Lavao's life. It is not uncommon however for quakes on this planet to affect the entire surface, as since it is all one floating mass of rock, a quake on one side of the planet carries to the other side with still a quarter of its strength. This has in the past caused the landmasses to split and crack, temporary creating isolated islands. These islands eventually reunite with the mainland over thousands of years, although periodically, they remain isolated for millions of years, before eventually melting into the mantle below.


Lavao retains an extremely thin atmosphere for a body its size. At a pressure measuring only half a bar at sea level, the main gases that make of the atmosphere are the denser varieties, such as Krypton, Xenon, and Argon, and trace amounts of Radon are present as well.

A significant amount of metal vapors also persist within the atmosphere, usually around and above molten lakes. Although the magnetic field of the planet is powerful, the proximity of the planet to its central star prohibits it from retaining most of the more common gases found on other terrestrial planets, such as oxygen and nitrogen.


Orbit and Rotation:

Lavao is in a stable orbit with its parent star, with negligible eccentricity and little inclination. Due to tidal forces, Lavao's interior rotates at the same speed that it orbits its parent star. The surface landmasses around Lavao however are somewhat slower, appearing to an observer that the planet rotates every 78 days instead. The motion of the surface has changed in the past.

Originally, the surface rotated at the same speed as the rest of the planet, but as the planet slowly liquified, different portions of the planet began to rotate at different rates. The interior has been speeding up faster than the surface, giving rise to the unusual rotational patterns of the planet.






Mass: 1.33e+24 kg
Diameter: 7530 km
Volume: 2.24e+11 km3
Density: 5.95 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: 50 hrs 42 min (2.1 Days)
Orbital Period: 1712 Days (4.69 Years) (Not relevant for Addition)
Farthest distance from star: 4.17 AU or 623823000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Mean distance from star: 4.13 AU or 617839000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Closest distance from star: 4.09 AU or 611855000 km (Not relevant for Addition)
Eccentricity: 0.009
Inclination: 0.4 degrees
Surface Area: 1.78e+8 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.64 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 308 K or 35 C
Axial Tilt: 26.0 degrees


- 29.3% Oxygen
- 27.9% Silicon
- 14.1% Iron
- 13.8% Aluminum
- 6.7% Nickel
- 4.1% Lead
- 3.2% Uranium
- 1.2% Thorium
- 0.9% Trace Elements

Surface Features:

Destry is the second planet in the Crayos system and the third largest. Most of the planet's surface is covered in rocky hills and mountains. While water exists on the surface in liquid form, most of it is found within the many rivers and lakes that dot the surface. Rich in heavy metals and silt, the only known source of fresh water is frozen at the poles.

One of Destry's most prominent features is the deep gash found in the northern hemisphere. Thought to have been created around 5.4 billion years ago, it is believed that the impacts of a massive body that caused the crust to buckle and sink while melting the rest of the planet.

Upon further examination however, it is revealed that the most of Destry's crust is extremely porous in nature, with vast caverns and sinkholes that extend for hundreds of kilometers deep. The vast canyon observed was created not only due to impacts of a massive body, but the fact that the entire planet seems to be filled with voids. Seismic readings have shown a clear dome-like structure throughout the entire planet, beginning below the deepest point in the canyon. This "dome" is thought to be a huge fissure that has severely damaged the interior of Destry. It is predicted that if Desrty was to suffer from another impact of similar magnitude, it would shatter and collapse into a disfigured sphere of rubble.

Internal Structure:

Desrty is an extremely porous world, yet despite this, has quite a high density. While the exact cause of this is uncertain, it is widely believed that the large amounts of heavy elements present play a major role. High concentrations of Lead, Uranium, and other dense metals have been found in large quantities both on the surface and in deep caverns.

Another possibility is that the impact that created Destry's vast canyon billions of years ago has also compressed the planet severely, to the point of near collapse. Although possible, it is unlikely.

The rest of Destry's interior is very distorted. What may have been a solid metallic core is now a concave ball. The mantle on one side of the planet is almost non-existent, bending and fracturing in multiple places. Large pockets of radioactive elements dot the interior, releasing huge quantities of Radon gas and geothermal heat. What is believed to have once been the outer molten core is now a shattered pool of magma spread throughout Destry.


Large quantities of noble gases are present in Destry's atmosphere, accounting for over 45% of it. The most common two gases are Radon and Krypton. The average atmosphere pressure can vary greatly across the planet, but overall, Destry has around half a bar at sea level.

