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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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I have a strange issue with this mod, it all works fine until I try to launch something, both the Launchpad and the Runway will reduce my FPS to 3-4 frames, while it is around 40 with the same ship and this mod deactivated. Has anyone had a similar issue and know the resolution? I believe it may be associated with Karbonite v0.3.5/MKSv0.19.3 and conflicting resource adding systems?

Thank you for any advice,


Edited by Calus
More troubleshooting done
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Fracktal Glad to see u again here

and good luck with caching up chenges

  Calus said:
I have a strange issue with this mod, it all works fine until I try to launch something, both the Launchpad and the Runway will reduce my FPS to 3-4 frames, while it is around 40 with the same ship and this mod deactivated. Has anyone had a similar issue and know the resolution? I believe it may be associated with Karbonite v0.3.5/MKSv0.19.3 and conflicting resource adding systems?

Thank you for any advice,


u have more than one resousers deffinitions. that make that bug

what mods using resousers u have and what version of KSPI u have?

Edited by sober667
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  Calus said:
I have a strange issue with this mod, it all works fine until I try to launch something, both the Launchpad and the Runway will reduce my FPS to 3-4 frames, while it is around 40 with the same ship and this mod deactivated. Has anyone had a similar issue and know the resolution? I believe it may be associated with Karbonite v0.3.5/MKSv0.19.3 and conflicting resource adding systems? [...]

There are known incompatibilities between the version of ORS used in the last WarpPlugin version (KSPi .11) and the current version of MKS/Karbonite. Wave has done the hard work of rectifying this (in KSPi Light .12). this is one of the things Roverdude was looking to link up with Fractal on a few posts back, hoping to get Fractal up to speed with the ORS/CRP changes that have occurred, so Fractal could jump back in and we could have more net awesomeness.

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  Fractal_UK said:
Honestly, I don't know. I don't really know what the changes that have been made are at this stage so it would be difficult for me to comment. I have a huge amount of catching up to do. If you or someone else could PM me with a brief overview of that, it would help me to look at it sooner.

I'll hunt down the thread where the discussions took place. It was mostly making sure the resources were all in sync (One kind of Argon, one kind of Uranium, one kind of Water, etc.), and having one single clearinghouse outside of any of the mods for ORS stuff (this would be CRP, which bundles KSPI-L, MKS, Karbonite, and a few others and plays well with NearFuels, Near Future Tech, TAC-LS, BioMass, Universal Storage, etc.). So yep, having KSPI on that same page would make interop possible.

  Calus said:
I have a strange issue with this mod, it all works fine until I try to launch something, both the Launchpad and the Runway will reduce my FPS to 3-4 frames, while it is around 40 with the same ship and this mod deactivated. Has anyone had a similar issue and know the resolution? I believe it may be associated with Karbonite v0.3.5/MKSv0.19.3 and conflicting resource adding systems?

Thank you for any advice,


  AetherGoddess said:
There are known incompatibilities between the version of ORS used in the last WarpPlugin version (KSPi .11) and the current version of MKS/Karbonite. Wave has done the hard work of rectifying this (in KSPi Light .12). this is one of the things Roverdude was looking to link up with Fractal on a few posts back, hoping to get Fractal up to speed with the ORS/CRP changes that have occurred, so Fractal could jump back in and we could have more net awesomeness.

Yep, this is pretty much the issue. So as of now, KSPI is incompatible with MKS, Karbonite, or any of the USI mods that use resources and ORS. IMO the ideal end-game would be to have ORS stand on it's own with no dependencies, have the ORS resources stand on their own (we already do this with CRP), and then just have everyone share the same dependency and the same resource structure, This is a pretty important thing to me as I am already looking at extending interop to other mods, but need a really strong foundation that embraces the idea of a common resource pool.

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This has probably been a feature of WaveFunctionP's version for some time but this is part of a larger change that hopefully demonstrates the better Reactor system I'm putting in place for the new version. It will allow you to get all sorts of information about the reactors before and after upgrade, including all the information on fuel useage and how the choice of fuel effects the reactor's power output.

I've also relabelled the reactor Core Temperature as the temperature at which heat exchange takes place. Core Temperature for fusion reactors might be hundreds of millions of degrees but you certainly won't achieve heating your thermal rocket exhaust anywhere close to that temperature, for example.

At the bottom you can see there is also a Reactor System interface that you can use to see what your current fuel useage status on the reactor is like, get all your power output details and control the reactor too.





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I've pushed the latest changes to the Interstellar github development branch. I've also updated all the latest part.cfgs to the same place. That should let anyone with sufficient patience build a mostly functional version of Interstellar for 0.24. Before a more general release, I still have to update all the fission reactors to the new reactor API, I don't think they will currently work at all.

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btw - I tried compiling it for myself (microsoft visual studio), but I got an error of the form:

The extern alias ORS_1.3 was not specified in a /reference option (typed from memory, may not be totally faithful to actual error message). If it is no bother, would anyone know what my error is?

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  ABZB said:

btw - I tried compiling it for myself (microsoft visual studio), but I got an error of the form:

The extern alias ORS_1.3 was not specified in a /reference option (typed from memory, may not be totally faithful to actual error message). If it is no bother, would anyone know what my error is?

