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[1.0] KerbPaint - Paint layering for parts (March 30th, 2016) Community Update


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17 hours ago, Kerbal101 said:


KerbPaint causes this (smoking black box schroud glitch around BACC thumper booster).

Fixed by editing KerbPaint.cfg and commenting two "solidBooster" sections just below "// Engines!".

Thanks very much, I will look into that.


In other news I found that it's not even necessary to use a mask in a lot of cases, and I made my first mask that works.


Onto special news of the day, here is my first general update, it is for testing only. I have pared down all the files to a minimum and created new config's. This update is the Aero update as it covers every part in the Aero section and removes all extraneous masks, configs and dll's. I will expand upon this to eventually cover all stock parts. I am not going to cover mod parts, individual mod authors can do that themselves, just create their own config file and masks and include it when they ship their own mod.

Here is the download (removed, see post below) but expect it to be updated, remember it only covers aero parts, below are some screenshots of what to expect. I think I can recolor stock fairings, but wait for that one, presently it only does the bases.






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Another update, command pods, note there are no masks yet so the whole part is covered, as I said above it is for testing. Removed more files, including the base mask, seems to make no difference, also sources. There are some parts that must use a different shader, will investigate and change. Right now priority is a clean and full coverage mod, shaders next, then masks.



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Second update today, all fuel tanks, changed mask for Avionics Nose cone, the relationship between masks and shaders is more complex than I initially thought, needs more testing. Engine shrouds have an issue where they work in the hangar but not in game, their texture may be named differently in game, will need to ask someone more knowledgeable. I decided not to include Engines yet.

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So I'm trying to make a mask for the QuizTechAero Thunderbolt cockpit . . . I'm having some interesting results though. For whatever reason, primary, secondary, and tertiary colors are only being applied to the "red" mask. Here's what happens in game next to the mask. I added the crazy lines everywhere just as a test.

[Old Picture Here]

Like I said, the colors only apply to the red masked areas. I've made other masks successfully but, for some reason, I'm having issues here. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

-- EDIT --

Ok, figured out most of that, it was an issue with where I was placing the files. Seems like I should be able to put them wherever and supply a filepath but apparently not. Anyway . . . new issue. for whatever reason, the cockpit will not be colored. Any guess on that? I've had the cockpit in the alpha white, black, and all the grays in between with no change. Here's what it looks like now:


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4 hours ago, HoveringKiller said:

Is the link on the first page up to date? It says updated September 2013, wondering if it'll still work with most recent version of game. Thanks!

Get this version here make sure you delete the ModuleManager.dll that is in it, then it will be useable but missing new parts and cockpits that have changed might not work well. There are some scripts and other things in the last couple of pages to add new parts.

On 20 January 2016 at 2:13 AM, Styles2304 said:

So I'm trying to make a mask for the QuizTechAero Thunderbolt cockpit . . . I'm having some interesting results though. For whatever reason, primary, secondary, and tertiary colors are only being applied to the "red" mask. Here's what happens in game next to the mask. I added the crazy lines everywhere just as a test.

[Old Picture Here]

Like I said, the colors only apply to the red masked areas. I've made other masks successfully but, for some reason, I'm having issues here. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

-- EDIT --

Ok, figured out most of that, it was an issue with where I was placing the files. Seems like I should be able to put them wherever and supply a filepath but apparently not. Anyway . . . new issue. for whatever reason, the cockpit will not be colored. Any guess on that? I've had the cockpit in the alpha white, black, and all the grays in between with no change. Here's what it looks like now:


I have coloured whole cockpits by adding the part with no mask reference at all, just adding the part in the config and making sure DeepReplace=True

Also in the part description you may need to change the shader, try different shaders, Spec, BumpSpec etc

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Seems the last download with the majority of the updates that @eorin had posted has stopped working so here is a new link, I think it has the majority of stuff in it.

@HoveringKiller use the link below a few posts to download, you don't have to delete any files out of it.

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The config files were such a mess, I am about 50% of the way through them, making headway, the end result should be a mix between parts that worked before not working and parts that didn't work working. My main aim is to cover off all the stuff you tend to build and cover the outside of your craft with, and also provide a sane config file ordering system so we don't end up like before with the same part covered by three configs! Even if someone else comes along after me and adds stuff it should at least go in the right place and not conflict with other configs.

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7 hours ago, astronaut_t said:

Can you update this to 1.0.5? I'm sure i'm not the first to ask. I'm making an X-15 craft and I need to paint it black.:mad:                 This is an X-15 \/FS PRO BRASIL SERVER:.: FS2004/FSX - Xtreme Prototypes X-15

I have been updating the configs and masks, the plugin itself runs fine in 1.05, if you download from the link in the post two above yours it covers most of the parts, I am adding more and fixing masks as I go, but it's a big job and I have a life.

