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[0.23] Targetron - Target or command vessel from a list of active flights!


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[0.23] Targetron (Version 1.3.4)

This plugin displays a window listing all vessels in flight (including debris) in a convenient list, and allows you to target or take control of any vessel quickly. The list can be sorted by distance or vessel name and filtered by search text or vessel type. You can also right click a listed vessel to rename or, if close enough, target available docking ports.


The title bar displays the current target followed by an icon to change the sort mode (right click to cycle through sort modes in reverse). On the far right the green icon will minimize the window to a small placeholder when you are not using Targetron. Click the green icon again to restore the window.

Below the title bar is the target list. This list shows all available flights based on the search/filter critera. Each vessel name is listed followed by the distance from your current location. Your current target is listed in orange. Vessels which are controllable are listed in green. Debris is listed in gray. The target icon will set the listed vessel as your current target. The rocket icon will switch control to the listed vessel.

The bottom bar contains a search box. Only vessel names containing the search text will be listed. To the right of the search box is a series of icons to filter by vessel type. Only vessel types with icons activated (disabled icons are grayed out) will be displayed.

Pro Tip: Right click a vessel type icon, then left click another icon and it will enable/disable all vessel types between the two.

Right click any vessel (or left click when inside your ship) to open a context menu. Here you can rename the selected vessel as long as you are close enough (within a few km). You will also see available docking ports, which can be targeted when you are within ~200m. To help identify each docking port, the actual part will highlight red as you hover over it's listing.


You can resize the window by clicking and dragging the bottom-left or bottom-right corners.


SpacePort Link

Alternative Download (Mediafire)

Source code is included with download, and is free to use for non-commercial purposes under GPL3.


Note: If upgrading from v1.0 or v1.1, delete Plugins/targetron.dll and PluginData/Targetron before installing!

1) Unzip the contents into the main KSP installation folder, or copy the contents of GameData into the {KSP Root}/GameData Folder. The Source folder is not required for functionality, only for developers wishing to see or modify the plugin code.

2) Restart KSP and the window will appear once in flight. No special parts are required to activate this plugin.


v1.3.4 - 12/28/2013 - Bug fix for toolbar icon disappearing after restarting game

v1.3.3 - 12/27/2013 - Bug fix for toggle state not saving

v1.3.2 - 12/26/2013 - Bug fix for resize cursor (introduced in 1.3.1)

v1.3.1 - 12/24/2013 - Added optional integration with Blizzy78's Toolbar Plugin

v1.3 - 12/19/2013 - Docking ports listed on right-click context menu now highlight red when hovering over the listing

- Bug fix for lag when in EVA mode

- Added Target/Control options in right-click context menu

- Added vessel type icon next to each listing

- Right click sort mode icon to cycle in reverse

- Removed delay when changing sort modes

v1.2.2 - 10/6/2013 - All measurements are now in m, km, Mm, Gm, etc. (AUs removed)

v1.2.1 - 9/21/2013 - Fix for ISP mode (left click for context menu). Rename vessel option only works when the vessel is loaded (usually within a few km). Command vessel option only available if the clear to save flag is set.

v1.2 - 9/8/2013 - Added sorting, search filter, and vessel type filters

- Right click listed vessel for context menu to rename or target available docking ports

- Distances over 10 million km are displayed in AUs. Fixed bug for position and size not saving correctly

v1.1 - 8/20/2013 - Update for 0.21 compatibility and added tooltips

v1.0 - 5/11/2013 - Initial Release

Edited by Jarcikon
Updating to v1.3.4 (Bug fix)
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Looks great. I know this is marginally beyond the scope of the mod, but perhaps it would be possible to rename vessels from that list? My liberal use of probe commands means that I have a lot of unmoveable debris that the game thinks are active vessels; and sometimes I've stuck the probe in places where I can't even right click to rename.

Actually, I've seen you made the mod GPL, so I'll attempt to do this myself, will share the code if I'm successful.

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As I wrote in the comments on SpacePort, would it be possible to add filter buttons and a search text bar? Those would be really helpful. Also, I don't find sorting by distance all that helpful. I usually give names like "Mun Mining Base" or "Ike Fuel Bus", so sorting alphabetically would be more fitting for me. Perhaps there could be a button to toggle sorting mode?

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The plugin makes a "Run Unit Test" Button appear on the main menu screen (bottom left corner, right over the update button). It brings up an empty console with no obvious use. Apparently some kind of debug tool.

There seem to be no other issues, but it's the only mod i have seen doing that so far.

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The plugin makes a "Run Unit Test" Button appear on the main menu screen (bottom left corner, right over the update button). It brings up an empty console with no obvious use. Apparently some kind of debug tool.

There seem to be no other issues, but it's the only mod i have seen doing that so far.

That's always there!

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The plugin makes a "Run Unit Test" Button appear on the main menu screen (bottom left corner, right over the update button). It brings up an empty console with no obvious use. Apparently some kind of debug tool.


