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Isn't the KSP community so great?


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I love it. So much. All of you are so nice and I haven't been trolled ever. I think I may have ONE little rude thing ever said to me. And, that's pretty amazing compared to other forums, and the first time I played Starcraft, someone said "I hate all these idiot noobs slowing our team down, they're so ****ing annoying". So yeah, I love it.

Thanks guys! :)

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I like the forums and all but the extreme amount of censorship is sometimes unbearable. Most anyone who voices an opinion will be jumped on and then devolve into whining or namecalling if they were proven wrong. That and the fact that everyone seems to think these forums are supposed to be a hugbox where no one will ever make you sad ever, which really takes away what a very unique quality internet offers, a place to speak your mind.

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  OtherDalfite said:
I like the forums and all but the extreme amount of censorship is sometimes unbearable. Most anyone who voices an opinion will be jumped on and then devolve into whining or namecalling if they were proven wrong. That and the fact that everyone seems to think these forums are supposed to be a hugbox where no one will ever make you sad ever, which really takes away what a very unique quality internet offers, a place to speak your mind.

I'm going to second this. I love friendly communities. But I hate communities that are friendly simply because it is mandatory. The biggest example of this is the fan works section. That place is one of the largest hug boxes ever. Even if I post 5 second ms paint scribbles everyone acts like it's the greatest piece of art ever because they're scared of the forum gestapo mods censoring their post and banning them.

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I am regularly amazed at the diversity of the community - all around the world, all kinds of different interests and expertise...it's a very cool place to be :)

...and thank you to every one of you for the great craft, pictures, suggestions, comments, mission reports, mods and just the positive vibe!

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  Akinesis said:
Having come from Eve Online and their forums, I still can't get use to this forum. I hardly ever see flaming here, and the trolling is very mild in comparison. It's wonderful, but I can't shake my suspicion :P Eve broke me!

Haha sounds like you spent too much time in CAOD...

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  Nutt007 said:
I'm going to second this. I love friendly communities. But I hate communities that are friendly simply because it is mandatory. The biggest example of this is the fan works section. That place is one of the largest hug boxes ever. Even if I post 5 second ms paint scribbles everyone acts like it's the greatest piece of art ever because they're scared of the forum gestapo mods censoring their post and banning them.

And text above is the best evidence things are not so bad around here. :rolleyes: Will you feel better if i poke you with virtual scorn? :sticktongue:

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It's a great community. There's always going to be some spit and spat, and can even end up being productive if guided correctly. I know that there is a ton of information and experience in these conversations, and most importantly....It's really about the Kerbals, and their happiness (safety). I think what is most clear amongst the community here, is that the little green guys just want to buckle themselves onto giant fuel tanks with a great big lighter on the bottom of it and FLY! It's our job to try and get them home again, in one piece. ;p

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The only community I am a part of that compares to here is Helifreak.com. Its that community that brought me to KSP actually. But their mission is to create a family safe environment as their members are of all ages. To me its refreshing to have a friendly community such as here to escape to with all the crap that is out there on the internet.

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  Nutt007 said:
I'm going to second this. I love friendly communities. But I hate communities that are friendly simply because it is mandatory. The biggest example of this is the fan works section. That place is one of the largest hug boxes ever. Even if I post 5 second ms paint scribbles everyone acts like it's the greatest piece of art ever because they're scared of the forum gestapo mods censoring their post and banning them.

Third it. The worst part is everything thinks it's great, because they don't want to get in trouble. If you're forced to be nice it's not really being nice.

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  Nutt007 said:
  OtherDalfite said:
I like the forums and all but the extreme amount of censorship is sometimes unbearable. Most anyone who voices an opinion will be jumped on and then devolve into whining or namecalling if they were proven wrong. That and the fact that everyone seems to think these forums are supposed to be a hugbox where no one will ever make you sad ever, which really takes away what a very unique quality internet offers, a place to speak your mind.
I'm going to second this. I love friendly communities. But I hate communities that are friendly simply because it is mandatory.

