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The R.R.D.K.Q.C. Construction and Design Challenge

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That\'s my latest version of KerbalCommunications aka 'put 3 CommSats to KSO 120 degrees from each other'

The only modded parts are CommSat (just a payload, mass=1.4) and a bit modified decouplers for payload (copy of stock decoupler only with 0 force - you can replace them with the stock ones, but I don\'t like throwing the satellite at such speed after adjusting precise orbit).

Total mass of satellites+their decouplers= 3*( 1.4+0.8 )=6.6

Fuel - only 22 LFT.

Target orbit - stationary (2869 km circular)

(the flight profile also includes 2 transitions to 30 min faster orbit and back to change coordinates over surface)

And at least the payload is not a spent fuel tank.

So, what would you say?

Post a .craft file with that decoupler and I\'ll give it a go.

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New challenge has been Posted.

the Construction of A medium range Vtol Attack Aircraft ;) this might be interesting

You\'ll probably have to wait a while with this one. It\'s a VERY difficult challenge.

It\'s hard enough making an Attack aircraft, nevermind one capable of VTOL.

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Here is the craft. And a coupe of pictures just after 1st satellite release

Also the mods:

Payload decoupler - the same as stock one, just with 0 force. (made it because wanted my satellites not to fly away from the perfectly adjusted orbit)

And the famous CommSat from the repository.

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ok updating.

Can you better define 'Medium range' ?

if you are familiar with the island of kersica- the ability to fly to that island would be medium range

You\'ll probably have to wait a while with this one. It\'s a VERY difficult challenge.

It\'s hard enough making an Attack aircraft, nevermind one capable of VTOL.

i am aware :) i have huge difficulty just perfecting the VTOL

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

New challenge has been Posted.

the Construction of A medium range Vtol Attack Aircraft ;) this might be interesting

Vtol medium range. Are you mad. I could make a stol medium range if I had too, but this seems like a real challenge.

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if you are familiar with the island of kersica- the ability to fly to that island would be medium range

Kersica? Albatross MPV (Maritime Patrol VTOL) is currently heading to New Kork carrying 16 railgun slugs under her wings))

Will post her as soon as I determine her maximum speed at sea level, combat range and service ceiling.

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Kersica? Albatross MPV (Maritime Patrol VTOL) is currently heading to New Kork carrying 16 railgun slugs under her wings))

Err... well... fu... screw that New Kork. When the eggheads finished installing all the VTOL equipment on an old \'Albatros I\' plane our poor AX-301 engine could not event lift the gizmo from the launchpad.

Alright, Kersica then.


Chief of Naval Operations reporting.

Sir, our eggheads have finally sh... gave birth to something useful. Our new mid-range MPV can deliver to island of Kersica 4 tonnes of military equipment. It ain\'t gotten no fuel for return flight but nobody gives a darn as long as this machine kicks someone\'s... ahem. It can land on ground and on water, horizontally or vertically, and guarantees at least two vertical takeoffs.

Below are the project brief, budget and test flight photos.




Name:[/td][td]Albatross II[/td][/tr]


Type:[/td][td]Mid-range maritime patrol VTOL (MPV)[/td][/tr]


Manufacturer:[/td][td]H&S Tinkering Workshop[/td][/tr]


Customer:[/td][td]RKM CNO[/td][/tr]


Unit price:[/td][td]110 110 Kerbits[/td][/tr]


Empty weight:[/td][td]7 tns[/td][/tr]


Takeoff weight:[/td][td]14 tns[/td][/tr]


Fuel:[/td][td]3 tns[/td][/tr]


Payload:[/td][td]4 tns[/td][/tr]


Range:[/td][td]> 160 km¹[/td][/tr]


Maximum speed ASL:[/td][td]130 m/s²[/td][/tr]


Cruising speed:[/td][td]190 m/s¹[/td][/tr]


Landing speed:[/td][td]50 m/s³[/td][/tr]


Lift-to-drag ratio:[/td][td]4.8?[/td][/tr]


Gear:[/td][td]amphibious, all-terrain, pontoon-type[/td][/tr]


Main engine:[/td][td]1 x C7 AX-301[/td][/tr]


VTOL type:[/td][td]31-point[/td][/tr]


Vertical take-offs:[/td][td]> 2²[/td][/tr]


Weapons:[/td][td]4x \'Devastator\' railguns[/td][/tr]


Ammo:[/td][td]32x training shells[/td][/tr]


Ammo cost:[/td][td]3200 Kerbits[/td][/tr]


Special equipment:[/td][td]Autopilot[/td][/tr]


Required piloting skills:[/td][td]Advanced?[/td][/tr]


Packs used:[/td][td]Stock, C7, C7 Hardpoints, JAWRD Railgun, HSTW Amphibious gear[/td][/tr]



[tr][td][/td][td]¹ At altitude of 10 000 m.

² With full load (all ammo and all tanks full).