It is currently not known if Destry had a more significant atmosphere in the past. While some geologic evidence supports it, the validity of such claims are debated due to Desrty's violent past. Any evidence of a thicker atmosphere prior to the impact would almost have certainly been destroyed.

Orbit and Rotation:

While Destry has a relatively circular orbit, it is somewhat tilted. It rotates at a below average speed around its axis and is moderately tilted at 20 degrees.






Mass: 3.85e+23 kg
Diameter: 4280 km
Volume: 4.11e+10 km3
Density: 9.3 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period: Synchronous
Orbital Period: 42.3 days
Mean distance from Lavao: 568900 km
Eccentricity: 0.00004
Inclination: 0.07 degrees
Surface Area: 5.75e+7 km2
Surface Gravity: 0.57 (Earth = 1)
Mean Surface Temperature: 1853 K or 1580 C
Axial Tilt: 13.9 degrees


-  28% Silicon
- 21% Oxygen
- 17.5% Nickel
- 12.6% Iron
- 8.3% Aluminum
- 4.2% Carbon
- 3.8% Silver
- 1.7% Cobalt
- 2.9% Other Elements

Surface Features:

Moei is a large molten moon orbiting Lavao. While it is only 5% the mass of its parent body, Moei is still a large moon, 5x as massive as the moon orbiting Earth.

While Moei shares many similarities to Lavao, its primary difference is that molten rock covers much more of its surface. Volcanic activity is not as prevalent on Moei but it is much more tectonically active, mostly as a result of tidal interactions with Lavao. The surface not covered by lava is mostly composed of very mountainous terrain, with plenty of valleys and canyons in-between. Around the mountains are plenty of small molten pools of rock, surrounded by hills and semi-molten "Swamps". The coasts of this world vary considerably, from steep cliff-sides to rocky beaches of nearly solid rock.

The molten oceans themselves form a strange ribbon-like shape around Moei. While primary stationary, seismic readings have indicated a slow but steady migration westwards across the majority of the moon. Small irregularities in this oceanic migration are believed to have formed some of the inland lakes and pools present on the islands. The formation of the ribbon shaped oceans are at present, a mystery although it is widely thought that it formed as a consequence of its formation.

The most curious feature present of this world's surface is the complete lack of metallic ores. While the molten nature of this world may be the cause of it early on, as metals would sink to the core during formation, it doesn't explain the absence of deposits created by meteorite impacts. While currently being investigated, the reason for the complete absence of any metal deposits on Moei is still completely unknown.

Internal Structure:

Despite its outward appearance, Moei is a fairly stable world of its kind. Most molten worlds tend to experience extreme seismic activities or are under constant asteroid bombardment. Moei appears to suffer from neither of these, rather, it has remained in a molten state due to a combination of proximity to its sun and regular, mild, tidal forces. Due to the stable nature of Moei, the majority of its surface remains the same as it has for billions of years. Only the coasts and many lakes dotted across the world are geologically young features. The vast mountains and large oceans have remained almost unchanged.

That being said however, underneath the semi-liquid crust, the mantle below is very active. While not active in the sense where quakes are rampant or volcanoes spew constantly, but more so that the majority of the mantle is flowing westwards at a rather steady pace. Similar to its parent planet, the crust above floats above the mantle. Unlike its parent planet however, it is believed that the structure of the crust adjacent to the mantle has smoothed out. This smoothed surface has allowed the rock below to flow relatively unimpeded, making large quakes on this world a scarcity.


Moei has no significant atmosphere to speak of. While molten particles float gracefully above its oceans and molten lakes, the rest of the surface is entirely exposed to the vacuum of space around it.

Orbit and Rotation:

As with many large moons, Moei's orbit appears very stable. Upon closer inspection however, Moei is currently on a collision course with its parent planet Lavao. Due to the dual tidal forces in play from both the host star and its parent planet, Moei is being robbed of its momentum slowly but surely. Although estimates are varied due to the huge number of variables, Moei most likely won't impact Lavao before being swallowed by the host star during its final stages.


Do mind that I still have many more that are currently a work in progress. Please tell me what you think of these, criticism is always welcome. As said in the beginning of this post, these are the full size stats for my planets, if added to the game, they will be scaled down.

If you are a modder and wish to use these planets, go right ahead, all I ask is that you give credit. For things like height maps and texture maps, you should be able to find them on my deviantART page: http://samio85.deviantart.com/

Alternatively, if you would like to make those yourself, email me at harry.bayrock@shaw.ca and I will gladly send you the raw PSD files to you for editing.

