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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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  malkuth said:
Ok guys I need Some Help :)

I am currently working on the new version of MissionController Extended for when version .235 comes out. This is what I need.

New parts for mission controller

I need a new part for the New Rover Science Mission.. Doesn't have to be special (animations would be great) this fits on rovers or landing probes and will be the main part for the new Mission Goal RoverResearch.

New Part for ScienceProbes.. Like the Rover lander Or Probe lander this part is used for the New Mission Goal Probe Research and its main use is for orbital operations around planetary bodies.

New Part For Asteroid Research another mission goal I plan on adding is for Intercepting and Researching the new Asteroids that are coming out.

Still need parts for The RepairPart (something along lines of a hatch, or acessway that opens up).

Maybe a Part for the repairparts.

I have no real time to start my own parts... Or really have any great Modelling and texture abilities.. I keep thinking I will try but.. Time constraints are just too much. I want to get these new MissionGoals Out.. The plan is to either have dedicated parts, or I will just use placeholders. I would be very thankful for any help in these departments. Thanks everyone!

WHy dont you just use these for rover missions?


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I installed this last night and was playing it fine. Today after installing both Kethane and TAC Life Support at the same time, there seems to be a bug with the UI panels that is disabling the word wrapping. I have also changed my conic patch mode to 0, which could possibly be related, but I doubt it.



It is terribly annoying. Is there a fix for this one the way, or any workarounds for the time being? This affects the mission and contract screens, at least.

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  RadGH said:
I installed this last night and was playing it fine. Today after installing both Kethane and TAC Life Support at the same time, there seems to be a bug with the UI panels that is disabling the word wrapping. I have also changed my conic patch mode to 0, which could possibly be related, but I doubt it.



It is terribly annoying. Is there a fix for this one the way, or any workarounds for the time being? This affects the mission and contract screens, at least.

are you sure you don't have scanSat installed? Because thats the only mod that I know that does that... And I can't figure out why. Its not Tac Life Support because I already have that. And kethane I had installed in .55 and that did not do it either. I figured it out that it only happened when ScanSat was installed and I had one of its parts on my ship active.. (would require a reboot to fix)

The part I can't figure out is not matter what I do.. It won't fix it. I have Scrollbars set to MaxHeight and MaxWidth and what ever scanSat is doing it still ignores the settings.. :(

Edit : I added Kethane to my install and I don't see this problem with that Mod either. So I'm thinking you do have ScanSat Installed? If so this is a scanSat Bug, and it also does the same thing to other mod windows. its just not a noticeable because MCE has long mission descriptions and most other mods don't. But indeed you can see other mods windows get the expanded ScrollScreen windows with ScanSat installed. And no matter what I do I can't fix it.. Sorry. :(

Edited by malkuth
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Who is the author of the mission pack called "BSP Kerbin SOI" that the mod ships with? One thing about that mission pack that's bothered me for a while is that the mission called Katurn III requires a Clamp-o-tron Jr docking port, loooong before there's any chance of having unlocked that part in the tech tree. It's an early mission in the days when you're still doing missions for $60,000, and the clamp-o-tron jr is very high up the tech tree. So basically when I hit that mission I have to stop and switch to a different set of missions. By the time I can do it later, I no longer care about $60,000 missions anymore because I'm already going to other planets.

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  Steven Mading said:
Who is the author of the mission pack called "BSP Kerbin SOI" that the mod ships with? One thing about that mission pack that's bothered me for a while is that the mission called Katurn III requires a Clamp-o-tron Jr docking port, loooong before there's any chance of having unlocked that part in the tech tree. It's an early mission in the days when you're still doing missions for $60,000, and the clamp-o-tron jr is very high up the tech tree. So basically when I hit that mission I have to stop and switch to a different set of missions. By the time I can do it later, I no longer care about $60,000 missions anymore because I'm already going to other planets.

You can edit the file to get rid of it.. But I will fix it for next version. Thought I got all those. And those missions were made by Anthony Pendleton.