³ Not recommended at rough terrain.

When away from KSC use VTOL or land on water.

? From an altitude of 10 000 m the plane travels for 48 km with engines off.

? Sometimes she\'s not perfectly stable. Horizontal landing may also be an issue.[/td][/tr]


Mk1 Command pod 1 1 1 1 1600 1600
C7-FE-02A tank 0,5 0,2 0,5 0,2 550 550
C7-FE-02AR tank 0,5 0,2 0,5 0,2 550 550
2x C7-RCS-Tank-Mk2 0,5 0,1 1 0,2 550 1100
2x C7-FE-02 tanks 1 0,3 2 0,6 550 1100
C7AX-301 1 1 1 1 850 850
Fuselage 6 3,2 5750
4x MASSWP01 0,09 0,09 0,36 0,36 500 2000
3x C7-DW-X 0,07 0,07 0,21 0,21 500 1500
3x C7 Heavy CS 0,08 0,08 0,24 0,24 500 1500
2x C7 Heavy CS Mk2 0,08 0,08 0,16 0,16 500 1000
Wings 0,97 0,97 6000
2x HSTW Fuselage skids 0,05 0,05 0,1 0,1 500 1000
6x HSTW Pontoons 0,05 0,05 0,3 0,3 500 3000
2x EAS-4 struts 0,05 0,05 0,1 0,1 250 500
Gear 0,5 0,5 4500
8x RCS-Port-Linear 0,05 0,05 0,4 0,4 2500 20000
4x RCS-Port-Forward 0,05 0,05 0,2 0,2 2500 10000
4x RCS-Port-Retro 0,05 0,05 0,2 0,2 2500 10000
2x RCS-Port-Left 0,05 0,05 0,1 0,1 2500 5000
2x RCS-Port-Right 0,05 0,05 0,1 0,1 2500 5000
11x RCS-Heavy-L 0,1 0,1 1,1 1,1 2500 27500
VTOL 2,1 2,1 77500
2x C7-HP-Mk1 hardpoints 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,4 680 1360
4x Devastator railguns 0,7 0,7 2,8 2,8 2950 11800
32x Training projectiles 0,03 0 0,96 0 100 3200
Weapons 4,16 3,2 16360
Overall 13,73 9,97 110110
Item name			Full w	Empty w	S(full)	S(empty)Price	S(Price)

Weapons, gear and VTOL engines:


Approaching Kersica:


Entering gulf of Kektebel (130 Km from KSC; notice that one fuel tank is still full). Wow, isn\'t it Keraduck mountain?


Targeting practice at Kersica:


Test flights at KSC. Horizontal landing:


Vertical takeoff from water. BTW she flew even with one aileron lost. Somehow. And not far.


'Target hit!'


Whoa, easy! I didn\'t mean to hit it with my plane! Happily I had VTOL engines ready.


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I\'d like to apply for the first challenge on the list:

This rocket, the Hefty II, can deliver the shown payload to escape (parabolic, Pe @ ~130km) with a little more than 1/4 of a KW 2x2 LFT remaining.

4x KW Series Globe V-L (Solid Fuel) cost 2000ea.

1x KW-LFC 2x4m (capacity 4480, expended) cost 4800

1x KW-LFC 2x2m (capacity 2240, 3/4-expended) cost 2400


KW PLF bits totaling 0,6 mass units

1x custom ASAS module 0,2 m.u.

1x TD-M9 decouplers @ 0,2 m.u. each

1x Mk16 Parachute 0,3 m.u.

1x HMMC9 HeatShield 1,2 m.u.

5x custom Mass parts 2 m.u. each

Command Module

excepting CM, partially-used fuel tank, and assuming both tanks are emptied:

mass lifted = 12,5 m.u.

Fuel tanks = 4480 + 2240 = 6720

Fuel per payload mass unit sent to escape trajectory (not at maximum lifting capacity) = 537,6+ + boosters

Cost per payload mass unit sent to escape trajectory = 1216

Please note, the lifter portion includes Radial Large Boosters that I have custom-balanced for use with the KW Challenger pack, but these could be replaced by one of the Challenger engines if necessary (there\'s an empty decoupler that I can still put an engine in). Between 4 of them, they have a total of 320 thrust, which is exceeded by even the smallest 2m engine in the Challenger pack.

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Also I\'m adding a long-range bomber, later.

So far it takes up almost half of the VAB, currently holds 24 bombs, and has a top speed of 11km, under 5 kilometers.

And thats a rough start for me. Prepare you bombers people 8)

11Km/s under 5,000 meters? Wouldn\'t it tear itself apart?

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While this is certainly not my final submission, I\'m happy to share the current prototype, and what I believe to be the first ATV: Rory_I. I am yet to extensively test this beast, but I can confirm a few things.

First, it can turn. As expected, there is some drift, but it is quite responsive and can turn even when the thrusters are off.

