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An utterly pointless mod that I made which will randomly hit you every so often with a micrometeorite. Obligatory video (taken in the dark so you can see the effect better):

No, it doesn't cause any damage, it just creates some sparks and gentle bump.

Download here

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Edited by AncientGammoner
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This is a MUST HAVE.... 5 thumbs, whatever the top rating is....

and i agree with Scotius, when something hits, chatterer should go crazy with Jeb, Bill and the boys going knutts.

Also, need more irregular disbursement. More like meteor showers here... Some dense clouds randomly spread out through the kosmos......

really well done and much enjoyed...

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Also, by "little bump" what do you mean? Because a little bump can screw over an interplanetary mission...

Ditto, although, what if I want a "larger bump"? Can this be configured? Can frequency? Does this affect Kerbals on EVA?

Love it! Love it! Excellent work!

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Why don't you change this "utterly pointless" mod into a utterly superb mod, AncientGammonar?

Vary size, weight, direction, speed, frequency etc. and implement (catastrophic) damage (dependant on weight and speed)?

The strike produces heat on a certain part, the larger the weight and speed, the larger the heat. If the heat exceeds the parts heat tolerance then .... KABOOM!

A spaceflight becomes more thrilling etc.

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Why don't you change this "utterly pointless" mod into a utterly superb mod, AncientGammonar?

Vary size, weight, direction, speed, frequency etc. and implement (catastrophic) damage (dependant on weight and speed)?

The strike produces heat on a certain part, the larger the weight and speed, the larger the heat. If the heat exceeds the parts heat tolerance then .... KABOOM!

A spaceflight becomes more thrilling etc.

Whoooaaaa....someone needs a hug! :D

Edited by LeadMagnet
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This was just the result of me playing around with raycasting and unity particle effects, I don't really have plans to turn this into some kind of visual chatterer with a gui and everything lol. I did mess around with a version that if it hit a tank with a flammable fuel (liq/ox or mono) then there was a chance the tank would explode, but honestly that's just crazy since who wants to go to the trouble of launching stuff only to have it explode in orbit. I also created a 'meteor shower' button that acted like a self destruct where it would bombard your ship and everything it hit would explode, but the game would always crash once everything had been destroyed, guess the game didn't like 'death by micrometeorites' as a method of vehicle destruction.

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let um go boom.... it would be nice to have slight control with .cfg or some other simple file. I personally like the idea of a chance of catastrophic failure, or just simple hole... Learn to build in redundancy and use shielding on critical parts... if you are out there for 4 years, do you think the paint job will still be nice... naw...... you will have holes, glorious holes through your craft..... Great idea.... and if some one wants the clean option of no damage, they can hit that button.....

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I really like this mod, I think its a pretty imaginative way to increase immersion.

But please.... PLEASE!

Drop the impact frequency by about a factor of a thousand! Or make it user-configurable? Its full-blown Kessler Syndrome at the moment!

It'd be nice if it was a once-in-a-while surprise, rather than a constant hail. Maybe you could have the frequency decrease as you go further into deep space? Or have "zones" of high meteoroid density, like simulating planetary rings or dust clouds.

Or if you're feeling advanced - could it be possible to have a "zone" that surrounds each piece of orbiting debris, say 50km across, with increased impact density. Its kinda realistic (all those flecks of paint and loose screws flying off from each stage seperation etc) and would give a you a kind of "warning" that a significant piece of debris was on a close approach. That'd be cooool.

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I also don't see the point in adding any damage or destruction. A player's craft should never be destroyed randomly (at least not by design); it's just frustrating.

But I think it would be fun to have rare micrometeorite hits that can significantly bump the craft and add deviation; forcing the player to recalculate his/her trajectory.

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I really like the idea of this mod and I have some ideas i'd like to share. Have done a little ksp modding myself but I don't feel like doing it anymore. However, this mod gave me an idea. What if , as proposed before, you make different sizes of meteorites and some are 'lonely' and others in clusters and clouds around planets.

Now there has also been a discussion about whether or not they should destroy your parts. What if the parts that got hit becomes useless but can be repaired, such as the stock wheels for example. If you send a probe, repairing is impossible; but for manned flights this can be fixed and you can continue your journey. To accomplish this a module has to be written to make a part useless and to repair is (maybe the stock wheels already contain such a module) and it can be added my ModuleManager to add this to all the parts.

This adds to the more 'real life' problems you can encounter when going on a space mission. Now it also matters if you do a manned or probed mission. Plus those who don't want this can simply delete the meteorite.cfg which adds these modules.

It is just an idea, I believe this should be possible but it is up to you if you feel like implanting it.

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I really like this mod, I think its a pretty imaginative way to increase immersion.

But please.... PLEASE!

Drop the impact frequency by about a factor of a thousand! Or make it user-configurable? Its full-blown Kessler Syndrome at the moment!

It'd be nice if it was a once-in-a-while surprise, rather than a constant hail. Maybe you could have the frequency decrease as you go further into deep space? Or have "zones" of high meteoroid density, like simulating planetary rings or dust clouds.

Or if you're feeling advanced - could it be possible to have a "zone" that surrounds each piece of orbiting debris, say 50km across, with increased impact density. Its kinda realistic (all those flecks of paint and loose screws flying off from each stage seperation etc) and would give a you a kind of "warning" that a significant piece of debris was on a close approach. That'd be cooool.

THIS! But combined with some static texture making a ring around a moon somewhere, with the frequency of collisions increased dramatically when in the ring, could be an easy/cheap way to simulate rings, maybe with a slight cloud/atmo layer around it, to alter the colour around to make it seem like you're in the rock cloud? Idk, then a couple larger Mun type asteroids? Would be perfect :3

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all great ideas... and user controlled damage yes / no for those that dont want it.... I think it would be great to have to plan, design and prepare for what 'might' happen. this fits right in with so many other mods that are adding realism to ksp.... i love the mod and hope that it continues and grows....


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