You need to compile ORS first, then make sure the ORS that you compiled is in a location where the compiler will find it when you're compiling the Interstellar plugin. You may need to edit some of the paths in the project file to point to where the dll is going to be on your setup.

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  undercoveryankee said:
You need to compile ORS first, then make sure the ORS that you compiled is in a location where the compiler will find it when you're compiling the Interstellar plugin.

I compiled ORS first - and it seems the project file is looking at the right directory...

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  Fractal_UK said:
I've pushed the latest changes to the Interstellar github development branch. I've also updated all the latest part.cfgs to the same place. That should let anyone with sufficient patience build a mostly functional version of Interstellar for 0.24. Before a more general release, I still have to update all the fission reactors to the new reactor API, I don't think they will currently work at all.

too bad i dont have such a good skils to do that (or sufficient patience)

but its very good im waiting for full relase and i thing its worth waiting

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  bartekkru99 said:
Fractal, we missed you, what will you do for the next update?

At the moment I'm not thinking too much about massive new features, I just want to get some of the improvements I was working on finished off. That involves some new reactor code and new electric engine code that handles multiple propellants better (plus unique visual effects for each one).

I also want to shift all of the science generating parts over to the stock science interface rather than incrementing science totals.

I've also just been looking at resource pricing, I'll post something more about that soon.

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Odd - the compiled Interstellar is insisting that something is in an incorrect directory... I have everything arranged as in .11 on 23.5 (as far as I know).

EDIT: The problem seems to have been that when I renamed the main dll to have the correct name, I managed to leave an identical copy in same the folder with a different name.

Edited by ABZB
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  Spartan-S63 said:
So, with FractalUK back, how's this going to work out with WaveFunctionP's fork? Will the two exist in parallel or will all development efforts go into FractalUK's original codebase?

I'm hoping for epic space battle, myself ;)

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  WaveFunctionP said:
For those wondering about kspilite, there will only ever be one version of kspi. I intend to align kspilite to meet with fractals versions whenever there is a conflict. I expect that it will eventually be depreciated back to my old hobby version that I use personally, but still available publicly like my experimental version was for the last year. I will probably support .25, so that people that started saves don't have to delete their saves, but that will likely be the end of that little experiment. I had fun, I hope you guys did as well.

If i understand right, there will no battle :(:D

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  Spartan-S63 said:
So, with FractalUK back, how's this going to work out with WaveFunctionP's fork? Will the two exist in parallel or will all development efforts go into FractalUK's original codebase?

Wave plans to keep his pack available for download and import any improvements that Fractal releases. Whether any of Wave's work makes it back upstream will depend on who has how much time to port it. I'm confident that both authors would rather have two good branches available than worry about which flavour is more popular.

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My branch will reconverge at the earliest opportunity. kspil/experimental was originally my personal version which I had made available to the public. I plan to contribute to the original codebase in whatever way that I can. What I was doing to extend support for modification and compatibility can be done with kspi or kspil. But I won't leave current kspil users stranded with broken saves. I will support at least .25 for kspil.

There will be no epic space battles. :P

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Excellent *Mr. Burns pose*

The compile I did is trollingly not working - every individual part (reactors, generators, radiators) - each one insists "I am working fine, look at my readouts" but have read Descartes and proclaim "No other part exists but me!"

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So, as I said earlier, I've been looking at resource costs. Since I haven't really played 0.24 very much, I don't really have much understanding of how well this is going to work yet so my effort to derive them so far is based around very estimated real world costs of each resource converted into Kerbal money (I've vaguely assumed that 1 unit of Kerbal money = 1000 Euros, mainly because it was easiest to find some of the material costs in Euros). I'm thus quite open to feedback from more experienced players.

At first glance though, it seems to capture the value of some of the ISRU resources as well as nicely representing the extreme rarity of the advanced resources though I'm a little worried by how LqdMethane is so much cheaper than the stock propellants.

I've ordered the list by cost/ton so you can what is, in absolute terms, the most valuable (I notice investing in Lithium and a Nuclear reactor is probably going to be a good long-term moneymaking ploy!).


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I apologize if this has been touched on, but after extensive Googling and such, I haven't come up with anything super helpful.

I recently downloaded this mod, and I'm absolutely in love. I do have one question though- when attempting to launch a craft with any Antimatter reactor, and several of the fission reactors (not all at the same time, different models), my crafts will simply fall through the launch pad and blow up. Does anyone have some divine wisdom for me? If not, thanks for the mod anyway and I'll work around it!

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  Mortal said:
I apologize if this has been touched on, but after extensive Googling and such, I haven't come up with anything super helpful.

I recently downloaded this mod, and I'm absolutely in love. I do have one question though- when attempting to launch a craft with any Antimatter reactor, and several of the fission reactors (not all at the same time, different models), my crafts will simply fall through the launch pad and blow up. Does anyone have some divine wisdom for me? If not, thanks for the mod anyway and I'll work around it!

It's because the mod was compiled for KSP v0.23.5 and some changes were made to the KSP API for version 0.24 which broke the mod. I have a working development version but the release version isn't quite ready yet, stay tuned!

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