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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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malkuth, any input on what I was asking about blacklisting parts in the cost list?

It's possible to code it in, I could even code it to skip parts with certain modules.

The reason the fesa towers cost so much is because they can house a huge number of kerbals. And mce process things pretty high per kerbal. I tried to address this before but found no simple solution to the fesa tower issue.

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I definitely suggest coding a part-name and/or module cost exemption. May be useful for other unforeseen things later on. Also... allow you to also set a manual hardcoded final price for said part name too for the same reasoning. Maybe only 2 or 3 parts will ever use it, but you never know. But I assume you're waiting on .24 before you do anything. I don't blame you. I'll just hold off on my Armageddon style catwalk scenes. Afflek Kerman is grounded anyway... dental work.

Edited by UAL002
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How do I fix the fact that the User-Defined contracts window isn't visible when I click the user contracts button? I can see a tiny thing in the upper-left corner of the screen - a little grey rectangle about 5 pixels big - that I think might be it but it won't let me click on it or drag it around.

I tried looking at config.xml where the window positions are stored but I can't see an entry there that looks like its for the user contracts window.

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hey Malkuth I've been meaning to mention that since the CB and VC readouts seem to be buttons, might they be linked to the Finances and Cost Breakdown windows respectively? That would save space on the toolbar

How do I fix the fact that the User-Defined contracts window isn't visible when I click the user contracts button? I can see a tiny thing in the upper-left corner of the screen - a little grey rectangle about 5 pixels big - that I think might be it but it won't let me click on it or drag it around.

I've seen this too. It works for me now and I have no idea how I fixed it :/

Edited by Gaiiden
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hey Malkuth I've been meaning to mention that since the CB and VC readouts seem to be buttons, might they be linked to the Finances and Cost Breakdown windows respectively? That would save space on the toolbar

I've seen this too. It works for me now and I have no idea how I fixed it :/

Good idea. :) But those are actually windows. ;)

for the window that's disappeared just reset the windows in settings should fix it.

Edited by malkuth
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Version .72 Released

You can now change the way Mission Controller does its prices. As I get ready for version .24 Of Kerbal Space Program I knew that Keeping MCE price Algorithms was not going to work with the new .24 version of KSP very well. And one of the big reasons that MCE uses its own Prices is because in past a lot of Mod Parts were not including The Price of the part in The config file.

So for now I have given you the Player the option to disable this in the settings menu. When you disable it, or Re Enable it you have to ReStart Kerbal Space Program to take effect.

I have played around with this a little before release, and some of the mods out there still have very screwed up prices, and may not be as even as MCE Algorithm would of made them (or NOT!).

So have fun. Beware though, most vessels have come down in price and I suggest editing the MCSettings.cfg file to lower the payments of all missions. I highly suggest these settings.

payoutmode0 = .8 //this is default mode. Reward * 1.. Change this if your not happy with MCE payout level... (no more complaining please)

payoutmode1 = .9 //only used in career mode

payoutmode2 = 1 //only used in career mode

These three values are found in MCSettings.cfg file and will reduce the Payouts of all missions including contracts!

This change will make mods like Interstellar and other mods that add new types of engines a lot more forgiving in the prices of the parts, since MCE will use the Prices the Mod Author has supplied.. Or not!

This Option is OFF by Default, change it In settings Menu.. Then restart KSP.

2. Edited the First Mission of Random Missions to make starting off in career a little more forgiving to people.

3. Added a Start message and welcome message when you start a new game of MCE.

4. Got rid of the Boot Strap Mission packages. They are still available but are .zip up in the same folder the Other Missions are held. you have to install them yourself. Please be advised I DO NOT SUPPORT BSP Missions Anymore!

You can download updated .72 from the front page. Please beware it takes a few hours for the forge download to update, the DropBox download is always up to date!

Edited by malkuth
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vers. 0.72: Every time I popup the MCE Contracts window, the MCE Info Window also pops-up. It also popped-up upon initially entering the Space Center screen.

The new popup should only be showing once. And goes away after that. you might have to change screens for the save to hit.

If this is not what your talking about can you give a a screen shot or try explaining a little better what you are seeing?

