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[1.2.0] Precise Node 1.2.4 - Precisely edit your maneuver nodes


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  TMS said:
Go into the options, select the appropriate tick box, you should see additional orbital options.

One of them is +orb -orb.

Ah, the problem was I missed the update. I was running 0.9.

For those of you who want to know the exact option it's:

"Use x10 UT Increment"

Which changes the +/- 1k buttons to +/- Orb.

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Arrgh. Today I did my first set of interplanetary maneuvers since installing Precise Node 0.10, and the O key not working drove me nuts. It has been a long time since I've had to do without that handy keystroke to open collapsed maneuver nodes, and I guess this reminds me how much I count on it. Even worse now, when I scroll-scroll-scroll in to reopen a collapsed node, and then scroll-scroll-scroll back out…I've managed to accidentally be scroll-scroll-scrolling on top of one of the maneuver node handles…which messes up all your maneuver node settings in 0.23.5. Arrgh.

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Is there a way to have the window switch to the node you currently have "opened" in the map view? I've made a few mistakes in tweaking a node via the mouse and then fine tuning with the window +\- only to find it was set to the wrong node

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  Brotoro said:
the O key not working drove me nuts.

I feel your pain with the scrolling, but - the O key works just fine in 0.23.5. I'm using it myself all the time.

  Gaiiden said:
Is there a way to have the window switch to the node you currently have "opened" in the map view?

I think it should be possible, but as an optional feature.

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  blizzy78 said:
...I feel your pain with the scrolling, but - the O key works just fine in 0.23.5. I'm using it myself all the time...

Well, it wasn't working in version 0.10 for me.

But I have just installed 0.11 and it works fine again.

Thank you!

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Just installed this after again experiencing the issue with being unable to set up nodes at most points on hyperbolic orbits. Excellent mod, set up my node just so, and more precisely than even the stock .23.5 editor could.

Now to chase down that asteroid :)

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One more suggestion here. Would it be possible to have some sort of copy/paste functionality? Sometimes when I'm messing with a node, I find one that I like but not quite what I want, so I fiddle around a little more to find a better maneuver... and end up screwing big time. It would be nice if one can just copy all parameters to the node like UT, prograde, etc. and then after discovering the mess one made, paste the original values back in and start over.

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that's already possible - highlight the numbers and Ctrl+Insert to copy, Shift+Insert to paste. If you don't run in a window or want to keep stuff in game, use the Notepad mod.

Sounds more like you're asking for an Undo/Redo feature

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  Gaiiden said:
Sounds more like you're asking for an Undo/Redo feature

I'm also thinking along these lines. Like a button that lets you memorize the current state of a maneuver node, then you can fiddle around with it, then click another button to revert to the memorized state. Something like the memory function on your pocket calculator.

Edit: The memorize function would be per maneuver node, not per whole trip.

Edit 2: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp-precisenode/issues/5

Edited by blizzy78
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EDIT - Disregard this, I'm an idiot. Just found the 'K' in the top-right of the window where you are able to edit the keybinds. I thought it was some clever attempt of kerbalizing a 'close' button.

Any chance of ever having editable keybinds for interacting with the PreciseNode GUI?

The GUI used to need to be selected for those keybinds to alter the current node, but with the recent .11 update to I've found they are altering the values of the current node anytime they are pushed, which is problematic since I use the numpad for other keybinds in-game.

PS - KSP wouldn't be the same with this, Toolbar and Achievements. Much thanks Blizzy.

Edited by Buffbot
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  5thHorseman said:
Just a "save/revert" function. Kind of a F5/F9 for maneuver nodes. I like it.

Copy/paste of each number is clunky (though very welcome. I've used it) and this would be better.

Exactly what I had in mind. Some button to just copy all numbers and then paste all numbers back.

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  blizzy78 said:

I'm still using remotech so I can't upgrade to 0.23.5 until the guys at remotech finish upgrading it. As such the current version of precisenode doesn't work with 0.23.0. It'd be nice if you could provide links to previous versions for those of us living in the past.

Edited by Supernovy
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I welcome this last feature about memorizing a maneuver node.

Some time ago I wanted to have a posiibility to create and compare different navigational plans (post #261), and I reckon keeping maneuver nodes in memory is a needed step towards that goal.

Well done, blizzy.

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  OxalysResourceConsortium said:
I'm still using remotech so I can't upgrade to 0.23.5

I'm using RemoteTech2 with 0.23.5 and have had no issues (although I have yet to go interplanetary with my new 0.23.5 career). Have you applied the community fix on top of the official .23 release?

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  Kolago said:
Strange, the CBA doesn't show up in my parts list.

It says right in the change log:



- The RP-9f Craft Locator (the part that saves maneuver nodes into the save file) has been removed. KSP itself can save maneuver nodes now.

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