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cBBp SPC Pack v0.4: Fixed Failcan RCS and added some adapter pieces. Enjoy.

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the windows are only like 10% larger than the windows on the stock capsule.

do you think i should scale it down just enough that 6 engines fit on the back instead of 7 a lot of people seem to dislike the size. I make it longer is the only reason I ask. It was too short. seemed I had my reference images width and height criss crossed.


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As for the window i think you are right. I should make it smaller perhaps. But at the same time no so much. Capsule windows are small but planes need more viability.

-looks up to 1.200 scale models of every boeing plane made on the shelves- they all have the same shape window and it is scaled to the size of the rest of the plane. so i will see how it looks smaller but if not I a content with the size of it :)

Thank you for the consideration.

PS: The flaps and the new nose are looking good.

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And yes. you know thye have the mostly complete x-33 hull laying around somewhere. wonder why they don\'t start up again... space x has shown that the market for sat launches grows as price comes down.

no cargo bay for you.

there will be one sort of :D

concept art of the more final lockmart design.


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And yes. you know thye have the mostly complete x-33 hull laying around somewhere. wonder why they don\'t start up again... space x has shown that the market for sat launches grows as price comes down.

That\'s a good question. I think the X-33 requires too much R&D and investments, especially in the middle of an economic crisis. There is no political, economical or scientific will behind making an SSTO or a new space shuttle at the moment. Politics are too dominant in spaceflight at the moment, and their opinion is that space capsules\'re going to dominate the human spaceflight, and rockets will be used for launching sattelites. There is still a long way for the private sector to take the lead. Hopefully someone will restart the SSTO concept sometime in the future.

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Reassembling stages and refurbishing engines is not cheap. Refurbishing entire stages won\'t be either. Pretty much all the re-using aspects of the shuttle worked out more expensive than throwing them away, and it\'s not because of re-packing the parachutes.

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yep. http://www.spacex.com/multimedia/videos.php

pretty sure that engines are small and numerious in order to make refurb cheaper and easier and tanks probably just need new paint :P I think they said they are able to be reused 10 or so times? capsule 7 times.

\thing about the x-33 is it is all already built. the buildings most of the craft. the design is done. etc etc. lol.

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That\'s true, but if the Falcon stages and the Dragon will be able to land anywhere, it would lower the transport costs drastically.

For the SSTO, I still have hopes for the Skylon, it\'s a very cool concept, but it\'s waaaay toooo ahead, and it\'s still unknown if it could even work in real life.

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a lot of people seem to dislike the size.

Well we\'ll bow to your better judgement :) but IMO it does seem twice as big as it should be.

For me the thing that makes it look absolutely massive are the windows and cockpit section, there are loads of windows there and judging from the size and amount of windows it gives the impression that the cockpit is about twice as large as a three man capsule, which is bloody massive ;)

But at the end of the day, I\'m only looking at pictures, whereas you can see the model in the flesh and make the better judgement.

But other than that, this thing rocks. 8)

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pretty sure that engines are small and numerious in order to make refurb cheaper and easier and tanks probably just need new paint :P

If anything I would expect small and numerous engines to be more expensive refurb - each needs less time, but that is not going to be proportional with the number of extra engines required. And the tanks almost definitely won\'t need just new paint - they\'ve said their plan for reusing stages is to bring it down and see what\'s broken. Which implies they expect things to be.

That\'s true, but if the Falcon stages and the Dragon will be able to land anywhere, it would lower the transport costs drastically.

Shuttle landed right back where they wanted it to be. Didn\'t seem to make a difference.

For the SSTO, I still have hopes for the Skylon, it\'s a very cool concept, but it\'s waaaay toooo ahead, and it\'s still unknown if it could even work in real life.

The whole reason they\'re promoting it now is because it\'s perfectly feasible with today\'s tech - it wasn\'t 30 years ago. All the key technologies have or are being demonstrated to work as needed or better, and they have funding promised to combine those into a full engine. If the engine works, nothing else should stand in the way.

About the window size - you say they\'re not much bigger than the standard windows, but the problem is, there\'s much more of them. Try something around the order of 4 windows on that being the size of the standard pod window.

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Shuttle landed right back where they wanted it to be. Didn\'t seem to make a difference.

The Shuttle couldn\'t land anywhere. She needed a runaway, a very long one. The fuel tanks were destroyed during returning and the boosters had to be recovered from the ocean. In Space-x\'s plan, every stage can be recovered, plus, they can land anywhere, even in front of their storage building, highly reducing the logistics costs. Although it\'s true, that not every part can be reused, plus they need exemination, maintence and a lot of time, which was a huge weakness of the Space Shuttle (though it was more complex craft than the Dragon).

The whole reason they\'re promoting it now is because it\'s perfectly feasible with today\'s tech - it wasn\'t 30 years ago. All the key technologies have or are being demonstrated to work as needed or better, and they have funding promised to combine those into a full engine. If the engine works, nothing else should stand in the way.

Let\'s hope it\'ll work and someone\'ll build the ship. The economic enviroment is not too feasible for a project of this volume.

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I still think you shouldn\'t do windows at all, or if, very small and round.

It just looks more futuristic, and well, that\'s what a SSTO is after all...

So i\'m definitly against the bump you\'ve made there.

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I am thinking of moving windows back? it would require they be raised up. I dunno i feel is makes it seems more Russian/europian like lol.

I like the new windows, they turned out far more better than I expected. However I think you shouldn\'t move them back at all, or at least not this much. Raising them up is an interesting idea. It makes the design more logical, since it makes the impression to giving the pilots more view. On the other hand it messes up the ship\'s cool shape a bit. It\'s difficult to decide.

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