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Did you like star trek and if so what triggered you into Star Trek universe


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i used to watch reruns of the original series, but i really got into it around the 4th season of tng and the movies from the 80s. ive seen every episode from tng onward (though i may have not seen all the original series, but im not sure about that). i recently watched the animated series, just because i hadn't ever seen it before.

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Reboot wise, her.

Other than that, I'd used to watch old VHS tapes of the original series which only consisted of a few episodes, namely Balance of Terror, The Doomsday Machine, and The Trouble with Tribbles. In a way I was somewhat too young to understand TNG and some of the deeper issues in DS9. I also enjoyed the classic movies, however I did loose interest around the end of Voyager and the first 2 seasons of Enterprise. Then one day I was thumbing through the channels when I saw this epic sci fi show and was shocked to find out that this was the same Enterprise I had lost interest on a few years ago. I was eagerly awaiting Season 5 with the Romulan threat reaching that critical point, alas it was not to be :(

That said, I do have some issues with Abram's vision of Star Trek, however I did find both movies somewhat entertaining. I just wish that the cute white haired girl was given slightly more screentime. (and a character name)

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I actually at first never liked/watched star trek- I looked at it and it's like "oh it's a show for the crazy sci-fi non-realistic geeks", and ignored it.

Last year, I noticed that on channel 46 Star Trek TNG and VOY were airing, so I thought "what the heck" and started watching it.

This was mid-season, so it was like: What's that? What's that? Is that an enemy? Are borg friendly? But eventually started getting the hang of it.

Now I love Star Trek.

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I was an avid fan of Lost In Space... Then Star Trek came about. Never missed an episode. Been a Trekker ever since. I was a few years older than Vanamonde. I've watched every Star Trek show since. DS9 lost it for me because of all the prophet stuff. So I let that show drop and just watched Voyager. Figures that the Dominion War started up after I stopped watching. (I still need to go back and watch that part of the shows.)

Loved Enterprise. I have all of the movies, including the reboot. Love the reboot as well. I have the original series on DVD (then they came out with the remastered version. Damn should have waited just a bit longer. LOL)

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ds9 got real good towards the end though. i kinda had a falling out with voyager where i became busy and missed the last couple seasons. i've seen them since but voyager is still pretty low on my trek meter. enterprise i didnt watch straight away, but later when it was in reruns. it was hit and miss, some really good episodes, some horrific omgwtf episodes.

Edited by Nuke
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My opinion is that TNG is the best one ever because of the script that valued philosophical approach and problems.

I don't like the reeboot and feel like it was tailored for the Ritalin generation.

Well the Star Trek movies have never been that good. It's the series that established the fanbase.

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During Middle School, TNG would come on Spike TV every day when I got home at around 1 or 2pm, and I'd spend the hour watching it right after school.

All my friends were into Pokemon and DragonBall Z and whatever else Cartoon Network was showing. Me? I was wondering what Data would do when faced with the moral issues of losing his daughter to science, or if Picard would accidentally start a war with the Romulans by flying through the neutral zone.

Good times.

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My mother always watched star trek - I'm born 1987, so I basically grew up with TNG. I do not remember a time when I wasn't familiar with the TNG staff. DS9 was "allways there" in my mind aswell. I remember watching Voyager for the first time, when it premiered in germany.

So, yeah - I love star trek and if you count our the non-cannon stuff, I think I have a rather extensive knowledge of all things Star Trek (ENT not so much, but some aswell)

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TNG was on TV after school for me, too, when i was in class ~8 to 10, maybe? Incidentally, Capt. Picard (Patrick Stewart) reminded me a lot of my english teacher (bold and all that - what i didnt know back then, the original voice of Stewart is not too remote from what my teacher´s was as well) and i went from D to A within half a year (test results: D,C,B,A - the obvious tendency got me a B for the semester). Captain, my Captain... ;D So, yeah, i loved TNG and would like to watch it again, though, i suppose it has aged quite a bit, by now.

TOS is something that had already aged quite a lot by the time TNG aired. So i never took it seriously, really. Always thought of Kirk as some sort of gun slinging revolver hero from the wild west transplanted into future space (and i still think this must have been the basic idea behind the show - or what the producers made of it, anyways).

DS9 annoyed me by its religious content to the point of quiting before it got cool (or so i heard). It was probably the most soap-operary as you had to follow the show to get what was going on. In that sense, it wasnt hard to get away from it: Miss half a season and you´ll be lost (pun intended).

Voyager was too much ´whatever the challange, whatever the risk, we take it, and we will succeed´. Need a warpcoil? No problem, lure some bork (borg?) in and steal it from them. Easy... Janeway had a muntinious crew under her, and yet, whatever suicidal plan she came up with, everyone just clacked their heels. Heck, it even had the annoying alien, otherwise trademark of the Star Wars franchise - or at least that´s what Neelix was for me. And Chekoteh considers himself to be of native american origin? Okay, ST is about visions and stuff. It´s a society without money (or payment for crewmen at least). I can take that. But i find it very hard to believe, that someone in the 23rd (?) century will make a big thing out of his remote ´indian´ ancestry.

ENT is the one going back, where it all belonged, to me. Taking the pioneering time into focus was an excellent choice over going further forward in a timeline, that VOY had basically spoiled beyond recovery and in which everything had become possible. The first two season were en par with TNG´s episodes´ average quality, but the series really took off in season 3 and 4 (esp. the former), telling a season-spaning story of mystery and unknown, featuring multiple conflicts, in- and outside the crew. Season 3 is the stuff, which will make you dig up your old copy of ´Starflight´ or ´Star Control II´, again, or send you frantically looking for anything more modern like that, for hours. ´The ancients´, the ´Ur-Quan masters´ and ´the sphere builders´ are from the some league of awesome space-opera.

The movies: IV is the worst, VIII is the best. Havent seen XII, yet. About XI (´Star Trek´): I liked the action, the pacing, the visuals (the bridge looked just as outlandishly shiny and clean as in the dream i once had about ít). I didnt like the story. You know, how you can sort of link contemporary people on earth to star trak´s races, right? So, in ´Star Trek´ (XI), they made the vulcans the jews, and being german, i now always feel sort of guilty seeing vulcans. I dont like that at all. Aside of that, the vulcans have always been a defining thing of Star Trek, the ones that helped mankind along its first steps into deep space, and now they are sort of gone. I mean, that´s like uhem... well... uh... just Star Trek without vulcans (or a coca-cola logo that has neither white nor red in it). They were the one race, where almost all nerds would agree ´they are better than humans - not inherently but because they deserve it, in contrast to humans´. And they simply blew them away, made them failed victims, sort of. Bad ego? Cant they be something unhuman to look up to?

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  lajoswinkler said:
Q is a huge asshole, but a very interesting character. He really could stir things up.

One thing was never explained. He hates Guinan and has told Picard she's not what she pretends to be. That was something the writers never solved.

Yes, Q is asshole but asshole like Dr House, he do nasty things, but in the end he is right :)

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  lajoswinkler said:
Q is a huge asshole, but a very interesting character. He really could stir things up.

One thing was never explained. He hates Guinan and has told Picard she's not what she pretends to be. That was something the writers never solved.

on one hand he was a total dick, at least thats how he was in the first season. but if you watch his interactions throughout the series right on to the finale then you find a different more complex significance to his character. he pretty much gives the federation forewarning about the borg, without which they would have all been assimilated. tapestry was another really good q episode that really gives you a better insight into pacard's character. then in the finale when q pretty much helps picard save the universe. it then becomes clear that his role through the series has been more of a guide than adversary.

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