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[1.1]Hullcam VDS - mod adopted by linuxgamer

Albert VDS

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without the crashing I have a similar issue to Horus, when I use the cameras, if I exit and return to the camera it shows the inside of the runway/launchpad, is rotated sideways(Always, despite camera rotation), and only lets me back into the standard camera if I spam the activate/deactivate keys. If I don't return to the camera after the glitch the craft camera is locked in that sideways position.

Any Ideas?

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I've been playing with the Research Bodies mod, and wanted to have telescopes that would let me "discover" planets as well as let me really look at them, so I wrote some MM patches. No github, so I'll post them here:

name = ModuleTrackBodies
difficulty = 4
minAltitude = 200000
maxTrackDistance = 60,000,000,000//see out to Jool
electricChargeRequest = 6
landed = false
viewAngle = 20
scienceReward = 6

@PART[Pictozoom 2000]:NEEDS[ResearchBodies]{
name = ModuleTrackBodies
difficulty = 4
minAltitude = 200000
maxTrackDistance = 200,000,000,000//see beyond Eeloo.
//Can this see exoplanets in other mods?
electricChargeRequest = 6
landed = false
viewAngle = 20
scienceReward = 6

On a related note, I personally add moduleCommand modules to the telescope parts so I can click on a planet, set it as target, and then say "control from here" on the telescopes. As long as the telescope is connected to something with RCS or reaction wheels, it keeps me pointed at my planet or moon on interest.

name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 0
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.01

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In the first page it is stated that this mod can makes us do first person EVA, how do I do this?

While you're out on EVA, right click on your Kerbal, a menu will pop up ... the first-person is in the list along with EVA Report and Take Surface Sample.

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OK, so it's not actually all the cameras, it seems to just be the boostercam that has crosshairs.

Yea ok I see this too. Quick and dirty fix is to remove the lines

CameraMode = 7

from the boostercam part config file (two cameras, each has this line). I have no idea what else that removes from the camera but the crosshairs are gone at least

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So, I'm really looking forward to using the new cameras and their filters, but for some reason I can;t get a connection to them with the regular Raster Prop camera buttons and can neither assign a camera number to them. Is this a change in Hullcams or in the RPM mod?

Am I doi9ng something wrong myself?

Edit: Ah, so it was a problem with the RPM compatibility config. Had to add some of the new cameras. Have yet to test it out, but that'll have probably fixed it.

Edited by Artfact
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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI, there's an issue with the zip file -- there are some "Thumbs.db:encryptable" files in the Textures/High, /Medium, and /Low folders. Windows doesn't like filenames with colons in them, so it chokes on those files. They can be skipped, but it gave me a bit of a scare when I installed the new version just now.

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Great Mod, thx! I realize this might me out there but is there anyway to get camera views in a pop-up or PIP type of moveable and scalable window? So we'd be able to see multiple views at once! I play across three screens and have plenty of room to put a couple of camera views on the sides.

You could go so far with this, imagine, viewing images from your 3d-camera on your rover like your eyes, positioned side-by-side. For that matter also include a secondary mode for viewing in a single frame both the left and right images combined into the classic red/blue 3d for glasses!. DO IT!

Regardless, thank you again for what you've done.

Friendly reminder, this would be so next-level awesome!

...Thx for the 1.0.5 update btw

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  • 3 weeks later...

Docking Cam!...Excellent... That was the last piece missing in this great mod...

However, one suggestion, if you havent thought of it, or if it hasnt been asked yet..
On the Docking Cam view, would it be possible to change the info "HUD" to a clearer, more out of the way element?...Kind of the way Romfarer had his?

Also, a ship-to-target orientation indicator, and some live alignment indicators or lines would be nice... Maybe even a bounding box, such as the one MJ docking AP has?
I dont know if thats in keeping with the direction you want to go, or if you just want a basic, more to real life docking cam...

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8 hours ago, inigma said:

not on my game comp at the moment. was wondering if Kerbal camera (view through their helmet) works when Kerbal is in a Command Seat.

I can confirm yes:



The waypoint you see is from my contract pack. See my sig for link.

Thanks for making EVA cam possible! Flying these craft will be much more fun!


Enhancement request: make EVA camera free-look without the snap-back, and make the turning of the camera view about 50% of its current sensitivity. It would also be great if there were a field of view toggle so we could get a little more of the peripheral vision.

Edited by inigma
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Great mod, although I'm having an issue. The camera on the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Senior looks like its on the inside of the model, and just shows a grey screen. I am using Ven's Stock Part Revamp - is this the problem? or are others having the issue on stock?

Thank you!