Edit I can't seem to reproduce this from what you describe. I even started a brand new game.. I got the pop up that introduces a new player to MCE, got rid of it. Clicked contracts, nothing. Etc..

We must be thinking of different things.

Edited by malkuth
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for the window that's disappeared just reset the windows in settings should fix it.

It doesn't. It makes no difference.

I keep getting this message spamming my output.txt log over and over again:

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)

Parsing rect

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MissionController.AsteriodCapture].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MissionController.Manager.chooseAsteriodCapture () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MissionController.Manager.findAsteriodCapture () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MissionController.MissionController.drawContractInfoWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

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It doesn't. It makes no difference.

I keep getting this message spamming my output.txt log over and over again:

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)

Parsing rect

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MissionController.AsteriodCapture].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MissionController.Manager.chooseAsteriodCapture () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MissionController.Manager.findAsteriodCapture () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MissionController.MissionController.drawContractInfoWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Steven whats your resolution set to? I have MCE windows set for a MinHeight of 700 and MinWidth of 400 for that Custom Contract Window. It might be possible that its being extended past your current resolution ability. Not sure why it would need to expand beyond that but its possible. I might put a test .dll together for you and insert some MaxHeight and MaxWidth to see if that helps. Give me a bit to test it.

Edit: Steven I made this .dll file for you see if it helps or not. Please go to your GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController folder first and delete the file named config.xml.

Download this and replace the MCE .dll file located in GameData\MissionController\Plugins

If anyone else is having this issue you can try this file also. I will make it official next version.

Edited by malkuth
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Another issue that's bee around awhile. The packages Mission Window shows all the files in the MissionController directory, not just the .MPKG files.


thats not an issue its a limitation of the Ksp.io. I can't filter out other file types that are in the Mission files screen, Sorry.

As for the other one The pop up keeps coming up no matter what? You can exit your KSP game and edit your .sp file and change FirstTimeLoad = True

money = 104939
totalMoney = 50010
totalSpentVessels = 436867
TotalSpentKerbals = 0
totalrecycleMoney = 56967
otherpaymentmoney = 511680
othercostmoney = 76846
fuelmode = 0
constructmode = 0
VRecylce = False
VFuels = False
VConstruction1 = False
VConstruction2 = False
RocketAutoLand = False
loanmode = 0
currentpayoutlevel = 0
missionlevel2 = False
missionlevel3 = False
currentcontractType = 2
currentcontractytpe2 = 12
currentcontracttype3 = 16
nextTimeCheck = 180528115.798261
showRepairVesselName = No Vessels With Repair Available!
showCompanyAvailable = COME
showCompanyAvailable2 = COMA
showCompanyAvailable3 = COME
showCompanyAvailable4 = COMA
randomcontractsfreeze = False
timeStartedName = none
timeStarted = -1
timeRoverName = none
timeRoverStarted = -1
timeProbeName = none
timeProbeStarted = -1
randomOrbit = Tylo
randomOrbitPay = 475000
randomOrbitscience = 250
randomLanding = Duna
randomLandingPay = 275000
randomLandingScience = 50
asteroidCaptureName = Ast. JZV-661 (unloaded)
asteroidCaptureNameCustom = none
[B]FirstTimeLoad = True[/B] // Change this one if its set to false. Will stop it from coming up. Must be exited out of KSP first for it to work.

.sp files are located in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController Look for your steam folder if you have steam version.

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I;ve just had a problem with the MCE research tree. I bought Vessel Recycling and equipped my rocket parts with parachutes, but got annoyed when recovering the parts didn't give me any cache. I then checked the Research window, and found the Vessel Recycling tech listed as NOT AVAILABLE, even though the research was definitely spent.

So I went into the .sp file and set VRecycle to True and restarted the game. This made Recycling show up as Researched, but RocketAssistedAutoLanding ia now also Researched, and I definitely didn't. Plus the .sp file still has RocketAutoLand = False in it.

I'm on version .71

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When I exited KSP, I noted that the FirstTimeload parameter was already set to True.

I then restarted KSP. The MCE Info Window still popped-up.