Edited by Samio
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Cool ideas, but wouldn't some more eccentric designs be nice? I was thinking of something among the line of a planet with gas oceans, instead of liquid. Or peaks sticking out of the atmosphere, which would lead to some interesting gameplay.

Edited by LongHairedHuman
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These are absolutely amazing! I was saying the whole time: "DO WANT.". I would not mind at all if these were added to Kerbal Space Program. Nice job! I already play KSP a lot, but if these were added, think of all the possibilities! These all look amazing, especially Cite! I give props to you Samio!

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My only real problem with these planets is that they are way too big in comparison to KSP's planets. The radius of Jool, Kerbol's largest planet, is 6,000 km, while the planets here have rather high diameters. I know that to get the radius, you have to divide the diameter by two, but most of the planets, are huge relative to Kerbin and Eve. I know that you would fix them if they were added into the game, but it kinda bothered me.

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My only real problem with these planets is that they are way too big in comparison to KSP's planets. The radius of Jool, Kerbol's largest planet, is 6,000 km, while the planets here have rather high diameters. I know that to get the radius, you have to divide the diameter by two, but most of the planets, are huge relative to Kerbin and Eve. I know that you would fix them if they were added into the game, but it kinda bothered me.

I understand, as it says at the top of my post, if implemented into the game, the stats will be be different.

I originally began designing these planets way before KSP even existed. When I found out about this game and began to play it, I thought that this would be a great opportunity show off my work.

I've thought about posting the KSP stats beside them, but honestly I've already spent countless hours and days working on the stats for a single world (Those calculations don't grow on trees) and redoing them for the concept without even knowing they would be implemented I feel would be a waste of my time. I would rather post new ideas than redo my existing ones with modified stats.

But thanks for your concern, I have no problem at all if these planets have to be redone in order to be added to the game, after all these are only suggestions.

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It most likely wouldn't. Laythe is more or less a fauna, because with an oxygen atmosphere, there is most likely plant life in the water and maybe even primitive fish, but it isn't gone because of the no alien rule. I'm pretty sure all of these suggestions will be alright in terms of the alien life rule.

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Agreed, I'd love to see flora and fauna but, if I had to guess, they're probably already working on adding that. I don't have much to contribute here other than adding in that a planet with a large number of moons like Jupiter would be a wonderful addition.

I just want to say I love the work done by the OP, it looks great. :D

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Bombarda, which has a lovely ring system, could be considered the analogue for Saturn, and since it has 3 moons, we could just make more analogues for the moons Titan, Rhea, and Enceladus. In fact, Eeloo is most likely the analogue for Enceladus. I personally think Craio could be moved to Jool as the Io analogue. That way Jool would have six moons and Bombarda would still have five moons.

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It most likely wouldn't. Laythe is more or less a fauna, because with an oxygen atmosphere, there is most likely plant life in the water and maybe even primitive fish, but it isn't gone because of the no alien rule. I'm pretty sure all of these suggestions will be alright in terms of the alien life rule.

Most of the "no aliens" probably refers to a whole new spacefaring alien race not plant and animal life, at least I would hope so. Also, love the planets.

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  • 3 months later...

Bombora is tremendous in size, much above the stellar ignition mass, so it could never exist in real life (in OUR universe). As such, I would love to see it in KSP. I like to see realistic planets mixed up with fantasy planets for fun.

Interesting thing to note though: I had a dream last night about a great gas giant causing terrible gravitational effects on things near it. I remember hearing its diameter in my dream--I don't remember the number but I believe it was close to a million km. When I awoke, I realized such a planet could not exist without fusing hydrogen into helium rapidly. Interesting that I see this planet so shortly after my dream.

P.S.: maybe there is something inside Bombora that prevents it from fusing hydrogen? Or, I wonder if a helium-only planet could form with stellar mass and without significant atomic fusion.

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Bombora is tremendous in size, much above the stellar ignition mass, so it could never exist in real life (in OUR universe). As such, I would love to see it in KSP. I like to see realistic planets mixed up with fantasy planets for fun.

Interesting thing to note though: I had a dream last night about a great gas giant causing terrible gravitational effects on things near it. I remember hearing its diameter in my dream--I don't remember the number but I believe it was close to a million km. When I awoke, I realized such a planet could not exist without fusing hydrogen into helium rapidly. Interesting that I see this planet so shortly after my dream.

P.S.: maybe there is something inside Bombora that prevents it from fusing hydrogen? Or, I wonder if a helium-only planet could form with stellar mass and without significant atomic fusion.