Actually don't bother editing the missions. The reason I left those in the mission was because all the missions that follow require a dockingPort. :(

Anthony made this missions before science came out. And they are still pretty relevant if you play sandbox.

Edited by malkuth
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Hmmm... Everything was working, until I got up to the Vostok II mission (the first with an EVA goal). For some reason, both the orbit time and EVA time reset to 0 each time five minutes has elapsed. So, even if I go EVA, as soon as five minutes dings, the timer is reset to 0 and minimal time goal stays red. I can't hide the goal because it never gets completed. Same with the orbit time goal - resets every five minutes (why, I've no idea).

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  FuzzyLlama said:
Hmmm... Everything was working, until I got up to the Vostok II mission (the first with an EVA goal). For some reason, both the orbit time and EVA time reset to 0 each time five minutes has elapsed. So, even if I go EVA, as soon as five minutes dings, the timer is reset to 0 and minimal time goal stays red. I can't hide the goal because it never gets completed. Same with the orbit time goal - resets every five minutes (why, I've no idea).

i have that problem either, it makes me revert the flight, retry the mission, then land to kerbin without completing the mission.. :(

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I took off the 5m time requirement for the EVA and it worked, except when I landed the mission got marked as completed but I was not presented with a reward screen. Or my money. Where are the Mission Controller saves? I have some editing to do.

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Version .61 released.

Small update fixes a Issue with RoverScience conflicting with the RoverScience Mod. My module has been renamed MCERoverScience.. And all effected parts have been changed. (this won't break saves, its a module change in name only... You might want to finish a mission that is using The old module though.. Should be ok but just in case)

Added a new Random Contract Satellite mission to get a Satellite to GeoSync Orbit with an Orbital Period of 6 hours.. And Random Inclinations.

Fixed Vostok II it only has one timer now (MCE does not support 2 timers in same mission anymore) (The finish mission resets the timer)

Edited by malkuth
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  FuzzyLlama said:
Hmmm... Everything was working, until I got up to the Vostok II mission (the first with an EVA goal). For some reason, both the orbit time and EVA time reset to 0 each time five minutes has elapsed. So, even if I go EVA, as soon as five minutes dings, the timer is reset to 0 and minimal time goal stays red. I can't hide the goal because it never gets completed. Same with the orbit time goal - resets every five minutes (why, I've no idea).

That might be my fault. I changed the way Timed missions work. If there is two same type timers in this mission then they will reset each other since you can only have 1 timer going at a time. Deleting the timer should fix the problem.

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Update again.. I don't know if anyone downloaded in the last few minutes I updated MCE. But I just patched the patch.. Fixed an issue where I accidently broke contracts.. Now its all better. Sorry... Hopefully no more issues.

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  Leader2011 said:
When ever I have the Current Mission Window open I am unable to select part or load crafts, I have the same issue with other windows when open.

That's intentional it's called editor lock. It's to stop you from accidentally selecting parts while your selecting things in mce windows. The only window in van that does not have this is the ship manifest part cost.

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2. New Loan system. Loan system has been changed. There are now 3 levels oh loans.. Default values are. 25% Reduction(-1 to -25000), 50% (-25001 to -60000) Reduction and 75% (-600001 and below)reduction. all three values can be edited in

MCconfig to your desire.

Actually, how does loan system works?

I have about 200.000 debt. And it seems that my payouts for missions are lower. Are they reduced by 75%?

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  kiwiak said:
Actually, how does loan system works?

I have about 200.000 debt. And it seems that my payouts for missions are lower. Are they reduced by 75%?

It's based on scale at 200000 your payouts are reduced by 75%. That the highest it goes. At 25000 in debt it's 25%.

All these figures can be changed in mcsettings file.

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  likke_A_boss said:
So, I'm just starting to look into this mod, and it looks preeettty fun. However, it seems to go hand-in-hand with Kerbal Construction Time. I am just curious if they are compatible. Thanks.

