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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Kinda curious, this plugin causes part costs to be heavily modified, particularly the MechJeb AR202 part, which now costs over $4,000,000 Krones. I can only assume that's to try to make it so people don't use MJ, but sometimes manually launching rockets can get tedious at best if you've done it thousands of times over the last 2 years. Is there any way I can change this?

I know, some people are going to call me a newb or whatever, but I've been playing this game since 0.12 - I've been to every body in the Kerbin system with manual control and I just like using MJ - personal preference kind of thing.

MechJeb thing is not our doing. It uses a few values that make things more expensive in MC. Like Module command.

The way to fix MechJeb if it costs too much is either:

(a) Give the part a reasonable mass, like at minimum 0.1 (then it'll only cost ~1800)

(B) remove MODULE { name = Module Command ..... } from the MJ part cfg.

You will be all set after you edit the part.cfg of mechjeb.

On another note.. Im pretty happy with the current version of MCE. Things seem very solid now. I have just done a bunch of missions, from Duna to jool and everything seemed to be running smooth as silk. No weird Recycling problems. My current game things are going nice have almost 75% of research tree done. And 1/2 of MCE Research done. Don't care what anyone says.. MCE makes the research tree harder. No 1 ship wonders on first go unlocking everything. ;) And Nathan has taken over Deadly Reentry so its like a win win situation guys.

Edited by malkuth
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Quick question on recycling (i know this has been talked about to death but I'm having a difficulty here)

The craft in question is asparagus staged with a total of 4 stages

Stage 4 drops (2.5t with 3 radial chutes) x2 at about 5,000m and doesn't appear to recylcle

Stage 3 drops (same as #4) x2 at about 20,000m and doesn't appear to recycle

Stage 2 drops (same as #3 and #4) x2 about 50,000m and recycles for 2,750 krones

Stage 1 drops (same as others) x1 just before the Pe hits 20km and recycles for 2750 krones.

Stage 0 circularizes

Here's what I'm trying to figure out. Why isn't stages 3 and 4 recycling and why doesn't stage 2 recycle for twice as much as stage 1.

I'm just trying to figure out if this is a bug or if i'm doing something wrong.

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Zerris I have tested all the payouts. I did my own missions and everything is up to par with the payouts. But with the old bug of getting recycling back at launch, this could of been your problem.

If your making your own missions and having issues. Could be just problems with the payouts your trying to give. Or not. Try out latest version and give me a shout if your having problems. If its your own mission please post the code for I can see it.

Edit: Can I ask what your editing for payouts and budget? The starting budget is 50,000. If your editing the Save File .sp you can change all the values for your current save game in that. If your Editing the source file and changing values.. Then Unfortunately I can't help you when you do that, because I don't know what kind of edits your doing.]

Anyway everything you mentioned you can change with the various config files (.cfg) and the Save file (.sp)for you Game. Prices. payouts (edit missions .mpkg) etc...

Good luck.

If your playing with the config files just make sure you keep the {} intact.

At the moment I hop into the .sp save files that are in with the .mpkg mission files. Since that was the easiest bit I could find fast and I knew I would likely be able to change without screwing myself up too badly. Just requires me to completely shut down KSP between changes.

As for the .mkpg file I'm building it's here: https://github.com/Zerris/KerbalCorp/blob/master/kerbalcorpcareer.mpkg

It is currently synced to the current version where I pulled out the buggy second mission for now, though you could probably see the code for the previous version via the file history as I only did one commit on it after the first time I posted the link to it on this thread on page 57. Basically when I added in second mission the MC does not load up the file at all.

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At the moment I hop into the .sp save files that are in with the .mpkg mission files. Since that was the easiest bit I could find fast and I knew I would likely be able to change without screwing myself up too badly. Just requires me to completely shut down KSP between changes.

As for the .mkpg file I'm building it's here: https://github.com/Zerris/KerbalCorp/blob/master/kerbalcorpcareer.mpkg

It is currently synced to the current version where I pulled out the buggy second mission for now, though you could probably see the code for the previous version via the file history as I only did one commit on it after the first time I posted the link to it on this thread on page 57. Basically when I added in second mission the MC does not load up the file at all.

