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Found a picture, but it doesn't show which parts do what.


The thing to the left is a tug, designed for taking it all to the moon. It is launched seperately and docks in LEO (LKO for KSP, obviously). The thing "below" the PPTS capsule, I don't know what is, but I guess it's a lander engine. It might stay on the moon, or the pod might decouple and fly home itself. I have no idea.

Also, you should really do an Apollo MEM, even if you don't do a Saturn V. We can already make something that looks like a Saturn V with novapunch, even though it won't be perfect.

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He's already making a LEM, from the looks of it. Also, the thing below PPTS is just a Block DM with an adapter. This is not a landing mission, but rather a circumlunar one. Also, it's only one configuration. Here you can find more data on various space tug launch variants: http://www.russianspaceweb.com/ptk_2013.html

Thank you for pointing me back towards that site, I'd seen it before, but couldn't find it again.

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Hello. I just wanted you to know that I made rextextured parts of BobCat's Soyuz rocket to better match your Vostok and its fairings. If you would like I can give you them, however Im not sure Im allowed to considering that they're simply modified versions of BobCat's. They're just recolored anyways. I can give you a screenshot if you like.

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@Dragon01: Nope, equeim is right. MrTheBull modelled the old PTK design. The new 2013 design doesn't have that bump with docking windows (or RCS on this model), heatshield in on the bottom and it is landing with a parachute.

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