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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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How about range tweakable(and animated) telescopic antennas.For instance you are planing to send a rover to duna(ala curiosity) and want to include a survey/relay sat but the relay dish is large and heavy but you want to have a light and compact sat(to fit more science on the rover) so you want a telescopic antenna that acts as a direct and relay.(Switchable) Take the 15 GM relay dish for example with a telescopic antenna you could tweak it to 5,10 and 15 GM and the antenna would extend to 10%,50% and 100% of its max size/range allowing for more compact and pretty sats(No more large round dishes on a relay cube-sat.).

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Some WIP stuff:

Very draft atmospheric scoop. About 2.5m in width right now, will have much more greeblies, structure and pipes on the back. Will have a model variant that shrouds the greeblies, for if you want to make a cloud-skimming fusion spaceplane. 


There's also some work on the magnetic scoop... less of a draft. It's a compact thing that contains compression machinery, power conditioning and such, with a magnetic structure that extends when deployed to do the actual scooping. The magnetic structure collapses into a small footprint. This is a 3.75m part.  






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Magnetic scoop looks amazing.

How are you planning on implementing this? If I recall correctly, the Buzzard Ramjet concept has a number of issues, not least of which is that you need to get up to a significant fraction of C before it starts doing anything useful.

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I was thinking that it was more going to be an exospheric collector than an interplanetary collector: You set it up in low orbit to catch escaping atmosphere.  (Vs. the atmospheric scoop, which you use in mid/high atmosphere.) 

Basically, you mine an area of space that has an extremely high particle density, so you don't need high velocity to collect an appreciable number of particles.  (You should in theory still get appropriate drag, but there are some corresponding ways to mitigate that which you can use in planetary orbit, and KSP doesn't model that type of drag anyway.)

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I have completed the mesh for the nuclear smelter. In case ya'll don't remember, it converts the appropriate raw materials (He3, Deuterium, EnrichedUranium, Ore) into NuclearSaltWater, FissionPellets and FusionPellets.


It's a reasonably large part, massive enough that unlike an ISRU, you'd be discouraged from putting it on every vessel. 

This makes 3/4 of the ISRU meshes, only the particle detector remains, then unwrapping begins.

Edited by Nertea
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Based on the BATSE instruments on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. I'm not hugely happy with it, but it has some nice spec maps that show up well ingame. 


I threw the scoop ingame to test its looks, I'm pretty happy with it. Will probably start texturing now. 


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  On 2/23/2017 at 11:02 PM, martinezfg11 said:

Nice texturing, do you Handpaint everything?


Yes I do.

  On 2/23/2017 at 9:11 PM, MaverickSawyer said:

Hmmm... could you do an engine in the same style down the line?


You can get the required bits in the MarkIV pack, though you'd need some additional scaling to be done. The bottom right intakes here  are  based directly on the Concorde ones. 


And the engine itself is the top right one here. 2.5m, so you'd want to resize it to 1.25 so it fits on the intake. 



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