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Nice. Do you think you could do the actual Rus-M instead of this stock-ish launcher? It sure is nice, but I'd prefer an accurate depiction. Perhaps you could talk to CBBP about the engines, he made RD-180 at one point.

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Nice. Do you think you could do the actual Rus-M instead of this stock-ish launcher? It sure is nice, but I'd prefer an accurate depiction. Perhaps you could talk to CBBP about the engines, he made RD-180 at one point.

I'm going to do my own Rus-M. But after PPTS release.

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That's great to hear. It was a really nice modular rocket.

BTW, I've had another idea that you could try out. I figured BobCat's old Soyuz to be Soyuz-T, while the new one is TM/TMA. Perhaps you could make some parts for early Soyuz variants.

First, the 7K-OKS. It'd require new solar panels, a radially-attachable Igla docking system antenna and a new capsule with IVA. The crew should be without helmets on this one. Perhaps also a slightly altered OM IVA, with helmetless crew (the external model would keep BobCat's "old Soyuz" OM).


After that, the original 7K-OK would just require a new docking system, of which there should be two variants (probe and drogue). 7K-T would require an extendable "whip" antenna and a 2-Kerbal pod with IVA (in spacesuits, this time). The early Progress would only require a windowless version of 7K-T pod and a new OM. No IVAs would be needed for them. That's quite a few models to make, but would go great with R-7 variants pack, should you decide to make them.

Oh, and I think it's been mentioned already, but you could make Voskhod by adding an inflatable airlock, a retrorocket pack and a capsule parachute to Vostok, plus an additional 2-Kerbal IVA.

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That's great to hear. It was a really nice modular rocket.

BTW, I've had another idea that you could try out. I figured BobCat's old Soyuz to be Soyuz-T, while the new one is TM/TMA. Perhaps you could make some parts for early Soyuz variants.

First, the 7K-OKS. It'd require new solar panels, a radially-attachable Igla docking system antenna and a new capsule with IVA. The crew should be without helmets on this one. Perhaps also a slightly altered OM IVA, with helmetless crew (the external model would keep BobCat's "old Soyuz" OM).


After that, the original 7K-OK would just require a new docking system, of which there should be two variants (probe and drogue). 7K-T would require an extendable "whip" antenna and a 2-Kerbal pod with IVA (in spacesuits, this time). The early Progress would only require a windowless version of 7K-T pod and a new OM. No IVAs would be needed for them. That's quite a few models to make, but would go great with R-7 variants pack, should you decide to make them.

Oh, and I think it's been mentioned already, but you could make Voskhod by adding an inflatable airlock, a retrorocket pack and a capsule parachute to Vostok, plus an additional 2-Kerbal IVA.

Good idea. I wanted to create Apollo CSM but for some reason i not will do it. And i said that will do Venera satellites and etc. I think it' not hard to create. Your idea is cool and i like it. Can you add me as a friend? I know that you are good in config files, but i'm bad in it. If i'll need your help, will you help me?

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Of course, I just accepted the request. I'll help you with configs if you need it, I'm already doing this kind of work for BobCat. :) Also, I could make configs of your craft for Earth-size Kerbin mod. That would allow them to run realistic mission profiles in a realistic solar system.

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Hmm, just read a little about the PPTS on the webz. Seems like it will use a powered landing system (i.e. it'll use engines for landing) and the parachute will only be used if the engines fail. If the engines fail, the parachute will be activated and the engines+fuel will be jettisoned.

EDIT: NVM, just watched your video. Seems that landing engines are already included :) It looks great!

Edited by wasmic
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That video is awesome, MrTheBull! Thanks for making it!

Getting so excited for release. :)

Copy that. Great looking craft. Your Vostok has already replaced my one Kerbal crafts from orbiters to landers. Can't wait to fly the PPTS. Keep up the fantastic work and thank you.

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Hmm, just read a little about the PPTS on the webz. Seems like it will use a powered landing system (i.e. it'll use engines for landing) and the parachute will only be used if the engines fail. If the engines fail, the parachute will be activated and the engines+fuel will be jettisoned.

EDIT: NVM, just watched your video. Seems that landing engines are already included :) It looks great!

Not any more. In the 2013 design, engines & heatshield won't be jettison-able and parachute will be always used for landing (that's why landing accuracy decreased from 2 km to 5 km).


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Didn't the guy from LionHead do it alrdy?

And wasn't there already a Saturn V project going?

I saw only 1 Apollo project. You can find it on SpacePort. It's very old and still not done. Textures are like from....i even don't know. Very bad textures.

What's about LionHead i never see Apollo from he. O_o if you mean this http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-munar-excursion-module-mem-v2-1-2/

it's doesn't looks like replica.

Edited by MrTheBull
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I saw only 1 Apollo project. You can find it on SpacePort. It's very old and still not done.

That's the Apollo Mission Pack I was following for a long time but due to the lack of free time of the mod team it's development has been cancelled.

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There's World Space, which has a very neat Saturn V rocket. So, if you make Apollo CSM and LM, it'd probably be possible to fit them on top and make a complete Apollo mission. :)

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Oooo, looks cool. I'm actually surprised that noone else has made an Apollo pack yet. By the way, is the PPTS coming along nicely? Is it getting close to release? 'Cause it certainly looks awzum.

What real life pods can I use with the mods that are currently available on this forum? Gemini, Orion, Soyuz, Kliper, Dragon, Vostok and soon the PPTS and Apollo CSM! You're just great.

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