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7 hours ago, Pds314 said:

Wow. The hidden Module Manager thing causes truly terrible load times. I don't suppose anyone has Texel's email or some such so they could correct the download..

Been gone for years now. Not much chance we'll ever see that get updated. It would need, at this point, someone who could recreate the functionality of this in a new mod. Or we just keep watching for updates from other people.


I tried selfish_meme's download as he linked it, and got nothing useful out of it. The parts that were affected were solid black, and others did nothing.

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10 hours ago, Pds314 said:

Wow. The hidden Module Manager thing causes truly terrible load times. I don't suppose anyone has Texel's email or some such so they could correct the download..

We might be able to ask a mod like @sal_vager to maybe change the link on the OP to instead say check the end of the thread. That would avoid people downloading the oldest version with all it's issues.


3 hours ago, Tfin said:

Been gone for years now. Not much chance we'll ever see that get updated. It would need, at this point, someone who could recreate the functionality of this in a new mod. Or we just keep watching for updates from other people.


I tried selfish_meme's download as he linked it, and got nothing useful out of it. The parts that were affected were solid black, and others did nothing.

Quite a few of us are using it, I have the same version in my game because I work on it, compress it and then put it in my game to test, if it's good I upload it. Not all, and probably less parts than previously are covered, but it is better organised and doesn't have the gotcha of the MM dll to trip people up, I am not sure what is going wrong with yours.

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I have some good news, for those people wanting to create Masks, here is my procedure.

Open Squads dds part texture (i.e. NoseCone.dds) in a program that supports it (I use ImageMagick it works on virtually any platform)

I export the image to .png and use Gimp to edit it, you may edit it in the program you used to open the .dds

Now you may edit the masks according to the original imgur album below

When you take the dds file and convert it to png, then paint your mask, before you export it to KerbPaint directory you must flip the image vertically. Then the mask will line up with the texture in game.

After you have created the mask you must add it to a config file, if you are doing it for a mod then please create a seperate config file for your mod, if you want I can add that config file to the download zip I am creating.

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3 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

This took entirely too long to figure out, but I've got the only working one on the planet!


Question is whether we really want to fight with code we can't legally redistribute modified versions of or would just making a totally new mod to fulfill this purpose be more practical? My limited Unity experience says messing with textures like that might be something that's easier redone than maintained, esp. considering licensing issues.

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4 hours ago, Pds314 said:

Question is whether we really want to fight with code we can't legally redistribute modified versions of or would just making a totally new mod to fulfill this purpose be more practical? My limited Unity experience says messing with textures like that might be something that's easier redone than maintained, esp. considering licensing issues.

It probably is, but I can't do it yet, so this way is easier for me, I have already reorganised all the configs and now I am licking the masks problem. There is also no reason, whomever builds a replacement could not use the work I have already done to build their own, why waste it.

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Mostly yay? :)

My previous issue:



... is caused by -forced3d11, used to save some RAM, so I won't be using this mod for the time being. Turning it off fixes the problem:



... but I see two command pods that were skipped.

Just FYI.

I'm guessing, based on your previous posts, that you're still skipping the engines for now, and that that includes the RCS thrusters, since those are not done.

It looks like you've just started on the structural parts, I see some masked but most not. OK, work continues, NP.

But I see these parts:



... The three black ones are ore tanks, then there's the two pods, and the two that I have GUI elements up for, one skipped tank and one with the color applied wrong.


Overall, I appreciate the work, despite having to pass on actually using it.

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Yep, I don't have new masks for those parts yet. Some are using the old masks which can work but in most cases but some are just wonky, especially the avionics nose cone hub, that mask was ridiculously wrong, I also have not gotten to MK3 parts yet, the MK3 cockpit should not be colored, I must have accidentally added.

I was having some trouble with masks but I have finally solved it, I think the trouble everyone has with this is one step has been left out.

When you take the dds file and convert it to png, then paint your mask, before you export it you must flip the image vertically. Then the mask will line up with the texture in game.

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4 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

I also have not gotten to MK3 parts yet, the MK3 cockpit should not be colored, I must have accidentally added.

The big one? Actually, all the MK3 tanks are colored. That third image included every uncolored tank, and other than the ore tanks, only the MK1 LF tank is left out.

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3 minutes ago, Tfin said:

The big one? Actually, all the MK3 tanks are colored. That third image included every uncolored tank, and other than the ore tanks, only the MK1 LF tank is left out.

They might have placeholder, color everything configs.

I am pretty sure I have already fixed the mk1 liquid fuel and structural fuselages, will be in the next update, not sure about ore tanks, they are already dark, any paint will be dark coloured to, I am trying to sty away from black or functional parts, but I can do them if people want it.

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