I don't like mandatory friendlyness but I do like standards with regard to politeness.

Nobody is truly forcing you, you only have to when you post on this forum, that's all.

  Nutt007 said:
The biggest example of this is the fan works section. That place is one of the largest hug boxes ever. Even if I post 5 second ms paint scribbles everyone acts like it's the greatest piece of art ever because they're scared of the forum gestapo mods censoring their post and banning them.

This is just nonsense. Even if we assume, for the sake of argument, ksp moderators are incredibly strict and censor and ban everyone who doesn't says something completely supportive it wouldn't lead to people out of fear posting positive stuff while they in fact didn't like the material. They would instead just not post at all.

So from my perspective your argument wasn't really thought through and I also feel it's a somewhat exaggerated negative representations. This is exactly what springs to mind when I think about people on the internet "speaking their mind" which brings me back to this one:

  OtherDalfite said:
very unique quality internet offers, a place to speak your mind.

I think many people would agree with me when I say one of the problems of forums is the safety and anonymity of the internet making some people behave in ways and say things they wouldn't or can't do in real life. When it allows people to be less shy or criticize an oppressive government this is of course a good thing but when people after seeing the obvious beginner ms paint scribble of a teenager feel the need to trash it outright instead of saying nothing at all or giving a weighted opinion when asked, like we would do in real life I feel it's a different story.

So if moderators enforcing polite behaviour is truly the reason these forums are so relatively friendly, let them continue!

Edited by PrivateFlip
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  Nutt007 said:
I'm going to second this. I love friendly communities. But I hate communities that are friendly simply because it is mandatory. The biggest example of this is the fan works section. That place is one of the largest hug boxes ever. Even if I post 5 second ms paint scribbles everyone acts like it's the greatest piece of art ever because they're scared of the forum gestapo mods censoring their post and banning them.

It may surprise you, but some people don't come to the internet looking for trouble by which they might enact their insecurities upon some unsuspecting teenager with a penchant for animé or who hasn't yet learned how to draw up to your standards. I've never been afraid of moderator action in writing critiques on peoples' artwork; and, frankly, I doubt many others are either.

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  PrivateFlip said:
So if moderators enforcing polite behaviour is truly the reason these forums are so relatively friendly, let them continue!

I agree.

Constructive, polite criticism always seems welcome here. The picture some people paint, of heavy-handed moderation producing cowed silence and uniformity of opinion, is not at all what I've ever seen on these forums.

I might feel differently if I placed a high value on being able to let it all hang out, in all sorts of settings. Instead, I believe self-expression must always be tempered by self control and concern for others; and I was raised with the saying that if you can't say something nice, that often means you shouldn't say anything at all.

(Constructive criticism of specific shortcomings of the game, written about in a civil manner, absolutely counts as "something nice" in my book. Telling someone that their fan-made creation stinks--without gentleness, and without helpful suggestions for improvement--doesn't.)

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  Accelerando said:
It may surprise you, but some people don't come to the internet looking for trouble by which they might enact their insecurities upon some unsuspecting teenager with a penchant for animé or who hasn't yet learned how to draw up to your standards. I've never been afraid of moderator action in writing critiques on peoples' artwork; and, frankly, I doubt many others are either.

Since you dragged that into the argument, I never said anywhere that I disliked that user's artwork. I like anime. But I do not like that user, for several reasons. Said user has been rude to many users including me on multiple occasions. Said user also abused his large ego to gain favor of the moderators and to put down other users. Also anyone who defends the crimes of the Axis by simply posting a wikipedia link doesn't really deserve my respect.

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  TooManyErrors said:
The only arguments I've seen are Mechjeb ones that get out of hand, or the obvious troll threads.

MechJeb arguments and obvious troll threads are pretty much the same thing.

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  regex said:
  TooManyErrors said:
The KSP community is probably one of the best I've been involved with. The only arguments I've seen are Mechjeb ones that get out of hand, or the obvious troll threads.

MechJeb arguments and obvious troll threads are pretty much the same thing.

I can't really deny that.

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