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Things you can do in KSP that no real space program would be stupid enough to try . .


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Saving time by waiting until 500m altitude to release the parachutes (great for very brief stops because the Kerbals don't need a potty break after that).

Suggesting that the most fuel-efficient way to circularize your mün orbit is to perform a careful lithobraking maneuver because it not only decreases your orbital velocity but also reduces the mass of your spacecraft, making it require less fuel to complete the circularization again.

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That seems... tall...

Someone in a thread once made the claim that you couldn't make a rocket 4 or so orange tanks high without distortion ripping it apart on launch. I took issue with that claim. I built that thing, then I launched it. That specific picture was earlier in its build. Here it is, again, with the finalized external trussing, plus on its way up.


It did not achieve orbit. Moreover, it did eventually hot-dog enough to shear apart in the mid. That's more out of laziness on my part. The external trussing was sloppy, you see.

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Sending Jeb to the Mun with only a seat strapped on to a small rocket as the ascent stage. Totally worked out fine. Except for the "getting back home" part.

Jeb :"Uhh, KSC, we have a problem. I've finished all onboard snacks and it looks like I'll be here for a while".

Next mission: Munar snacks delivery! (Probably not going to retrieve Jeb, he likes it there).

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Jeb: OK, so I was thinking about how we can't use aerobraking on the Mun and I came up with a solution. Two words: Lithobreaking!

Bill: That's only one word. And I think you meant lithobraking, not lithobreaking.

Bob: Well, if picky semantic arguments are the biggest objection anyone has I think we just found our new mission plan!

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