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Funniest/Coolest Kerbal Names


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  • 2 weeks later...

Meet Siggard Kerman, who would be held in awe for the manliest name of any space program applicant even without his massive accomplishments. Although his parents wanted him to become a space pirate, the manliest of professions, a linguistic misunderstanding involving his caretaker led to Siggard's enrollment in the Space Scouts Academy as a space pilot. He excelled in basic training, was recruited into the space program, and is noted for being the lead pilot of of the successful "Knewton" mission to survey every Minmus biome in totality in order to max out the technology tree. He currently aspires to fly a rocket plane on Duna (project "Red Sky") and is the favored candidate for that mission.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Overflow? What is happening?

If you have "Hire Kerbals Automatically" or something like that on, then if you don't have enough kerbals to put in a cockpit (Mk3 has 4 seats), then it hires them automatically.

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Mundun Kerman, his parents wanted him to go to the mün, he spent a lot of his college career studying the Mün and its biomes, 3 years later he was ready to do what he wanted, to walk on the Mün, he stepped outside...

Lets just say that he was upset when he found out the surface was mint green (we tried to tell him he was on the Mün until he got back home and found out that he was really on Minmus

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Barbles Kerman was the commander of my Laythe Base 1 before good old Jeb arrived. I sent him home on an IPV which got him home. Then return SSTO crashed...

And somehow the module he was in survived whilst every other part blew up. Luck, I suppose?

I also got Mind Kerman, and he is stuck for eternety at Laythe's Panopop observatory. Maybe he'll figure something out while he is there...

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I somehow managed to get a Seanemone Kerman, as shown in here in my google drive (link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7Rp8VW-upykVWhobHNWdExycGs&usp=sharing) I wonder how KSP would ever come up with something like that.

I remember seeing that name a few times in the past myself. It's certainly quite unique and eye-catching.

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