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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Okay i'm officially confused now.

I am using the latest experimental release now.

I did read that AM reactors did got nerferd. Thats fine (well actually not, but whatever).

However when i assemble a reactor/generator combo to build into my spaceplane bay for the subassembly a 2.5m Am reactor reads out as giving 32 GW of heat energy. So far so good. Once i build it into my spaceplane it only reads out as giving 8GW heat energy in the manager and indeed only supplies 8GW on launch.

Another thing i noticed is that you can not longer select the Generator type in Sandboxmode. You always get the lowest efficient generator type. (Which frankly sucks)

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  Aeon-Phoenix said:
Okay i'm officially confused now.

I am using the latest experimental release now.

I did read that AM reactors did got nerferd. Thats fine (well actually not, but whatever).

However when i assemble a reactor/generator combo to build into my spaceplane bay for the subassembly a 2.5m Am reactor reads out as giving 32 GW of heat energy. So far so good. Once i build it into my spaceplane it only reads out as giving 8GW heat energy in the manager and indeed only supplies 8GW on launch.

Another thing i noticed is that you can not longer select the Generator type in Sandboxmode. You always get the lowest efficient generator type. (Which frankly sucks)

Unfortunately I doubt there will be any further support for KSPI until/unless Fractal comes back.
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  forsaken1111 said:
Unfortunately I doubt there will be any further support for KSPI until/unless Fractal comes back.

Oh WavefunctionP is doing updates allright. Hence why i report that bug here. :)

So right now trying to save tweakables in the Subassemblies is a big doodoo and makes it all the more harder to build stuff in the SPH.

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After playing some more. I've found out that the tweakables from 0.12.2 are pretty broken in the reactor/generator department. Both worked fine in 0.11 without tweaking.

In 0.12.2 the generators always remain on the lowest techlevel in Sandboxmode and the AM reactors allways return to their default value of 8GW output no matter the size or the fact that you have an more advanced techlevel (should be in Sandbox mode). The same counts for the fusion reactors.

I'm not sure about the Radiators. They do not show their type anymore.

After checking the CFGs of the AM reactors i must admit that the new values seem allright. Less antimatter consumption relative to the power output and a more reasonable poweroutput could work. If they would work :D

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  forsaken1111 said:
You should probably report and discuss Wave's version in the appropriate thread.


Thanks for informing me. Assuming that he did replied here i thought i was right in posting stuff here. welp i was wrong.

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  Aedile said:
So... in the Lite version... Are now the whole charged particle, different generator type stuff completely gone? Also the generator modes, thorium etc...

Guess that's a bit too lite for my taste.

Yep. Personally I'm going to stick to the experimental release, before all these changes and removals got made. Sure, some stuff is buggy in that, and it pains me to abandon the new awesome tweakscale stuff, but I just gotta have my tritium breeding, helium 3, charged particles, and KTEC generators. And realistic reactor outputs as opposed to 'balanced' ones.

(IMHO, KSPI will always be balanced as long as it's realistic, and, by extension, complicated.)

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  GreeningGalaxy said:
Yep. Personally I'm going to stick to the experimental release, before all these changes and removals got made. Sure, some stuff is buggy in that, and it pains me to abandon the new awesome tweakscale stuff, but I just gotta have my tritium breeding, helium 3, charged particles, and KTEC generators. And realistic reactor outputs as opposed to 'balanced' ones.

(IMHO, KSPI will always be balanced as long as it's realistic, and, by extension, complicated.)

There's things I love in the E version like the part reduction and part scaling (dimension scaling, I mean). I have to agree though, I miss the complexity and the touchiness of the original. There were things that annoyed me, for sure, but I think the parts clean up would have been enough.

I love part scaling.

Part scaling for everything!

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I looked at wavefunction's code for the lite release - all of the old features are still there, just commented out - I am going to play around with uncommenting them, establishing if I can/need to exit any of the code, edit those modules back into the new .cfgs via modulemanager, etc. in other words, I think that one can have all of the fixes and tweakscale compatability of the .12 lite release while retaining the more complex features that some enjoy. the original license forbids distributing edited compiled releases without express consent from Fractal... it does, however allow distribution of edited source.

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  ABZB said:
I looked at wavefunction's code for the lite release - all of the old features are still there, just commented out - I am going to play around with uncommenting them, establishing if I can/need to exit any of the code, edit those modules back into the new .cfgs via modulemanager, etc. in other words, I think that one can have all of the fixes and tweakscale compatability of the .12 lite release while retaining the more complex features that some enjoy. the original license forbids distributing edited compiled releases without express consent from Fractal... it does, however allow distribution of edited source.

Where does the Interstellar license say you can't distribute a new compiled version without Fractal's consent? All I can find are requirements that you give credit, link to the original distribution, and distribute source code with your compiled distribution.

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  ABZB said:
I looked at wavefunction's code for the lite release - all of the old features are still there, just commented out - I am going to play around with uncommenting them, establishing if I can/need to exit any of the code, edit those modules back into the new .cfgs via modulemanager, etc. in other words, I think that one can have all of the fixes and tweakscale compatability of the .12 lite release while retaining the more complex features that some enjoy. the original license forbids distributing edited compiled releases without express consent from Fractal... it does, however allow distribution of edited source.


The license allows compiles redistribution. Otherwise kispil would not be possible.

Some of the old modes and functionality may come available again in kispil, but in the form of MM configs instead of being hard coded. Sorta like how extraction works for ORS.

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  Kerbin, We have a problem said:
Hi! There have been a S*** lot of bugs in ksp 0.24.2 Could you please update this to the latest version? :)

Unfortunately FractalUK is missing so I wouldn't expect an update to the official mod any time soon. Wave has an experimental release up which works in 0.24.2 though.


If you don't like his changes then the 0.11 release on this page is more or less the stock KSPI mod updated to work in 0.24.2. Anything 0.12 or later has his 'lite' changes in.


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  Thorbane said:
Any chance of there being an patch to Wave's .11 release to work with ORS 1.2?


More classic kspi configurations will become available as I expose more functionality to the part file. I don't intend to leave original kspi lovers completely without support in the long term, but a transition was required. I needed to get the base experience cleaned up. Even fractaluk was talking about rather large rewrites before he left. I can't imagine that he would have been able be able to pull it off without breaking some functionality or saves along the way. For now, you can use .11exp if you don't care about other ors/crp mods. If you do, you can use kspil with the promise that development will continue to allow players to play kspi the way they want to play as much as possible. RSS, big kerbin, more realistic, less realistic. The idea is to open up the mod to allow players with only knowledge of MM configs to modify kspil to their liking or download their prefered config with the knowledge they thier version will always be compatible with other mods and never have to write one line of c#.

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  galactictaco said:
so i put a reactor and generator in space, with a transmitter. when i transmit i uses up my megajoules like fuel and when i stop transmitting i regain my megajoules. why am i losing my megajoules? do i just need 2 reactors or something?

your Xmitting faster than you are producing, so right click and slide down the xmit slider a bit.

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