Well I'm pretty confused. Does anyone else have this issue? Because that does not make much sense. :(

Maybe make a copy of your current .sp save file. Delete the whole MissionController folder. Reinstall .72 and put your .sp file back. And try that. Other than that are you using windows?

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When I exited KSP, I noted that the FirstTimeload parameter was already set to True.

I then restarted KSP. The MCE Info Window still popped-up.

Hi Apollo I edited the .dll file I made for steven with some changes for you also. See if this helps your situation or not.

If this does not work for you tell me and I will edit it again and get rid of it for you totally. This should work though.

Download .dll replace your old MCE .dll with it.

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I;ve just had a problem with the MCE research tree. I bought Vessel Recycling and equipped my rocket parts with parachutes, but got annoyed when recovering the parts didn't give me any cache. I then checked the Research window, and found the Vessel Recycling tech listed as NOT AVAILABLE, even though the research was definitely spent.

So I went into the .sp file and set VRecycle to True and restarted the game. This made Recycling show up as Researched, but RocketAssistedAutoLanding ia now also Researched, and I definitely didn't. Plus the .sp file still has RocketAutoLand = False in it.

I'm on version .71

Hmmm well Rocket Assisted landings is a separate research option then just Regular recycling. YOu should have it set like this if you want both.

money = 50000
totalMoney = 50000
totalSpentVessels = 0
TotalSpentKerbals = 0
totalrecycleMoney = 0
otherpaymentmoney = 0
othercostmoney = 0
fuelmode = 0
constructmode = 0
** [B]VRecylce = True[/B] // sets recylce to true for research without the **
VFuels = False
VConstruction1 = False
VConstruction2 = False
** [B]RocketAutoLand = true[/B] // sets RocketAutoland to true.. you must have both VRecycle and this as true for RocketAutoLand to work! without the **
loanmode = 0
currentpayoutlevel = 0
missionlevel2 = False
missionlevel3 = False
currentcontractType = 0
currentcontractytpe2 = 9
currentcontracttype3 = 14
nextTimeCheck = 86400
showRepairVesselName = No Vessels With Repair Available!
showCompanyAvailable = COMB
showCompanyAvailable2 = COMF
showCompanyAvailable3 = COMH
showCompanyAvailable4 = COMA
randomcontractsfreeze = False
timeStartedName = none
timeStarted = -1
timeRoverName = none
timeRoverStarted = -1
timeProbeName = none
timeProbeStarted = -1
randomOrbit = Eve
randomOrbitPay = 250000
randomOrbitscience = 45
randomLanding = Jool
randomLandingPay = 300000
randomLandingScience = 80
asteroidCaptureName = Ast. XUC-428 (unloaded)
asteroidCaptureNameCustom = none
FirstTimeLoad = True

Be advised that you have to make these changes while KSP is closed! Can't do it while its running. And their is 2 .sp files one is a backup, don't change that one by mistake thinking its going to work. Its only backup. ;)

Edited by malkuth
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I tried the TestDLLForSteven.dll. I also tried the suggestion in post #1893. No joy for either. Window still pops-up.

Alright sent you a pm. But sending another one will .dll that does not have the FILE inside it at all. If it still loads, you son have an impossible situation that I have no clue about. This .dll file doesn't even have it as an option anymore.

Check you pm again.

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Thank you for that DLL. It worked. No pop-up, even at Space center screen.

Another suggestion: Random Mission #5 is for the north Polar region. I've added ojne for the south Polar region as well. You may wish to add that as well to your random missions MPKG.

Also, random mission # 7 is titled "Early Missions Landing Trails". I think you meant "Trials".

Edited by Apollo13
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Thank you for that DLL. It worked. No pop-up, even at Space center screen.

Another suggestion: Random Mission #5 is for the north Polar region. I've added ojne for the south Polar region as well. You may wish to add that as well to your random missions MPKG.

Also, random mission # 7 is titled "Early Missions Landing Trails". I think you meant "Trials".

Just curious what OS are you using. .Windows? Linux?

Wondering if the issue was a Loading issue, and the way other OS handle at what point things are loaded.

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