1) Unzip the contents into the main KSP installation folder, or copy the contents of Plugins and PluginData into the corresponding folders manually.

It is not using the gamedata folder - I think ... sometimes I try out older mods and copy them into gamedata, ending up not showing in the parts menu in VAB - maybe it is something similar here? Because I too think that the test button is not always there ...

There seem to be no other issues, but it's the only mod i have seen doing that so far.

Didnt Haystack do the same thing - and then died of patchisitis?

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In what way is this great for cleaning space debris?

Some people like to do it "by hand", ie. targetting each piece of debris and sending a craft towards it to either blow it up, capture it, or at least push it down into reentry burnup.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll see what I can do about renaming vessels. I definitely want to give some options for sorting alphabetically, filtering, and searching. I'm thinking maybe a small search bar stuck to the bottom and a right click context menu for sorting and filtering options.

The unit test thing was caused by a bit of code left over (woops!). I'll get a new version released this weekend with that removed and hopefully some other updates.

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Great. I was wonder when MechJeb would put this back on 2.0, but you did a good job not waiting!

Last I hear is the MechJeb developer has stepped down or taken some time off. Too bad there's nothing in the MechJeb thread OP about this.

Can it sort the list by proximity?

Like it says in the OP:

The vessel name is followed by the distance from the active vessel (in order from closest to farthest).
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in updating this plugin...I bit off quite a bit on this update. You can now sort the list by distance or vessel name (ascending/descending) using the new icon at the top. You can also filter by vessel type or search text on the bottom bar. I tried to keep it as compact as possible. Also, I believe the bugs with the window size and position not saving under certain conditions are fixed.

Also new is the right click context menu. Right click any vessel on the list to rename it. Best of all (and kind of experimental), if you are close enough (within ~200m) you will be able to target available docking ports via this right click menu. Only docking ports that are not docked will appear. They are listed by type but if you have a lot of the same type it can be a little difficult to choose. They should appear in the same order each time at least. Let me know how it works!

Oh, and remember if you are upgrading to delete Plugins/Targetron.dll and PluginData/targetron folder. As is proper for 0.21, everything is now located in the new GameData folder.

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Sorry for the delay in updating this plugin...

The results make up more than enough for anything I think!

I only returned to this thread - after happily downloading and using the plugin for a while now - to complain about the size not saving ... I am the one who is to late it seems! :D

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Last I hear is the MechJeb developer has stepped down or taken some time off. Too bad there's nothing in the MechJeb thread OP about this.

Like it says in the OP:

If you want something like this to get added back to mechjeb you will have to ask this guy Sarbian


Like you said the main dev has taken a break or quit all together. But Sarb's been doing fixes and adding stuff. So you may mention it to him over there. Hes taking a month to go on a vacation. but when he gets back he'll b back on it again.

To the DEV: Great job on this. I'm definitely going to give this a go tonight. I was thinking yesterday how hard it is to rename vessels. Also how its not easy to target docking ports from a distance. Any thoughts of maybe working with Sarb to get this integrated into his mechjeb build?

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If you want something like this to get added back to mechjeb you will have to ask this guy Sarbian


Like you said the main dev has taken a break or quit all together. But Sarb's been doing fixes and adding stuff. So you may mention it to him over there. Hes taking a month to go on a vacation. but when he gets back he'll b back on it again.

To the DEV: Great job on this. I'm definitely going to give this a go tonight. I was thinking yesterday how hard it is to rename vessels. Also how its not easy to target docking ports from a distance. Any thoughts of maybe working with Sarb to get this integrated into his mechjeb build?

Thanks, let me know how it works for you. I'm not sure about integrating into mechjeb...I think it loses usability if it requires a special part on each vessel. Also, not sure if Haystack will be upgraded...it was very similar I hear. I honestly hadn't even heard of it when I first released, but it was definitely the inspiration behind the sort and filter features I just added. Still, if Haystack is done my code is available to anyone and I would be happy to help integrate into mechjeb if Sarbian is interested. We'll see I guess.

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Just a small request, is it possible to add some persistence to the location of the window? Right now I like to move it up the top next to the TAC fuel balancer button, but it doesn't like staying there, it jumps back to the default position whenever I change to a different craft or go to something from the flight center

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Just a small request, is it possible to add some persistence to the location of the window? Right now I like to move it up the top next to the TAC fuel balancer button, but it doesn't like staying there, it jumps back to the default position whenever I change to a different craft or go to something from the flight center

Hmm, it should already be saving the window position. It should also save the sort/filter settings and stay minimized after switching flights. Make sure you're updated to the latest version of the plugin (1.2) and KSP (0.21.1). You can see the plugin version if you minimize the window. There were issues with persistence in earlier versions but for me at least it's working, whether I switch flights using targetron or the flight center.

It should be creating a config.xml file in the GameData\Targetron\Plugins\PluginData\Targetron\ folder located within the root KSP install folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\). This is where the window location and everything else is saved, so make sure that file exists.

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