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On 6/3/2015, 6:42:32, tg626 said:

Just a note, the Pictozoom 2000 has "module = CommandPod" at the top of the config, should be module = Part (all other cores/pods have that now) as is it creates a new "module filter" called CommandPod of which it is the only member.

Likewise the Telescope and Mumech_Hullcam have module = strut which again should be module = Part these days.

As a result of picking around the configs, and seeing they vary, which module is for this mod? Looking at the source it looks like MuMechModuleHullCameraZoom is the only one that's "yours" - with BOSS, HullCamera, and the resource "Resolution" being left over from previous versions and no longer needed....


Just did a little test, seems the only module needed for the functionality seen in this mod is



		name = MuMechModuleHullCamera
		cameraName = Aerocam
		cameraForward = 0, 0, 1
		cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
		cameraPosition = 0.0, 0.45, -0.0
		cameraFoVMax = 75
		cameraFoVMin = 30


As the "MuMechModuleHullCamera" in the source code is simply empty {} was this to get around some sort of bug?

All of this still seems to be true? Or at least something that remains is my confusion around the nearly duplicate modules in the parts, the warnings in the output log about the resolution resource be undefined, my confusion around the parts having runnable experiments, additional output log warnings about missing impactTolerance property, the inconsistencies in "Module" and more in the configs, and despite what is in the configs a HullCamera PartModule isn't even defined in the source (another error in the log for this too).

HullCam just still needs a lot of code/config cleanup but otherwise works?

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I guess these issues have just been there awhile.




On 3/14/2014, 3:59:41, Gaiiden said:

Getting the following in my KSP.log

[LOG 04:22:42.266] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/aerocam/part/aerocam'
[WRN 04:22:42.280] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.282] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.282] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.294] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/aerocam/part/aerocam180'
[WRN 04:22:42.309] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.310] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.310] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.322] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/hc_booster/part/hc_booster'
[WRN 04:22:42.325] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.326] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.326] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[ERR 04:22:42.327] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.327] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.332] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/hc_launchcam/part/hc_launchcam'
[WRN 04:22:42.335] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.336] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.336] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution


[LOG 04:22:42.371] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/hc_navcam/part/hc_navcam'
[WRN 04:22:42.385] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.387] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.387] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.393] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/hc_scicam/part/hc_scicam'
[WRN 04:22:42.397] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.398] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.398] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.403] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/hullcam_hubbazoot/part/mumech_hullcam'
[WRN 04:22:42.408] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Strut
[ERR 04:22:42.410] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.410] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.413] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/MSIKerbPro/part/kerbpro'
[WRN 04:22:42.421] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Part
[ERR 04:22:42.422] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.422] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[LOG 04:22:42.439] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/Telescope/part/Telescope'
[WRN 04:22:42.442] PartLoader Warning: Variable impactTolerance not found in Strut
[ERR 04:22:42.443] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.443] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution
[ERR 04:22:42.443] Cannot find a Module of typename 'BOSS'
[LOG 04:22:42.447] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HullCameraVDS/Parts/TelescopeLarge/part/Pictozoom 2000'
[WRN 04:22:42.465] PartLoader Warning: Variable Ki not found in CommandPod
[ERR 04:22:42.468] Cannot find a Module of typename 'BOSS'
[ERR 04:22:42.468] Cannot find a Module of typename 'HullCamera'
[WRN 04:22:42.468] Could not create PartResource of type 'Resolution


Just to confirm, the Pictozoom 1000 has that lens cover but no animation on it?

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So I tried turning off "AllowMainCamera" and "CycleMainCamera" in the config files for a more difficult gameplay challenge, but found the mod's behaviour to be a little bit buggy like this. 

For instance, when "AllowMainCamera" is off and "CycleMainCamera" is off, when cycling through the main camera, it comes up briefly on screen and then is immediately removed, resulting in an unpleasant flash. Furthermore, when hitting backspace to go back to the main camera, this glitchy flash comes up again, as the main camera is set, and the quickly unset.

Also, when "AllowMainCamera" is on and "CycleMainCamera" is off, you can actually cycle to the main camera in when cycling backwards (hitting equals), even though you've specified to not allow that behaviour.

So as not to come off as a complaining mod user to these fine mod making folks, I took it up myself to fix these bugs and give back to the thread. 

I've tested for all cases when those flags are either on or off, in any order, and the glitchy screen flash bug is gone, and also when "AllowMainCamera" is on and "CycleMainCamera" is off, you now cannot cycle to the main camera in any direction, but can return to it by pressing backspace.

Here is the new dll file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53792213/HullCamera.dll

And here is the new source: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53792213/HullcamVDS0.50-Constan7ineModification-src.zip

Thanks to Albert VDS for this mod, it's rather great, and I hope I've been a help to someone!

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