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KSP on iOS

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There is no possibility, the processor load that KSP requires is simply too high.

That is probably quite right, but what if the developers were able to make a version with reduced system resource needs (like lower quality graphics, etc.)? I mean, there might b a little bit less compatibility, but ksp fanatics could have ksp wherever they go (if they have an iphone, ipad or ipod).

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A modern x86 cpu in a PC is LIGTH years faster then a mobile device. Mobile device might do 1.5GFLOPS on the CPU side and that should be a pretty fast ARM or x86 based SOC. An old i5 2500K can do 90GFLOPS with all cores. 6 core i7 can do 135GLFOPS give or take and the new Haswell can be even faster in some cases.

ATOM processors are relatively slow but an old Atom N270 single core hits 0.5GFLOPS. Now there are more attributes to a processor then just crunching numbers but KSP is mainly physics limited so it makes sens.

For KSP to run well on a mobile device you probably need 20GFLOPS or so spreed over all cores and all cores needs to be used. So unless unity gets multithreaded you can foget it on mobiles. Maybe in 5-6 years it could be doable with faster SoC's and a new unity version.

One possibility for it to makes rapid progress where to use GPGPU in a mobile device. Even the raspberry pi I believe has somewhere in the region of 25GFLOPS in its GPU but still its not a proper GPGPU even if you probably could from what I read do some more general stuff trough OpenGL ES. But this assumes that there will be a SoC with a flexible GPGPU and a new version of unity to go with that. But thats fare fetched to say the least considering how little adaption there have been for GPGPU on the PC market for normal users.

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Well first, I agree with pa1983 assessment of KSP on a mobile device, natively.

I have a Galaxy Tablet 10.1 running Android and have installed the 2X Client RDP app. At home, I have my Windows 7 machine I can RDP into. So when the urge comes, I RDP into my home PC, Bluetooth KB & M at the ready and I'm gaming. Any game! Latency isn't too bad. Obviously, the more intense the graphics, the slower it gets. Have also tried this using the LogMeIn service, had graphics issues but it does work. Kinda.



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This thread is not going to end well, I can feel it in my water...

But anyhow, I'm sure it's theoretically possible to port KSP to iOS in the unlikely even that Apple ever release a tablet with enough junk in the trunk to handle the physics engine. Whether it would be any fun to play is a whole different question.

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Hello there :)

Of course this discussion was held multiple times already, with the same result ("No, the devices can't run it.", "They could give us a toned-down version." yada yada yada).

There is, however, no need to provoke people over their choice of device, or their ideas here. I'm asking you all only once to stay nice to each other.


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I recommend Space Agency, Scott Manley made a video about it! Real KSP will not be possible, is with Mac, There are no tablets powerful enough to handle the extreme physics of kerbal space program, let alone the full version of kerbal space program when it has better aerodynamics like Ferram Aerospace Research

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now there's an idea! And not just for tablets, either. I bet a lot of people are in a sImilar position to me; my laptop can't run the full game but I'd like to be able to tinker with my designs while I'm away from my gaming rig.

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What would ksp be like on iOS, and there ever be the possibility of it being out on iOS?

KSP already only barely runs on a typical PC, most iOS powered devices haven't the system requirements.

It would also take an incredible amount of work to port it to any other platforms, and I think we can say beyond reasonable doubt at this point that it will not be happening any time soon.

Please refer to the "What not to suggest" sticky at the top of this section.

Edited by OdinYggd
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