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What would happen to this community if pewdiepie played KSP?


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  Kommitz said:
I think you're making many assumptions that aren't necessarily true, and ironically many of them would suggest that you're a fan of pewdiepie.

It's best not to judge people before you know them :)

I think it would be lovely to welcome some new members to the community, there are bound to be at least a couple that can type coherently which is more than can be said for an unfortunate number of current members :)

Exactly. While it probably wouldn't be the majority, there are bound to be intelligent, mature people that like some of PewDiePie's content. I happen to be one of those people (minus the intelligence bit, perhaps), though, to be fair, he has gotten a bit too goofy for me. His older Amnesia videos are the ones I find genuinely entertaining. Regardless, I doubt that a large amount of immature people will spring up and ruin the world. Kids who are too young to be sensible are also probably too young to buy the game on their own, and, thanks to the demo, will either find they don't like the game, or discover that this has something for them. In that situation, they're more likely to be someone who can type a coherent sentence. I see little reason to worry.

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I can't really conceive of any answer other than 'so what'? Exposure is exposure - it would hurt absolutely no one if PDP or some other popular channel played the game.

Personally, it's not something I'd watch. Unless I'm underestimating his abilities, I rather imagine it'd be a bit like watching Robbaz - a characterisation that does not entertain me, and not a high level of skill at the game. But it's like I said - so what? Letting Youtube trends influence your enjoyment of a game is a really bad way to live. I don't care who plays my favourites, I play them for me.

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Might be okay. I was actually led here by Yogscast Duncan doing a series a few months ago. Its still going.

Yet i am nowhere near what was described might happen.

Still, pewdiepie.... no way can he beat our current youtubers. You cant beat Danny's glitches or Scott Manleys awesome KSP knowledge. Plus Scott Manley gives interesting space and science bits.

In KSP, either the delta-V becomes part of you or you stay near Kerbin. As in, if you dont start making calculations and thinking Delta-V and ISP rationally youll have a hard time getting far.

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  AmpsterMan said:
Satcharna, while I agree that a lot of the Legacy fanbase has left, I disagree that it was because of the newer fans. Rather I argue it might be for a few other reasons:

1. Lack of/ Percieved lack of content

2. Disillusionment with reality of what KSP will really be

3. Change in development priority

4. Game Fatigue

Indeed, I'm certain that's a major part. But I also know that a lot of them still play the game, but have simply moved away from this community, and that was what I was referring to.
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  SuperWeegee4000 said:
that scot manly guy is a poser lol .pewdiepie is the best ksp player and the uther guyz r just ripofs of him

Felix himself is an okay guy, but his fanbase is absolutely terrible.

^ This. Too bad he has to do some "jokes" on his vids to please his terrible fanbase. I'm subscribed to him, although I mostly avoid the comment section. I fear that if I look into it, my IQ level will drop significantly. Felix is pretty much okay to me, and I think he would be a cool guy to meet.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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Honestly, I don't understand all the hate on PewDiePie. I used to watch his videos last year, but then it got kind of repetitive and boring so I unsubscribed. Still, I don't see how him playing KSP would "ruin" the game in any way.

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Honestly after studying the comments in one of hes video

One hater said Pewdiepie is a newbie In propper spelling -obsessed fan reads comments-

The fan sees the comment and replied (with U suk nooooob GO chek out pews cHanle an mY cHanle 2)

so i go to the obsesed fan's channel and all i see is things (like BIG shotout to Pewds!)( Mincraft Pewds statue) And yes he did not use propper spelling if it

happens were gonna need more mods

Edited by Dooz
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  Dooz said:
Honestly after studying the comments in one of hes video

One hater said Pewdiepie is a newbie In propper spelling -obsessed fan reads comments-

The fan sees the comment and replied (with U suk nooooob GO chek out pews cHanle an mY cHanle 2)

so i go to the obsesed fan's channel and all i see is things (like BIG shotout to Pewds!)( Mincraft Pewds statue) And yes he did not use propper spelling if it

happens were gonna need more mods

Fanboys and spammers are the worst thing of the internet.People like pewdie,skydoesmc just needs stupid fans to make money :o

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Ah I see. Too bad for that because they will definately be a boon for the game's community now.

