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Please do not kill me for asking this question

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You read the heading. Please.

I have been trying to read all the articles I can to catch up... But I haven't found one thing, and I don't know if it's been published and I've missed it, or it just hasn't been announced.

Does anyone know the release date of 0.22?

Note: I did not say "OMGnewupdatewhenisitgonnacomeouttellmeTELLMENOW!!!!!!!" I just want to know if an official release date has been announced. If not, that's fine. I just wanted to know if anyone had read something that I had missed.

Again, please do not kill me for asking. I am an innocent man. I do not deserve to die yet.

Edited by tstehler1
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That was my problem as well... I figured if I was nice enough about it, I'd be fine. Fortunately for us, this is probably the nicest gaming community out there right now. It's certainly the nicest one I've ever been involved with.

I will name no names (Battlefield 3) as to some not-so-nice communities (Battlefield 3) on the internet (Battlefield 3).

EDIT: Also, I hope someone else like you or me who is simply curious will find this post, see the response, and have peace of mind. This question was driving me insane.

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The best answer to that question is that it will get released when everything has been thoroughly tested. Such testing takes an unknown amount of time. Best that Squid takes their time to squash the bugs before release then to release by a hard date only to find out there are some serious bugs showing up that need fixing.

Players of Sim City and Electronic Arts found out the hard and expensive way what a public relations disaster releasing something before it was ready for prime time could be.

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Squad works with Milestones. They tell us when a Milestone is reached. The next Milestone for 0.22 would be the QA testing. The internal testing phase behind the door of Squad sort of speak. It obviously depends on how many bugs and problems they encounter, but mostly that phase shouldn't take more then two or three weeks. After that Milestone they put out another Milestone. Experiment testing (External). Testing with a larger group of selected players/testers all around the world. Again; depending on how many bugs, problems etc they find it usually takes another two or three weeks. Knowing all this; you will have in a way a release date. (Loosely). Or at least the knowledge when the release it getting closer and closer..

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Updates are *never* announced. However....You can tell when an update is approaching by one or some of the following symptoms:

[*] It had been 2 months since last update

[*] People get anxtious about updates

[*] Screenshots are leaked

[*] Mods are not updated

[*] ...

Edited by 1of6Billion
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Release dates won't be announced. It's not because they don't want to, but really more because they don't know. The testing phases of each updates are so inpredictable it would be impossible to know exactly when it would be over. If they were to put release dates, they would have to be in an exaggerated future and they'd have to withheld the update from us, and I don't think anyone wants that :l

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I came in a few weeks before .21 so I am familiar with the immediate chaos that comes with major changes but I am not versed in what the average time frame between releases is. I know Squad puts them out when they are ready for the public, not on a schedule, but given past track records, what is the average time between updates?

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  stupid_chris said:
Release dates won't be announced.

Very much this. I've been playing since 0.18.0, follow as much dev info as I can find, and almost every time, the availability of the download was the first official announcement. I seem to remember once a tweet broke the news 30 minutes before the new version was downloadable, but that's about it.

I remember a lot of people who were certain that the ... can't remember what they call it, a full weekend of stuff on Twitch, some of it from the devs, some of it from popular streamers... at any rate, several people were certain that the new release would come out in conjunction with the last event of that weekend, because that's how it had happened the last time they did a weekend like that. They were wrong.

More recently, several people were certain that the newest release would come out just prior to KSP going on sale for Steam's big summer sale because it wasn't save compatible with the previous version, and that wouldn't be a nice thing to do to people that just purchased the game. Again, they were wrong.

I don't know when the actual decision is made, but anyone that knows for sure probably isn't allowed to say. I haven't seen any evidence that Squad knows sooner than a day or so out when they'll be releasing. I'm sure they have expected dates for updates to land, but from what I've seen, the time between them saying "It's ready" and "Send it out" is very short for this industry.

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I know what has happened in the past... I've been playing since 0.13. The devs haven't said a word until the download link was released. But the amount of advertisement and hype on this one was what made me ask, seeing as there have been about eight and a half million videos/threads/etc about it.

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