Do you want people to make a Launch Pad EVA? Because without a Goal leading up to orbit (for example) people could just load up a Pod, and go out EVA for 5s on the launch pad to win the mission.

Maybe do something like this:

# GOAL 1 (Launch/Orbit)


description = Get a rocket in Orbit!?


body = Kerbin

minPeA = 70000


# GOAL 2 (EVA)


description = Now that the craft is in orbit. Go out there and party?


minSeconds = TIME(5s)


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Do you want people to make a Launch Pad EVA? Because without a Goal leading up to orbit (for example) people could just load up a Pod, and go out EVA for 5s on the launch pad to win the mission.

Maybe do something like this:

# GOAL 1 (Launch/Orbit)


description = Get a rocket in Orbit!?


body = Kerbin

minPeA = 70000


# GOAL 2 (EVA)


description = Now that the craft is in orbit. Go out there and party?


minSeconds = TIME(5s)


The mission package is intended to be part of a story that is played through Career Mode. So yes the very first thing is a Launch Pad EVA to gather surface samples and muck about for two minutes outside the pod. The second mission is supposed to be the first actual launch with trying to get to an altitude of at least 10,000 km with a very dinky rocket to test a newly developed parachute. Premise being is the items are locked until first mentioned in the campaign.

Originally had it for thirty minutes but with Ioncross Crew Support installed that drops the Kerbal's air close to 50% in the EVA Suit.


Though that orbit and EVA at the same time is a good idea for a later mission.

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The mission package is intended to be part of a story that is played through Career Mode. So yes the very first thing is a Launch Pad EVA to gather surface samples and muck about for two minutes outside the pod. The second mission is supposed to be the first actual launch with trying to get to an altitude of at least 10,000 km with a very dinky rocket to test a newly developed parachute. Premise being is the items are locked until first mentioned in the campaign.

Originally had it for thirty minutes but with Ioncross Crew Support installed that drops the Kerbal's air close to 50% in the EVA Suit.


Though that orbit and EVA at the same time is a good idea for a later mission.

Ahh! Nice, I'm doing a complete rehaul of the tech tree with a mission pack tie-in. Going to be Probe to Manned missions first. I have 2 pre-orbital EVAs, one in the desert in and one in the polar caps. :)

Looking forward to your mission pack!

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Hey! Great mod! I've only played it in sandbox and I loved it.

I want to try Career mode now and I would like to know with which mission pack it goes better.

Thanks in advance!

Pretty much the default mission pack and RandomMission pack are made to go with Career mode. The missions are set up to start out with the stuff you have a start. After you get the tree unlocked the other packs can be played.

Chestburster I will get a fix out as soon as possible thanks.

EDIT: Ok all downloads have been updated with the fix for Early Landing Missions Minmus.. Its now set to Minmus instead of mun.

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Upgraded to .34 and I think the recycling is fixed. At least stages 3 and 4 recycle now. Although the dialog shows the kerbal insurance, I'm not sure it's adding it erroneously though.

Did find an interesting bug. If you're craft disassembles on the pad and you recover the craft, you'll get the recycling (of whatever survived) plus the insurance refunded without the cost of the craft plus insurance ever being deducted. A little investigation narrowed it down to a 100% repeatable.

If you launch with just a pod. Roll around a bit on it's reaction wheels and your status goes from ready to launch to landed. Since you never actually launched, the cost was never deducted. But, when you recover the craft (since it's landed) you get the recycle and the insurance (if a kerbal is present)

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Upgraded to .34 and I think the recycling is fixed. At least stages 3 and 4 recycle now. Although the dialog shows the kerbal insurance, I'm not sure it's adding it erroneously though.

Did find an interesting bug. If you're craft disassembles on the pad and you recover the craft, you'll get the recycling (of whatever survived) plus the insurance refunded without the cost of the craft plus insurance ever being deducted. A little investigation narrowed it down to a 100% repeatable.

If you launch with just a pod. Roll around a bit on it's reaction wheels and your status goes from ready to launch to landed. Since you never actually launched, the cost was never deducted. But, when you recover the craft (since it's landed) you get the recycle and the insurance (if a kerbal is present)

The Kerbal Insurance showing should not be in the current version.. (make sure your version says .34.100) Thats the newest update.