I for one would be okay with the influx. I think KSP has a naturally high barrier of entry by its very nature that encourages individuals to learn and share their knowledge of space. To that end, I believe KSP takes care of its fanbase in much the same way Dwarf Fortress does. It molds it into a tight knit, friendly community that helps out anyone with genuine interest and heart, but mercillesly eliminates all those otherwise.

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  KD3 said:
I would most likely leave. I've never really been into forums. This has been the first one I've genuinely liked and I don't want that to get ruined.

I'm with you. I can't remember why I joined specifically - I played KSP for a while before I joined the forums, but the forum is good, with plenty of smart conversations happening. Of course there are some stupid conversations, but the majority are not, and I haven't seen a multiplayer thread in a while, which is good.

After reading all the posts in this thread, I am wondering about pewdiepie. I've never watched on of his videos, but based on the comments I've read here, it sounds like one of those cases where "you cannot unsee what has already been seen"....I don't know if I dare.

Edited by Merinsan
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ive seen his vids and honestly i would be fine with him playing it as long as he didnt record it. part of me would want him to cause it would help bring the game into more mainstream and anything that promotes the game is great in my book. however to be real. 99.9% of his community wouldnt be able to understand the game and wouldnt know how to play it. theyd most likely get board with the game with in a day. the only good that id see coming from him recording it would be the possibility of the vid getting on the front page of youtube and people going KSP hmm whats this game. then doing more and trying the game themselves.

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IF he playes the game and IF he puts it up on his youtube page and IF a lot of his followers try the game out and IF they start playing and IF they register on the forum and IF they start participating and IF they do indeed post stupid posts.

Boy, that's a lot of ifs!

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There's an older pewdiepie thread already.

I don't think pewdiepie can ruin KSP. His fanboys, which are mostly little annoying, illiterate assholes might, but let's face it - this game is too unique. It's orbital mechanics, not clicking and searching, placing and destroying. K3wls don't really get it and they would not catch on it.

I'd like to see him play this. I have no fear, and I think it would only spread the word.

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I have met a 'bro' in real lifeI would describe him as a twitching inadequate dogbuggerer, but that is offensive to some other people I know.

For some reason he knew who Scott Manley was and saying he was bad because he was old. Claiming that he has not played CoD in ages as he hadn't played in since last Tuesday.

Claiming that, just because CoD sold more copies than Painkiller, and then not understanding when I explained the difference between mainstream appeal and actually being good.

And then he went on to call me 'bangout' simply because I sunk time and effort into learning about celestial mechanics in order to be good at KSP.

Christ on a smegging unicycle, I'm glad we don't have anyone like that on our Fora.

Gated communities are brilliant.

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people lets be real. most of the "bro army" most likely wouldnt have a clue how to play KSP. theyd most likely rage quit within the first day. that being said what would the harm of them spending the money on the game only to have it collect dust be??? as for felix i think he could figure out how to play the game fairly easy. hes smarter then he appears to be. but like i said his fans dont have the patients for a game like KSP. also from what ive noticed KSP is kinda hard to really make videos about sense there isnt really a drawn out goal or set like missions. theres only so many videos one can make of themselves launching a rocket over and over before it gets boring.

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  lajoswinkler said:
If they come, we can throw rocket fuel at them. Bipropellant.

I'm sad more and more people are thinking of these douches when you mention Minecraft. That's a really great game and it doesn't deserve such treatment.

Indeed not. I like Minecraft, and even though I gave up on it long ago, it had such potential until Notch changed his intent with it halfway through and the community got taken over by imbeciles. It's partly why I worry for KSP. The game is in many ways similar to Minecraft, and I'd really rather not the community get any worse than it already is. Even if KSP has a clear design goal unlike Minecraft, I'd rather the community stay mostly acceptable. Though I still enjoy playing Minecraft every now and then, I'm still sad about not having a good community to interact with, and I dread for the same thing to happen to KSP.
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