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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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When will the first 0.22 Career missions be released?

There should be enough missions that I added to get you off the ground in .22 career.. The Default Package and the Random package have very simple missions and goals for the first 2 or 3 missions.. As you unlock more stuff the other missions in the other packages should be able to be done.

But I'm willing to take some Info on what type of missions you would like to start off with.. The problem is having only Mark 1 pod and a fuel tank... Not much you can do with that. (hint you can get level 2 tech in KSP by not even taking off from the launch pad) Hint Hint.

I don't understand why the Developers only made 1 Mk1 pod available... I would of thought that the starting tech should of been the Round Probe Body.. Then the next level the Mk1 pod....

If anyone would like me to move around the first few levels of KSP Techs.. Its very easy to do.

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Regarding part costs, now is a perfect time to CROWDSOURCE, whoopie!

The way I've set it up, to handle a new part module (like a RemoteTech SPU, or MechJeb, or...) all you have to do is add a node to MCESettings.cfg. The file is fully documented, but ask away if you have questions, or if you think a module needs special handling (or, very importantly, if that partmodule is NOT derived from class PartModule. But, most are, whew).

Same goes for resources, like Kethane or Ore or SpareParts.

The point is this: I need help adding support for mods. Adding support for mods is non-destructive, so any mod support in MCESettings.cfg can safely be used by someone who doesn't have that mod. Further, the cost function is pretty flexible--there's a lot of stuff in there you can do without special handling. For instance, I could (I planned to but didn't have time) add support for a RemoteTech antenna of type ModuleRTModalAntenna by adding this to the MODULESCOST node:

antennaRange0 = 5
antennaRange1 = 1
EnergyDrain1 = -1000

That means multiply the value antennaRange0 in the partmodule by 5, multiply the value antennaRange1 in the partmodule by 1, and EnergyDrain1 by -1000, and sum them all together to get the module cost. Note this is read from the partmodule ingame, not values from the part.cfg, so if the part is procedural this will be correct.

For a simple 500km antenna with range0 of 0km, and energy drain of .02/sec, this would lead to a module cost of 480.

EDIT: Guess I just did it. So don't do that module. Though feel free to chime in if you think the cost I just hacked together isn't right for that antenna module.

Edited by NathanKell
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There should be enough missions that I added to get you off the ground in .22 career.. The Default Package and the Random package have very simple missions and goals for the first 2 or 3 missions.. As you unlock more stuff the other missions in the other packages should be able to be done.

But I'm willing to take some Info on what type of missions you would like to start off with.. The problem is having only Mark 1 pod and a fuel tank... Not much you can do with that. (hint you can get level 2 tech in KSP by not even taking off from the launch pad) Hint Hint.

I don't understand why the Developers only made 1 Mk1 pod available... I would of thought that the starting tech should of been the Round Probe Body.. Then the next level the Mk1 pod....

If anyone would like me to move around the first few levels of KSP Techs.. Its very easy to do.

If you consider the history versions of KSP... well we did have Mk1 Pod long before we had un-manned probe. This is not human's space program, it's Kerbal's. :D

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I'm waiting to confirm whether or not we can give science points from missions then I'll start designing a series of missions loosely based on the tech tree progression. Ideally I wanted to make a more realistic series of missions, but for now I'll use this first series of missions to feel out how difficulty levels and such.

I'd love to design my own tech tree, but I have no idea when the guys doing the tech tree editor tool will release it. I did notice that when you use their loader it creates a tech tree file but not sure if it's as simple as editing that to get something working. Another really nice thing would be if tech nodes could be dependent on completed missions, that or have missions grant techs. So many options, not sure how difficult this whole thing is.

In any case, I'll most likely be using a few mods so might not be for everyone. One for sure is TAC Life Support for the manned missions. I was working on a sort of mission based resource called "data" but i'm not sure whether to keep that or find a way to use science in missions, but I see numerous issues with that science has diminishing returns so depending on how people would play missions it could screw the progress or mission conditions.

Can't wait to get something out there.

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OMG sorry about the DropBox Link guys. I forgot to give permissions to download it..

The spaceport one did work though..

But no worries the drop box one is up and running.

By the way the original download had the MCConfig in wrong folder.. It does not work in this folder.

\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController (the one with all save games for MC)

It has to be in this folder it seems..

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins

At least in my steam version I have to have it there to get right prices it seems. So all you that have the older version just make sure its in the same folder as the 2 .dll files. Cut And Paste. :)

The uploads now have it automatically placed in the correct folder.

Edited by malkuth
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I'm waiting to confirm whether or not we can give science points from missions then I'll start designing a series of missions loosely based on the tech tree progression. Ideally I wanted to make a more realistic series of missions, but for now I'll use this first series of missions to feel out how difficulty levels and such.

I'd love to design my own tech tree, but I have no idea when the guys doing the tech tree editor tool will release it. I did notice that when you use their loader it creates a tech tree file but not sure if it's as simple as editing that to get something working. Another really nice thing would be if tech nodes could be dependent on completed missions, that or have missions grant techs. So many options, not sure how difficult this whole thing is.

In any case, I'll most likely be using a few mods so might not be for everyone. One for sure is TAC Life Support for the manned missions. I was working on a sort of mission based resource called "data" but i'm not sure whether to keep that or find a way to use science in missions, but I see numerous issues with that science has diminishing returns so depending on how people would play missions it could screw the progress or mission conditions.

Can't wait to get something out there.

Thats my next project. Its just going to have to wait until next week or so.. Since I wanna play .22 now. :) But yeah thats the plan.

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Thats my next project. Its just going to have to wait until next week or so.. Since I wanna play .22 now. :) But yeah thats the plan.

I've been talking quite a bit with Nathan, I really want to get involved with this project more. Just need to refresh myself with c# and get familiar with how the KSP & MC classes work with each other.

Thanks for everything!

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Sorry guys I had a small typo in the way The Finish Mission button worked.. It should not effect your games while playing.. You just instantly finished the mission, and didn't get the button.. But you still got payed.

I have made a small hotfix to fix the problem..

Also I fixed some issues with some of the missions.. Early Years versions.

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Any chance on the punctuation, grammar, etc being fixed up?

Which mission packs is bothering you? I don't really have time anymore to go through Civilian Space Program or Commercialization of Space..(Trust me they use to be a lot worse) The other packs should be better since I did not write all that much in them. ;)

But if your feeling frisky your welcome to help out the project and make them better in that department. You will get credit of course.

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I'll be glad to fix out the wording, help ya out there (:

If it's cool with you, I might rewrite some of the missions, and PM it to you?

Works for me have at it. :)

Don't forget you can open up the Mission Packs with Notepad and edit them that way.. But an even better and free program is Notepad++. This is made to edit files like this.

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