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The ribbon show


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Ribbons are somewhat of an ego thing, yes. But they do serve a purpose; if you're trying to do something difficult, and someone who responds to your thread has the ribbon you're looking for, then his advice just might be a bit more useful than a newbie's. And you don't have to just take his word for it; go look for other posts by the same person, and see if there are pictures and such to back up his claims. Trust, but verify.

For instance, I've done a Grand Tour (every planet and moon with a single vessel, although Eve required a strap-on booster module to escape), as you could probably guess from my ribbons. But in other threads, I've posted screenshots of that trip, so you can probably trust that I've actually done it. Therefore, if you're asking about a design that can fly to Jool and land on all of its moons, I can give you advice that's more than just speculation.

In the end, though, you're responsible for your own accomplishments. Informed advice can make things much, much easier, but you should never just blindly copy someone else's designs; this game is all about learning the intricacies of design for yourself. (And explosions.)

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Mine are below in the sig. I basically lobbed something at every planet in the first few launch windows before I perfected the technology, so I have a lot of hardware en route that I know will likely turn into impactors (aka, every rover I sent to Moho). I also haven't had any alignments for return trips just yet.

I am proud of my Kerbol SOI rendezvous and ship building... halfway to Jool, I had a ship get crippled, and had to send another over to rescue the crew and combine into a new ship somewhere outside the orbit of Dres. I'll add the rescue cross and return chevron when (if?) they make it back to Kerbin, though they're only now just about to Jool.

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In transit/ awaiting launch window (but loitering in orbit):


The Jool system mission will use the same single probe to visit all the different moons (100 days to SOI shift), and the Dres mission carries two orbiters and two landers (parked in LKO, awaiting launch window in 17 days.)

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Here's mine:



You forgot to Photoshop the Challenge badge onto all the ribbons.

On topic: Mine are in my signature below. I try to keep honest about what I've done for what it's worth, even to the point of counting those three kerbonauts in Moho orbit as "Lost." (They never actually perished or left the solar system, but I'm likely never going to revisit that save file, since it's in a much older version of the game.)

Edited by Specialist290
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Here's mine, I'll throw in some screenshots to prove it too since it seems we're a bit skeptical in this thread:


Strategic Kethane Reserve and Refining Complex – Glushko Refinery


Duna-Ike Exploration Fleet (double landing)


Jool Exploration Fleet (quad landing, Pol didn't exist then)


Eve Exploration Fleet (double landing)


Low Kerbolar Observatory


"Mohole" Explorer Program

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I run a stock space program with a DIY mentality when it comes to learning maneuvers. 90% of what I do in-game is self-taught. I think that makes my measly ribbons have more meaning.

Oh yeah, I have a Kerbin challenge ribbon. It's tied to my Laythe flight wings, actually.:cool:

Edited by thereaverofdarkness
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There's nothing stopping you from making up stuff.

You can't proof that I didn't finish all these missions by playing 24/7 for a few months.

Have basically done almost all of them except the land navigation and flight ones over half an year. Not sure if all my mapping orbits did qualify as polar ones and not done Sun and Jool polar orbits, but the Jool one is simple.

One question the challenge marker Kerbin is SSTO, For Eve and Tylo is it any other requirements than getting back? Eve SSTO is impossible with stock.


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Current save, attempting to visit every body in the system including some I have never been to before without infinite fuel etc.


W.I.P obviously, and I need to get back to Eve to wipe off that crash; the parachute failed because it was accidentally deployed half way between Gilly and Eve.

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