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Things I Never Knew


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Occasionally I find out new things about KSP that I never noticed before. Here's a thread for any things you've come across.


I was always under the impression that the planets in KSP had no axial tilts (so I thought that their axes were oriented perpendicular to their orbital planes, which is what it means for a planet to have no axial tilt in real life). BUT, it turns out that all of the planets in KSP have their equators aligned with the "Milky Way" feature on the skybox... So any planet that has an inclined orbit also has an axial tilt of that same value. Thank you to SpaceSphereOfDeath for pointing out this fact I've missed all this time.

I think this discovery must have freaked out the kerbal astronomers.

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I think this still gives them zero tilt with respect to the ecliptic, right? They're just tilted compared to their individual orbital planes.

The ecliptic (in our solar system) is just the apparent annual path the Sun follows around the sky, which matches plane of the Earth's orbit (of course). So if by "ecliptic" you refer here to the plane of Kerbin's orbit, then yes. All the planets in KSP have their equators aligned with the plane of Kerbin's orbit.

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True, but axial tilt is measured relative to the perpendicular to the planet's orbital plane for all the Solar System's planets. So if one were measuring the Kerbal planets in the same manner, all would be considered to have an axial tilt.

Edit: As was already mentioned in the original post, I now see.

Edited by maltesh
minor clarification.
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I did not know that temperatures did not vary night to day. I guess I never cared to find out either...

I also didn't know what would happen if you tried to explore underwater. Thanks, Scott Manley's Eve or Bust series!

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Another thing about that axial tilt, what would of happened on the old Moho, I believe it would be the same, just tidally locked.

I'll check later

Watching the analemma of the sun in 0.17 Moho was kind of nifty.

Back on topic: I found out that time passes on the Space Center screen, when one night, I left the game on the space center screen and came back in the morning to discover that a spacecraft I'd been planning to take to Minmus had missed its capture burn and had escaped the moon's sphere of influence.

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I didn't realize until a few weeks ago that on the map screen, if you click the little apo/peri tabs, the numbers will stay on the screen after you move the cursor away, so you can fine-tune maneuvers without having to move back and forth between the numbers and the maneuver planning controls.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I didn't realize until a few weeks ago that on the map screen, if you click the little apo/peri tabs, the numbers will stay on the screen after you move the cursor away, so you can fine-tune maneuvers without having to move back and forth between the numbers and the maneuver planning controls.

Gah! I knew they stayed up if you focus on a world, but I didn't know that one! @^#%$*&! etc. :P

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I recently learned that if you accidentally pass your apoapsis when trying to make orbit after launch, you can tilt your nose up a little to bring it back in front of you.

So simple, so obvious when I think about it, but it never dawned on me until I saw someone do it on YouTube.

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