As for the luanch pad thing.. Because the recycling system uses a lot of If statements.. If this or If that landed or splashed.. Or !sceneiseditor etc.. Its hard to find a situation for every type of problem you might come across.. If your vessel explodes before the space bar is pressed.. (when charged) then it does cause this problem.. And I really can't think of a way to fix it. Plus way to many if statements already for my taste on Recycling.. Its a little nerve racking looking at it. :)

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I forgot to press the FINISH MISSION button... any way I can edit some files to cheat that mission (and its money, and subsequent mission unlock) back in? would be much appreciated!

you can edit the .sp file for the campaign and add the money back in.

Also note the newest version .34 has a pop up now that shows up when you finish the mission. ;)

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I noticed a slight problem.. I selected a mission, launched my rocket as a test flight and got orbit.

Went back to tracking centre, changed to flight mode, went back into rocket and could complete the mission...

Paid next to nothing for a huge payout.

I accidentally did this and there's no way to say no thanks to the popup.. So I ended up with more money than I should have.

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Just some questions before I use this mod:

Q1. Is there any performance hit using this mod?

Q2. I've already started a career mode game. Will this be compatible if I decide to install it and load from my game?

Q3. Will I be missing any of the functions in MC by just playing career mode instead of sandbox?


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I noticed a slight problem.. I selected a mission, launched my rocket as a test flight and got orbit.

Went back to tracking centre, changed to flight mode, went back into rocket and could complete the mission...

Paid next to nothing for a huge payout.

I accidentally did this and there's no way to say no thanks to the popup.. So I ended up with more money than I should have.

I will see about adding basically a No Thanks Button that maybe also deslects the mission for you.. (like the already deselect button)

Is there any chance we can get a longitude+latitude missiongoal, so that a craft has to pass over a certain spot but without necessarily landing?

They already exist under OrbitGoal Fields called

minLan: minimal longitude of ascending node (default: 0, ignored)

maxLan: maximal longitude of ascending node (default: 0, ignored)

And there are new values added that are not listed (forgot to put them up) that you can also use under OrbitGoal





Just some questions before I use this mod:

Q1. Is there any performance hit using this mod?

Q2. I've already started a career mode game. Will this be compatible if I decide to install it and load from my game?

Q3. Will I be missing any of the functions in MC by just playing career mode instead of sandbox?


1. No

2. Yes, but its more rewarding to start from scratch.

3. MCE works in both Career and Sandbox. Only difference is that in sandbox MCE own Research tree is disabled and can't be used. (since no science in sandbox)

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I think the issue is that it doesn't recognise the flight was a test flight. It will initially, but once you switch to the space centre then back again it assumes it was a real flight and completes the missions.

Plugins are very limited in what they can do with a lot of different aspects of the game.

Now I could come up with a flagging system that flags vessels launched as Test Vessels.. And that way they can never be used in a real mission. That would work. But I have faith in the community that if they want to play MCE then they also don't want to cheat.. (why download it in first place)

If I have time later I will see about flagging vessels. Not looking forward to it.. But I will look into it. I would also have to do it with Disabled Plugin vessels that were launched.. (same thing can be done)

As of now I added a button to the pop up that not only exits the windows but disbands the mission if the player so wishes (really only way to get it to work). And no worries MCE records all mission goals so if they press it by mistake (its really small anyway) they can reload the mission and the saved goals will still be there for that vessel.

Edit... Working on the flagging system at this point. Update later this week might have it. Including the other things mentioned and also the new Loan System.

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New flag system is complete I just have to put it through some test and might have an new version up Wed. I guess when this goes live it will be more of a patch that will plug a lot of exploits. ;)

Current changes so far.

New Flag system. If vessels launched in Test Mode Or Disabled Plugin. The vessel will be Flagged for the rest of the game save (forever until dead). Flagged vessels cannot finish missions, or collect recycling of any kind.

New Loan system. Loan system has been changed. There are now 3 levels oh loans.. Default values are. 25% Reduction(-1 to -25000), 50% (-25001 to -60000) Reduction and 75% (-600001 and below)reduction. all three values can be edited in

MCconfig to your desire.

The Pop up window for Finished missions now have an Exit Option marked (X). Use this if you do not wish to finish the mission at this time. Also Deselects the mission from active missions.

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