I'm quite certain Bombora is well within the limits of still being a planet. Jupiter is around 318 Earth masses and it would take 70 times that in order for it to start nuclear fusion. And no, there is nothing inside it preventing fusion from occurring, it just isn't massive enough to start fusing hydrogen.

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I do hope you realize those planets are INSANELY large for ksp. If you are basing the size numbers off of real life then you need to scale them down by about 10 or 11 times. (Kerbin has an equatorial radius of 600km, not 6600km of earth.)

EDIT: MrPenguin, you do realise that Eeloo is planned to be the Cryo-Volcanically active moon of the second gas giant right? Which will also have rings? And be bigger than Jool?

EDIT EDIT: A planet is not a "Fauna", it has "Flora" and "Fauna" on it. (Also, Fauna is animals, Flora is plants)

Edited by Deathsoul097
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That's some nice ideas you've got there. Mind if I add in my own idea to the mix?

It's a moon to Bombora(and the furthest/smallest one at that), it is called Pacifira, and looks like this. (I didn't make this planet, this guy did after I asked him to do it). It's orbit is elliptical and crosses Crato's orbit, though a resonance prevents the two from colliding. However, they still pass reasonably close. Once this event happens, Pacifira is tidally locked to Crato.

It looks like it is habitable, since it has jungles and it's atmosphere contains Oxygen(relatively low, though - 11.5%), but actually most of the moon is a big ball of poison. You see those two bodies of water? It isn't just water. Well, it technically IS water, but it's mixed with poisonous toxins and Kethane. Lots and lots of Kethane. The jungles are mostly dull gray, and the trees actually prey on living things. The vines extend all the way to the grassy floor, and at night, chemical actions deposit liquids such as acid into the grass. If you readed or watched The Life of Pi, you know what I am talking about.

If living beings wander on the grass at night, the acids will begin to digest them, and the hostile surface of the moon will absorb it's nutrients and use it to produce fruit for the trees, often possessing small remnants of the victim on their core, such as teeth. It's atmosphere also notably lacks an Ozone layer, which causes solar UV rays to penetrate into the planet unharmed. While this isn't a hindrance to Kerbals and their EVA suits, this prevents any life from surviving in Pacifira due to the harsh life conditions.

This moon may look too hostile and impossible to go to, though as long as you only stay out there during daytime, never take your EVA suit off, avoid the oceans, and, of course, stay within your ship during the night, you'll be golden.

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I do hope you realize those planets are INSANELY large for ksp. If you are basing the size numbers off of real life then you need to scale them down by about 10 or 11 times. (Kerbin has an equatorial radius of 600km, not 6600km of earth.)

I am aware these planets are too large to be added to KSP with their current stats, as stated in the post at the top:

(Stats presented here are the full size stats, if added to the game, these stats will be changed or reduced)

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That's some nice ideas you've got there. Mind if I add in my own idea to the mix?

It's a moon to Bombora(and the furthest/smallest one at that), it is called Pacifira, and looks like this. (I didn't make this planet, this guy did after I asked him to do it). It's orbit is elliptical and crosses Crato's orbit, though a resonance prevents the two from colliding. However, they still pass reasonably close. Once this event happens, Pacifira is tidally locked to Crato.

It looks like it is habitable, since it has jungles and it's atmosphere contains Oxygen(relatively low, though - 11.5%), but actually most of the moon is a big ball of poison. You see those two bodies of water? It isn't just water. Well, it technically IS water, but it's mixed with poisonous toxins and Kethane. Lots and lots of Kethane. The jungles are mostly dull gray, and the trees actually prey on living things. The vines extend all the way to the grassy floor, and at night, chemical actions deposit liquids such as acid into the grass. If you readed or watched The Life of Pi, you know what I am talking about.

If living beings wander on the grass at night, the acids will begin to digest them, and the hostile surface of the moon will absorb it's nutrients and use it to produce fruit for the trees, often possessing small remnants of the victim on their core, such as teeth. It's atmosphere also notably lacks an Ozone layer, which causes solar UV rays to penetrate into the planet unharmed. While this isn't a hindrance to Kerbals and their EVA suits, this prevents any life from surviving in Pacifira due to the harsh life conditions.

This moon may look too hostile and impossible to go to, though as long as you only stay out there during daytime, never take your EVA suit off, avoid the oceans, and, of course, stay within your ship during the night, you'll be golden.

It's a neat idea, you should consider adding this as it's own post with a few more details.

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