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Forum feature highlight: the reputation system


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Wow the reputation post has been here for a while :P. I also just realized I've actually been around for a bit now :P. The rep system is awesome! - I'd like to see a current mod list too though. Is there already a post of current mods somewhere?

Moderators? We have one (though it might be slightly out of date, not sure). We really ought to make a public one, though. Looks like Kasper's probably added it to his huge pile of stuff to do, though. :P

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Just noticed this thread. Can it be stickied (and/or maybe moved to the newbie forum)? I had to figure out everything in the OP for myself because I didn't realize there was a guide. ;)

Also, a request for rep-givers: PLEASE take a few seconds to write a comment/justification. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I'm pretty confused by some of the posts I've gotten rep for.

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The forum software can give you a list, and it's up to date since it polls the users' privileges. Under the menu bar, click "Quick Links" -> "View Site Leaders".

Sweet thanks.

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Just noticed this thread. Can it be stickied (and/or maybe moved to the newbie forum)? I had to figure out everything in the OP for myself because I didn't realize there was a guide. ;)

Also, a request for rep-givers: PLEASE take a few seconds to write a comment/justification. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I'm pretty confused by some of the posts I've gotten rep for.

This x100.

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The forum software can give you a list, and it's up to date since it polls the users' privileges. Under the menu bar, click "Quick Links" -> "View Site Leaders".

Yeah, but we have our own junior/senior moderator distinctions that the forum software doesn't really care about. It helps to know who is charge of who sometimes. :)

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Thanks to the fact that I have been around for...as of today 2 years and 1 month, my rep power if not limited to 5 would be ~14, despite my meager performance in post count and rep :P

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Heh, I just ran the rep calculation on myself and I can see why it's got an upper limit, some posters would have hugely disproportional rep power.

Should really be inversely proportional to postcount, rep/postcount gives a good indicator of the signal to noise ratio of a poster.

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Up until February of this year, i had 3 posts. Then all of the sudden, posting became my life. :P and then i started randomly getting rep. which was an added bonus. guess i just say what the people wanna hear lol. Hey maybe i should run for president? (also, i have joined the "received super mod rep" club. WOO!)

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As much as I absolutely don't mind having lots of reputation power for doing nothing, I do wonder if that rep power equation isn't a little bass-ackward?

Rep power increases just by being on the forum longer? I dunno, I'd think that you might actually decrease reputation power for people who have not been active in a long while. Or, at least, not increase it. Maybe freeze the rep power count somehow if a person is idle and does not log in for a week, and restart the timer when they log in again?

That is of course, if the forum software allows you to make that kind of customisation. Not really played much with vBulletin myself. By "much" I mean "at all".

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That is of course, if the forum software allows you to make that kind of customisation. Not really played much with vBulletin myself. By "much" I mean "at all".

Done a lot of coding for vBulletin, and really there are no real limits to the software, its all just PHP code in some fancy templates and you could really add, remove and change anything you would like.

Things like pausing reputation gain would require a cron job, could just hook into one already there, and probably an entry or two in the database (time and date of pause to keep log of it) and then a few changes to the reputation.php file (this is the file that does all the math and such)

As for what others have mentioned about the blips (the colored bar) an easy way to make it go up faster but also have more so it can go further is to do a kind of "prestige" to it, where when it fills up, change the blips color/shape or add a different 1st blip, and then just add more user titles in between (they could be the same titles repeated so lets say between 0-9 you have one more at 5 with the same name as at 0 to add one more blip. Though that is only one way of doing it, its an easy way of just manipulating the system already in place by vBulletin in stead of having to code something new.

Source: Worked with vBulletin products and code before it had a number (back in 2000) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Up until February of this year, i had 3 posts. Then all of the sudden, posting became my life. :P and then i started randomly getting rep. which was an added bonus. guess i just say what the people wanna hear lol. Hey maybe i should run for president? (also, i have joined the "received super mod rep" club. WOO!)

Pfft. I've been repped by the main SQUAD account :cool:

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I think reputation given should be part of the formula to some degree. (Maybe it is a bad idea, but I'll convince myself of that later.)

It's a bad idea, since (at least some) people will start to rep everything.

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  • 5 months later...

Reputation power

Your reputation power can be found with this formula:

Don't if tthis formula has changed since or so, but it also seems that the minimum of reputation power is 1.

Anyway, thanks! I'm pretty new to this forum, searched the thumb up button a short while and thought it did not exist.

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