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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Thanks Kethevin. :) Will make sure all my KSPI ships are out of action when he releases it, which I'm greatly looking forward to and hoping will fix the telescope :) In the meantime I finally found the post buried in here about also reinstalling ORS to fix the problem. Maybe that should be stickied somewhere

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Ran into a problem with the 62.5cm "SAFE-1500" Fission Reactor giving a "UF4 Deprived" status. I tried tried erasing the mod and reinstalling it from a fresh download to make sure something didn't get a wrong version (WaveFunctionP experimental version) and put the reactor in a new ship build so nothing would carry over with the same result. Is there a way to fix this and, if not, is it due to be fixed in the next version? Thanks :)

I just now had the same issue with the Akula reactor (I think after I installed MKS 0.20.4) I fixed it by overwriting the OpenResourceSystem folder in GameData with the one from KSPI experimental again. After that I went into the savefile and changed the "NaN" entries for UraniumNitride (in your case UF4 I guess) and Depleted Fuel, UraniumNitride to the max and DepletedFuel to 0. Now my reactors are operational again.

I had a similar but slightly different issue before and then overwriting was not enough, I had to delete the OpenResourceSystem, Treeloader and Warpplugin folders completely.

I don't know if you have MKS and/or Karbonite, and I don't know yet if overwriting/replacing the OpenResourceFolder will break those.

EDIT: I didn't refresh the page, so I didn't see you already found the solution, sorry.

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You can download treeloader and load kspi's tree, not that I'm entirely sure why you'd want to do that.

thx and the reason why i want only the tech tree is i want to arrange the parts to my liking and i don't like ksp mods to be too sci-fi :P

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for some reason the top of all the reactors are nonsolid, and anything above them falls through my entire ship on the pad.

is there any way to fix this? its only with the reactors and its with all the ones ive tried so far.

Have you closed and restarted KSP? sometimes, rarely, some or all parts on a vessel on the launchpad undergo a sudden catastrophic divorce. Closing and restarting KSP fixes this. it seems that all the attachment nodes suddenly cease to be, for some reason. Idk if this is a kspi or general thing...

anyway if that doesn't work, then this is something else.

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for some reason the top of all the reactors are nonsolid, and anything above them falls through my entire ship on the pad.

is there any way to fix this? its only with the reactors and its with all the ones ive tried so far.

Check if you have several instances of KSPApiExtensions.dll in different mods & these dlls are similar (no version difference).

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Since I activated the experimental edition of this mod (for 0.24 compatibility) my seismometers only have the stock functionality. Even those already in flight or deployed on a body. I tried to fix it by messing around with the part files but I have not found a solution.

How can I get them to work as impact detectors again?

(I'm sorry if this is a FAQ but I couldn't find an answer in the thread.)

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for some reason the top of all the reactors are nonsolid, and anything above them falls through my entire ship on the pad.

is there any way to fix this? its only with the reactors and its with all the ones ive tried so far.

You need to install WaveFunctionP's Experimetal version. Make sure you delete Treeloader, WarpPlugin, and ORS first.

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Yes i get it, times are changing. But instead of breaking saves completely, could it not be possible to at least ensure that all vessels in the savegame are loaded albeit with now non functional parts? One of my longlasting missions to duna (i play without heavy timewarping) could easily handle if the on board reactor stops working. Or even if its working in strange, non exploding ways. But i really hope there wont be errors telling me that this or that vessel isnt loading at all.

Infernal robotics handled this quite well including the change to tweakscale. Old parts worked (somehow) and got replaced in new vessels by the new parts by the player.

Edited by smart013
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Have you closed and restarted KSP? sometimes, rarely, some or all parts on a vessel on the launchpad undergo a sudden catastrophic divorce. Closing and restarting KSP fixes this. it seems that all the attachment nodes suddenly cease to be, for some reason. Idk if this is a kspi or general thing...

anyway if that doesn't work, then this is something else.

I've had it happen after several restarts, and I don't know how to check if there's multiple "KSPIExtensions"

And its ONLY with the top of the reactors, nothing else.

Edited by Deadpangod3
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So I've been toying with this mod, and was very disappointed to discover that the radiators from it won't help prevent overheats on vanilla engines (especially the nuclear ones). :(

I could be wrong, but I don't believe they are designed to dissipate heat from the engines. I think they help with waste heat that builds up with solar panels, reactors, and maybe other equipment.

EDIT: Reference this: https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Waste-Heat-Management

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I could be wrong, but I don't believe they are designed to dissipate heat from the engines. I think they help with waste heat that builds up with solar panels and maybe other equipment.

Looking over the wiki, they seem to be purely for "Waste Heat", which is something completely different from engines overheating. I tested with a Rockomax Jumbo-64 and an upside-down nuclear rocket on the launchpad; three deployed radiators did nothing to stop it exploding.

Ah well. Insulating the engines with a smaller fuel tank seems to have solved the heating issue, and I guess I'll just leave the radiators on for cosmetic purposes.

Edited by Jim Starluck
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If overheating really bothers you then create (or borrow) a part and add a module to it like this:


name = ModuleHeatPump
heatTransfer = 50
heatDissipation = 0.05

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.01666667

Configure it to your taste.

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Horus, from what I saw in the code, this module isn't the one appropriate for engines. I've tried adding the module that seemed to be responsible (sorry, no code here, I need to re-install the mod) for air-cooling to radial air intakes, but in-game they always appear to be "offline".

I must admit that this engine overheat because of super-sonic speed is what really bother me in this mod. Would it work with radial intakes, I would have no problems with it.

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The code snippet I've posted is not for engine. It makes a part it's added to a heat pump. You can make a fin\grill, add this module to it & attach it to the heating engine.

Making some changes in the config you can make any engine as cold you your X's heart.

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I've had it happen after several restarts, and I don't know how to check if there's multiple "KSPIExtensions"

And its ONLY with the top of the reactors, nothing else.

I have the exact same issue. I checked for multiple KSPIExtensions and while i did find two the problem persisted after i deleted one. Anyone have an idea how to fix this?

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