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Best building/sandbox games


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So, other than KSP what's everyone's favourite building/sandbox games?

by that I mean any games where you can build stuff in game, mostly I mean sandbox style where you just build things then mess about with them like minecraft or gary's mod, but also ones where you have to build things as part of gameplay to achieve some goal like in fantastic contraption

My fav 3D one is probably Second Life, you can make pretty much anything and script it to do pretty much anything you want. I mostly make steampunk or pirate stuff, or steampunk pirate stuff which is by far the best combination of things ever.

The best part is being an MMO too means it's easy to show off all your builds if you want and build stuff as groups etc. The only downside is is the cost of land if you want to have a permanent build or your own private building patch.

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Playing minecraft on a server is a blast, especially if its a bunch of your friends. It's my favorite building game (if you don't count KSP as a building game).

How loose a definition of building /sandbox game? Would Prison Architect or Dwarf Fortress count? You build things!

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How loose a definition of building /sandbox game? Would Prison Architect or Dwarf Fortress count? You build things!

Hmm, not catually played either of them, but maybe I'd count those in the second category where you build something with a goal in mind, as long as the building/designing part is a main part of the game.

I guess it's kind of hard to say a definitive cut off to when stuff gets more about management, I used to love building cool stuff in Theme Park, was not so good with all the money management bits probably why my parks always went bust, and why all my patients died in Theme Hospital...

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Hmm, not catually played either of them, but maybe I'd count those in the second category where you build something with a goal in mind, as long as the building/designing part is a main part of the game.

I guess it's kind of hard to say a definitive cut off to when stuff gets more about management, I used to love building cool stuff in Theme Park, was not so good with all the money management bits probably why my parks always went bust, and why all my patients died in Theme Hospital...

With Dwarf Fortress you don't really get to manage the dwarfs, you have to build what they need to do their jobs. And dig and mine and build more. And eventually everyone dies from natural or unnatural causes.


Prison Architect is similar, in that the people in thr prison do their own thing. You have to manage the building more than the management (though you do make choices that affect budget). Then people start shanking other people and thats pretty much how that goes. Call in the riot police.

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Powder Toy


2-D sandbox with lots of electrical components, powders, solids, radioactive materials, explosives and more. Good computer recommended.



Transportation Company Simulator. Makes for a great road and train sandbox if you make and save a completely flat scenario. Be sure to use Ctrl-Alt-C to give yourself lots of money.

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Powder Toy


2-D sandbox with lots of electrical components, powders, solids, radioactive materials, explosives and more. Good computer recommended.



Transportation Company Simulator. Makes for a great road and train sandbox if you make and save a completely flat scenario. Be sure to use Ctrl-Alt-C to give yourself lots of money.

Powder toy, wow yes! And about OpenTTD, after a few hours, it is basically sandbox. Both amazing and free games

I would play it, but you need Half Life 2 (which I have never played, which I assume is a crime punishable by death in some states :P ).

I have never played Half Life 2 either, however it RUNS on the HL2 engine. Which is included. All you need is Gmod, not half-life, it just runs on its engine.

Like Portal 2 similarly.

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And about OpenTTD, after a few hours, it is basically sandbox. Both amazing and free games

I've actually theorized about a "Cycle Of OTTD":

1. New Game/Save Uploaded to forums or Started*/Mods, Scenarios,Heightmaps Downloaded: "I'm going to be uber-neat and tidy and I will bugtest and make 100% efficient every road, piece of track, and vehicle."

2. Few Hours/Days Later: "Ehhh... i'll save a little time and not custom-make a set of signals."

3. 48 Hours/1-5 Week(s) Later: "It's messy, screw it!"

4. 5-10 Weeks Later: "Meh, Screw transportation and the economy, Let's build for no apparent reason!"

5. Go back to 1

*I haven't reg'd on the OTTD forums, I just know they're there.

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Playing minecraft on a server is a blast, especially if its a bunch of your friends. It's my favorite building game (if you don't count KSP as a building game).

I have played a good bit of Tekkit Lite solo and a little bit in a small group of friends on a non-persistent server, and these guys are primarily an ArmaII clan. I was under the impression that servers not infested with griefers and hackers were a rare commodity.

Would love to hook up with a group looking for another person to join them and help to kill mobs and build cool stuff on a persistent server!

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Terraria is pretty sand boxy. Vaguely similar to minecraft with a block based building mechanic, but much more metroidvania style gameplay.

Original trailer (Very outdated)

1.1 trailer (One of the more recent and biggest updates).

And plenty of hype for the possibly bigger upcoming 1.2 update: http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/official-terraria-irc-plugdj-spoilers-thread.96063/

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I have never played Half Life 2 either, however it RUNS on the HL2 engine. Which is included. All you need is Gmod, not half-life, it just runs on its engine.

Like Portal 2 similarly.

Not true, it does require that you own at least one other source game, such as Portal (the original, not 2), HL2, CS:S, Day of Defeat: Source, etc. They have a list on the Gmod store page of games that cover the source engine requirement. Just wanted to inform everybody! But yes, Gmod is a great sandbox game XD

Minecraft, towns, pharaoh, zeus and the like.

I started up Towns, tried to figure out what was going on, and then quit. Really wasn't worth the money I spent for it =P

Edited by Ekku Zakku
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gmod is great, and gets better with every gameplay hour. There is so much to learn with wiremod (a mod which adds a coding, so you can make things happen automatic in a very advanced way).

Powder toy is great for playing around with different kind of materials. It's fun, even if you get in the more advanced things like nuclear reactors.

Dwarf fortress is very hard to master, but when you master it, you get awesome gameplay. I would only recommend it to people who like to actually LEARN gameplay mechanics.

Towns is like an easy to understand dwarf fortress. Although that sounds nice, i think its an unfinished game with a lot of weak points. I never really liked to play it.

Gta has some sandbox elements when playing free mode with hacks. You can make very cool structures, racing tracks, art (lol).

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