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[1.8.1] Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Version 6.8.5 - Updated 12/14/19)


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  NavyFish said:
I suppose no news is good news, but I should still ask - any issues thus far?

You are right... (but sorry, too much to do with other KSP things currently). Yet, I did a couple dockings lately with your new version, everything seems OK :D.

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Wow, there sure is a lot of juicy stuff in that update. With support for multiple dockports does this mean I could select a specific docking port a welded part (ubiozur) with 2 plus ports?

Edited by falken
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  rcollins said:
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but the DPAI icon isn't appearing in the toolbar, not is the UI appearing when I select docking ports via right click.

Do you have the NavyFish folder in the correct location? It should be in KSP/GameData/NavyFish. Is there a recent version (2.1.5 at the moment) of ModuleManager in KSP/GameData?

If that doesn't fix it, we'll need more information. You can read about what to include here.

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  rcollins said:
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but the DPAI icon isn't appearing in the toolbar, not is the UI appearing when I select docking ports via right click.

I had the same problem. Installing the latest version of the toolbar fixed it for me.

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Hello guys....

Where do you place the source folder coming with DPAI 4 ?

Is it in KSP>Gamedata>Navyfish or KSP>Source

in other world do you use a KSP>Source folder to place inside all the folders coming from the different source folders from your different adds on, or do you place each source folder coming from each add on in the Game data>"add-on" folder?


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Is there a way to disable the new "targeting cheat mode"? I want the bug fixes for the lateral docking ports, and I like the little magenta target that it shows you now, but I don't want it to auto-target or select targets from 2km away. Can I turn that off?

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  gilflo said:
Hello guys....

Where do you place the source folder coming with DPAI 4 ?

Is it in KSP>Gamedata>Navyfish or KSP>Source

in other world do you use a KSP>Source folder to place inside all the folders coming from the different source folders from your different adds on, or do you place each source folder coming from each add on in the Game data>"add-on" folder?


The source folder is for information only - it contains text copies of the code used to implement DPAI. As such, it isn't needed anywhere in the KSP folder, jst don't copy it, or if you have copied it, you can delete it.

Same goes for all the other mods.

If you are interested in the code then you can copy it to anywhere on your drive.

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  gilflo said:
Hello guys....

Where do you place the source folder coming with DPAI 4 ?

Is it in KSP>Gamedata>Navyfish or KSP>Source

in other world do you use a KSP>Source folder to place inside all the folders coming from the different source folders from your different adds on, or do you place each source folder coming from each add on in the Game data>"add-on" folder?


You don't need the source folder for the mod to work. It is only there so people can look at the source code and make sure there is nothing malicious in there...

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  Alshain said:
Is there a way to disable the new "targeting cheat mode"? I want the bug fixes for the lateral docking ports, and I like the little magenta target that it shows you now, but I don't want it to auto-target or select targets from 2km away. Can I turn that off?

You could click the DPAI's toolbar button (looks like an orange alignment circle), to hide the indicator at long range, then when you want to display the gauge, click it again.

What other behavior would you want to see? Do you want to be forced to right click on a port?

Anyone please chime in, as I'll have to release a 4.1 sometime sooner or later, as I forgot to save the position of the custom toolbar icon (for people not using blizzys toolbar). So a functionality tweak or two could undoubtedly be included in the patch.

Raster Prop integration is a long-range todo, and will likely constitute part of the v5 release. I'm personally in the midst of moving my house from one state to another, so I can't give you a time frame. Additionally, I'm still trying to figure out a way to preserve the 'control from here' selection when transitioning to IVA, as KSP switches the control point over to the cockpit, which does not work unless your docking port is immediately in front of the cockpit (and even then, the distance readouts are wrong)

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I'm happy to report no observed bugs with 4.0 and KSP 23.5 on my Mac. The new docking port selection is really useful, especially after naming the ports on my space station. Would it be possible to have the list ignore or mark occupied ports? That would help shorten the list for large, modular space stations.

One smaller request: the font for the Settings button is illegibly small without antialiasing. Could you make it 1 or 2 points larger?

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The list should be ignoring occupied ports - is it not? If so I'll have to dig a bit, as that's a bug. Thanks for the feedback.

I'll see about making the settings button text larger, although it looks fine on my screen - 1920*1080 no AA.

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  NavyFish said:

What other behavior would you want to see? Do you want to be forced to right click on a port?

Actually yes. I don't have a problem with the feature being there, but a way to turn it off would be nice. After I posted I started looking at the source and was going to try an add a checkbox to the settings pages myself to

1. Stop auto-target

2. Hide the left/right click buttons (I do like the names though, I still consider that informational).

Basically, I want to do it myself the way it is intended by Squad and let DPAI be informational only (same reason I use KER instead of MechJeb). While the left/right click buttons can be ignored so it's not as big of a deal, the auto targeting is kind of forced on me and I don't care for it. Perhaps just a check box that says "Enable Target Assist".

Edited by Alshain
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  NavyFish said:
The list should be ignoring occupied ports - is it not? If so I'll have to dig a bit, as that's a bug. Thanks for the feedback.

I'll check this evening – it may be that I'd missed naming some of the unoccupied ports, so it looked like the list was showing occupied ports, too.

EDIT: My bad – I'd forgotten about some docking ports, so they weren't named and I assumed they were structural. That feature works.

Edited by Master Tao
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Just a quick post from my phone, I'm currently moving cross-country. There will be an update coming to address the auto targeting feature, and save the position of the toolbar button for people who dont use blizzy's toolbar mod. If you notice any other bugs or have a pressing feature request, please post your feedback and I will try to address it as soon as possible. Thanks!

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