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Stock? Not stock? I care nothing for these arguments.


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First I want to give a general shout out to all you modders and devs out there who work so hard to contribute to this game. After having seen the zillionth pseudo argument about stock vs non stock erupting among the kiddies and those with over inflated sense of completely misplaced egos in the General section of the forums I felt compelled to come here and just say thanks for all your hard work. Variety is the spice of life as they say and the variety you all choose to add to this game certainly gives it that added spice to keep my interest as this game develops.

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The OP is right. The only people who'd care about how others play a single-player sandbox are people who have no other means of self-validation. It's a sign of personal insecurity when someone feels a need to dictate what others "should" do like that.

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The OP is right. The only people who'd care about how others play a single-player sandbox are people who have no other means of self-validation. It's a sign of personal insecurity when someone feels a need to dictate what others "should" do like that.

The biggest reason people get upset about you-know-what is that the people who use it always try to undermine the achievements of people who didn't use you-know-what.

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I really just meant it as a pure shout out to the devs and mods for all their hard work. Hence why I posted this in the general add-on section. I wasn't trying to "instigate" anything my friend. If your ego was somehow bruised then I guess my original post still applies. Continue your troll.

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If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have instigated another argument by making this thread. There's blogs for a reason, take it there.

The argument of stock vs. not stock is not the same line of discussion as whether or not we should be arguing about these things in the first place.

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The argument of stock vs. not stock is not the same line of discussion as whether or not we should be arguing about these things in the first place.

Then maybe people should not use "I don't care" when they want to say "I totally care like my life depends of it"

Specially if they are going to be hypocrites and call other users kids or claim they have overinflate egos and then proceed to make a thread about the same thing he is calling them out

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Thank you! I so just got caught up in the moment I felt compelled to throw out a general good job to all the modders. What really hit me after reading those discussions was that in all the stock vs not stock it seemed like people forget that normal people take time to make those mods. I guess the vitriol did indeed get to me so I thought it couldn't hurt to give them a shout out. Then maybe beg for a Bell X-1 mod/part from some kind bored mod developer.... Jebediah Yeager.. it must happen!

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There have been absolutely no personal attack, we merely pointed out that he made a bad choice of words. Honestly, he's been the one being the least respectful considering all he's done is tell us we have egos.

Edited by MasterGir
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The biggest reason people get upset about you-know-what is that the people who use it always try to undermine the achievements of people who didn't use you-know-what.

How can that be? What you achieve is not changed in the least by what others do, or how they do it. Again, the only people who feel they're being "undermined" are those with insecurity issues. A confident individual knows he needs no validation from others and that his deeds speak for themselves.

And I agree that I'm seeing a lot of insecurity here - it's your game, play it your way, don't worry about what others are doing or how they are doing it.

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How can that be? What you achieve is not changed in the least by what others do, or how they do it. Again, the only people who feel they're being "undermined" are those with insecurity issues. A confident individual knows he needs no validation from others and that his deeds speak for themselves.

The point brought up in the post you were replying to referred not to the fact that people post their achievements for others to see but that a fair number flaunt their achievements as being objectively better than those achieved with another approach to gameplay. Not everything is a simple matter of "You just aren't trying hard enough to be confident."

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