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Constellation Space Program - Three Part Challenge

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  cadaverific said:
Back again after landing everything safely. Heres some nice pics:


~Notice that the outpost is multi-purpose. it contains all science as well as acting as 2 pressurized rovers that seat 6. all modules can separate and be driven around before rejoining. (it really was a pain to fly and land though)

That rover design is slick! Is it hard to align things to Lego-up back into one piece?

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  Death Engineering said:
That rover design is slick! Is it hard to align things to Lego-up back into one piece?

Its not too hard. i just kind of ram them into each other and they magnets take care of the rest. sometimes it takes one try and sometimes it takes a few, but it works for the most part

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Just a quick update. I have started early design work on my Duna return vehicle. This thing on top of the SLS style rocket is a beast, although the rocket is not the final design that I intend to use it is very over developed and in theory it should be able to return from Duna's surface to orbit and dock with the mother ship as a ssto vehicle. For my mission architecture I intend to develop a separate vehicle that can deliver two rovers to Duna, the Duna Return Vehicle, as well as a manned lander that will remain on the surface as a Outpost Variant


Duna return vehicle prototype on top of a SLS rocket.


A surplus orbital insertion booster with plenty of fuel left over in the main tank is left in low Kerban orbit. It will remain here until it is needed for future uses.

Note, Mechjeb during this launch was only used for data readouts.

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  cadaverific said:
Its not too hard. i just kind of ram them into each other and they magnets take care of the rest. sometimes it takes one try and sometimes it takes a few, but it works for the most part

I think I recall saying the same thing to my first girlfriend.. ;)

  Vonar said:
Just a quick update. I have started early design work on my Duna return vehicle. This thing on top of the SLS style rocket is a beast, although the rocket is not the final design that I intend to use it is very over developed and in theory it should be able to return from Duna's surface to orbit and dock with the mother ship as a ssto vehicle. For my mission architecture I intend to develop a separate vehicle that can deliver two rovers to Duna, the Duna Return Vehicle, as well as a manned lander that will remain on the surface as a Outpost Variant


Duna return vehicle prototype on top of a SLS rocket.


A surplus orbital insertion booster with plenty of fuel left over in the main tank is left in low Kerban orbit. It will remain here until it is needed for future uses.

Note, Mechjeb during this launch was only used for data readouts.

Looks like your Duna program is coming along nicely! :cool: The Duna Orbit Rendezvous mission profile is great.. I wish I'd written the challenge to reward that extra effort piece for the Mars Direct approach. GOLD * STAR

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Konstellation Space Program Redux Update

With a crew of 6 Kerbals on Duna, we've determined that Duna is both red and dusty! Duna landing mission completed by using a three launch mission profile:

  1. Ares V with Duna surface return vehicle. Includes two-seat pressurized rover, launched uncrewed ahead of the landing team.
  2. Ares V with Duna Outpost. Launched uncrewed.
  3. Ares I with Orion 6 Block II. Launched with 6 crew and docked to Duna Outpost prior to departing Kerbin orbit.

No changes to the challenge 'points' tally, just a quick note to make a step closer to wrapping up this maximum points attempt.

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I'm still working on my Duna mission. Just have been having unfortunate raging experiences with the SLS boosters clipping the main stage, and taking out my orbital insertion booster at 15,000 ft or so so I had to take a short break from KSP.

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Some updates for today:

Research and Development - Max 22 points

Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Use an Ares I in at least one space station docking mission (+1)




Note, this station is in a 130 km by 130 km orbit around Kerban and I used Mechjeb for only data readouts.

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  Vonar said:
I'm still working on my Duna mission. Just have been having unfortunate raging experiences with the SLS boosters clipping the main stage, and taking out my orbital insertion booster at 15,000 ft or so so I had to take a short break from KSP.

I've had some issues with my Ares V since 0.24.x as well. :mad:

  Vonar said:
Some updates for today:

Research and Development - Max 22 points

Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Use an Ares I in at least one space station docking mission (+1)




Note, this station is in a 130 km by 130 km orbit around Kerban and I used Mechjeb for only data readouts.