If I remember correct they work fine other then revert buttons. If you use his revert you won't get anything back. It was planned that he would fix this but not sure if he did or not.

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  malkuth said:
If I remember correct they work fine other then revert buttons. If you use his revert you won't get anything back. It was planned that he would fix this but not sure if he did or not.

I was waiting until I redid how my simulations work, but decided to just implement it now. MCE compatibility should be working fine in pre-release 4d of KCT. There is an issue when creating a new game and the first launch being a simulation. When reverted the backup isn't loaded because it doesn't exist yet, so you still get charged. I think you already know about this bug, but I'm just letting you know. I think you can either go into the VAB, then go back to the Space Center, then back to the VAB once or you can just reset your MCE save after the revert.

More to malkuth: I had a bit of trouble using the API as even when including the MissionLibrary.dll I was getting null references when calling the LoadBackup function without MCE installed (I realize that won't do anything, which was the point. The code needed to exist whether it was installed or not) And I also didn't see a function in the library to tell if MCE was installed or not (to only call the function if MCE was there). I ended up working around it in a way that also made it not required to include the MissionLibrary.dll with my mod. I'll provide my solution here for anyone wanting to use the MCE API without including the MissionLibrary.dll in their release (you still need to reference it in your dev environment though)

In KCT_Utilities I had these two functions:

public static bool MCEAvailable() //Check if MCE is available and return true if it is
Type MCE = AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies
.Select(a => a.assembly.GetExportedTypes())
.SelectMany(t => t)
.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FullName == "MissionController.MissionController");

if (MCE == null)
Debug.Log("[KCT] MCE Not Found.");
return false;
Debug.Log("[KCT] MCE Found.");
return true;

public static void RevertMCE() //Call the Load Backup function in MCE. Must be in a different function or you will encounter errors!

And then in my actual revert function I used:

if (KCT_Utilities.MCEAvailable()) //If MCE is installed then load the backup file

If I called the backup code directly from my revert function then I would encounter errors when the revert function was called (because it couldn't find the MissionLibrary.dll file). This way that function is only called when MCE is installed, and it isn't called when MCE isn't. Plus, it uses the MissionLibrary.dll included with MCE, so if there are changes then there won't be conflicting versions.

Maybe this is how the API is supposed to be used anyway, but I wasn't planning on implementing this this morning so I hadn't looked it over entirely. But I figured I'd put this here for anyone interested.

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  malkuth said:
I'm pretty sure he uses his own parachute module and skips over the default ksp one. It's not a bug in a sense it's just that mce uses the default values for parachutes. And I don't think it's an easy rewrite since the reason you would rewrite your own version is if you didn't like the drag values of the original. Which would mean I would have to write in special code to fix the problem. And right now I just don't have time.

This is a really old quote but I just noticed it when reading through some of the older pages. KCT does have support for RealChute based parachute recovery. I personally have noticed that a drag to mass ratio of about 8 or higher will result in a landing of below 10m/s, which is the primary requirement for me to recover spent stages. Feel free to check out my source (included with the download). It's in the Kerbal_Construction_Time.vesselDestroyEvent() function. I had to use some reflection to get the drag coefficient and the total area, then calculate the drag from that. It shouldn't require much change to implement, if you haven't yet.

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I have idea for addition for this plugin.

Actions that bring money, but dont require any contract or mission. Like taking pictures in space, for example 10000 for picture of each biome of mun from orbit and 20000 for picture of surface. Or tv transmisions from space. That woudl require multiple crew because single kerbal occupied by entertaining masses woudlnt be able to controll ship at the same time.

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"Houston We have had a problem!". I got the Exploration probe mission to orbit around the mun with the orbital research boxes but I can't get the orbital research boxes to start researching,its the only thing that hasn't been completed. The boxes say that they are "ready to scan",I enabled them and nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong?


I had to revert the mission(before this one) cause I forgot solar panels,but it was researching,then I relaunched to this cause I had no power.

Edited by Codey737
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