Second, it can go faster than 100 m/s, but past that speed it can be quite unreliable.

Third, it is very fragile. However, most of this can be countered through better driving.


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On the speed challenge - you should state that you want something that hits 10 km/s relative to Kebin while still in Kerbin\'s SoI? I have a design for that using stock parts, I\'ll update this post with the screenshots and craft file for the Concentric Radial Apoapsis-Heightening Explosive Acceleration Project (known as the X12-23-2, or by the acronym CRApHEAP) soon.


Could\'ve sworn it was 10 km/s, not 12. Work has commenced on the X12-23-3.

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The Reaper Corporation would like to establish itself as a private contractor of the R.R.D.K.Q.C. for a prototype Multiple satellite launcher.

I present to you the, for now kerbally unstable, towering at 161.1 Tons, for 70972 kerbits apeice, Reaper Launcher:


Also known as Mun Shot XXVIII mod a .. don\'t ask what happened to the XXVII ships that came before it..

oh and if you try it out don\'t leave the sas while launching satellite 1 and 3, it has a tendancy to become violently unstable.

satellite weights 3.2 tons with 1/3 fuel left in their backs at a launch around 130KM , central fuel tank intact, if remote guided, could possibly possibly add 4 to 5 tons of satellite for low orbit release.

EDIT: The Reaper launcher Mod b is now mun 5.6 ton satellite certified, Mun base pending confirmation.

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As a fan of symmetry, Khryon\'s Appliance Repair Advanced Rocket Engineering strives for designs that use at least 6-way radial links. This sometimes leads to tension between him and rival rocket scientists, and also sometimes seems 'not kerbal enough' to the KSP staff. This was definitely not the case with the X12-23-2, though - The assigned Jeb clone enthusiastically boarded the test launch and pressed the go button before the others were even strapped in. While the design was intended to hurl the crew into the vastness of space forever, it fell far short of the expected 12 km/s speed for doing so.

The 'C.R.Ap.H.E.A.P.' model not only was designed to the wrong specs, it also greatly angered Jeb Kerman #2,943 (the backup crew member who headed up the inquiry panel.) He insisted that Jeb #2,942 would never have signed off on the previous design, but was excited by the inclusion of 'Explosive' in the project name, even though there were no actual explosions.

After many shouting matches (and some SRBs discreetly delivered to Jeb for 'personal use') the inquiry found that the design was almost good enough, needing only an additional stage to meet the specs. Eager to avoid any more false advertisement issues, the X12-23-3 was named 'Unstable Graceless Lump of Expendable Engines', or U.G.L.E.E.


Design: Each stage is a radially-linked stack of 5 or more fuel tanks, with a LV-T45 engine on the bottom, with 6-way symmetry around a central stack. Each stage feeds fuel in towards the ones closer to the center, allowing all engines to fire continuously from the moment of launch.


Once the outer ring of tanks has been drained you jettison the outer ring, while the next ring in begins fueling all remaining engines. The loss of the outer engines doesn\'t matter, since you no longer need that much thrust.


This allows all 19 engines to fire during the first stage, all 13 remaining ones in stage two, 7 in stage three, and single engine in the final stage - while using up only the fuel from the outermost stage.


The center engine fires continuously for over 16 minutes, so you will want to ensure that it is the least-beat-up of the engines you use for future UGLEEs.

It also had the added bonus that - when launched on the most efficient flight path in order to hit the 12 km/s goal - it allowed Jeb #2943 to explore the inner workings of Kerbol 54 days later.


Note the negative altitude above surface...

Additional photos here, including some really wild orbit changes due to the trip inside the sun. (I think Jeb surfed on a solar flare on the way out.)

The UGLEE performed up to specs when flown conservatively, but eager to ensure that all specs were met fully, KARE Also provided a design and test flight for the X12-23-4 'UGLEE Monster' which could meet the specs simply by launching straight up and staging when appropriate. When flown efficiently, the Monster has one tank of fuel left when it hits 12 km/s, allowing it to burn out at 13904 m/s after 18 minutes. Unfortunately, the mass of the Monster causes glitches in the altimeter, but using the orbit display you can see the current altitude.


Design specs!

Part count: UGLEE: 212 Monster: 320

Total cost: UGLEE: $120,250 Monster: $185,950

Total Weight: UGLEE: 317.8 metric tons(?) Monster: 497.8 metric tons

Number of stages: 4

Parts Packs used: Stock only

Both models never exceed 4 G\'s of thrust, allowing them to safely deliver kerbals to space even after squish-able internal organs are installed later.

Both models include an ASAS unit to compensate for the times when Jeb\'s wild exuberance leads to unplanned control inputs, but the ASAS could be replaced with an actual payload if needed.

KARE is looking to become a strategic partner for advanced rocket designs (or to be bought out and made into an employee, if the price is right.) We would like to credit the FLOOYD team\'s fuel duct for allowing these ships to work without excessive parts.

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