Thanks for the update! :cool:

Konstellation Space Program Redux Mission Complete

After resorting to Ion-drive for the ATLAST mission and recovering the Duna 6-Kerbal landing crew, this final challenge submission is wrapped up.

Being a child of the Apollo age and watching that space program end before its time, unexplored space programs always fascinate me. A common theme of Kerbal Space Program playing styles reflect emulating real-world space program initiatives, and building on that kind of imaginative expression is what real world SCIENCE! is all about.

Thanks to all who have and continue to participate in this challenge.

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  Majorjim said:
Hi Death Engineering.

You may have seen this on the exchange and Im not sure how many points it would score on this challenge but its a good example of a stock

constellation mission.


Yep, I sure did see that mission! Fantastic design and great mission report. Thanks for submitting it on this thread. Looks like a max points entry for the "Mars Direct Challenge" sub-challenge. Leaderboard updated! :cool:

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  Death Engineering said:
Yep, I sure did see that mission! Fantastic design and great mission report. Thanks for submitting it on this thread. Looks like a max points entry for the "Mars Direct Challenge" sub-challenge. Leaderboard updated! :cool:

Sweet thanks mate.

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I'm going to do this challenge in 6.4 scaled Kerbin, and with another spin on it, using Saturn 5 (or saturn variants that were never made) derived stuff.

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I hereby give up, as this thing is utterly silly, and i'm too ocd to not get max points.


The second stage is 5 meters! The srb is like 10 by 30-something!

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  bs1110101 said:
I'm going to do this challenge in 6.4 scaled Kerbin, and with another spin on it, using Saturn 5 (or saturn variants that were never made) derived stuff.


I hereby give up, as this thing is utterly silly, and i'm too ocd to not get max points.


The second stage is 5 meters! The srb is like 10 by 30-something!

That sounds awesome.. looking forward to seeing your missions. Welcome to the challenge! :cool:

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  Death Engineering said:
That sounds awesome.. looking forward to seeing your missions. Welcome to the challenge! :cool:

Seeing as you like it, and my save for my other challenge got borked, i'm giving this one another shot.






The engine on the second stage is an M-1, more or less an F-1 modified to run Hydrogen and LOX and with a giant nozzle for vacuum use, it was going to be used for the Nova's second and maybe third stages, here only one of them is being used, likely on a re-engined S-II, as an M-1 would be likely cheaper then 5 J-2s


The block 2 is adapted to have far higher delta v, though mostly at the cost of TWR do to it's nuclear engine. On a Munar mission, it can be controlled to swing around Kerbin and be crashed into the Mun, on a low orbit mission, it can delay it's deorbit and land safely away from the landing site of the capsule,

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Building a boosted single stage rocket with 6.4 scale Kerbin is more or less impossible, so i've kinda given up on it. Anyway, this is the Nova-1





The Nova was what was planned if the Saturn 5 was too small, the first stage on this is 10m before the conical engine mount, it uses 8 F-1 engines from FASA upscaled to 3.75m.

It's the Nova-1 because it's still not big enough for many things, though i'm worried ksp isn't going to like 20m diameter rockets, and as these get bigger there stops being room for the engines, hence the conic first stage and angled out engines of the second.

The lander is a multipurpose descent stage with an assent craft attached. The same descent stage can be used for rovers, outposts, cargo, scientific stuff, or more or less anything, though the lack of the transfer stage is a problem, and likely one that's not being fixed soon because of the simple reason of ksp not being stable with things this huge.



Playing around with tank sizes and making a transfer stage helped a lot, still a behemoth of a rocket.

Relatedly, i challenge anyone with 6.4 scale Kerbin to build a proper Ares V.

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At last! The potato-snack union has finally come to an agreement with our contractors and the Pressure Drop Program can continue!

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  • Munar Outpost: Using at least one crewed Altair lander, an Outpost Variant and a pressurized rover set up a Munar Outpost. The Outpost Variant can join a crewed Altair already on the Mun or can be part of a separate Altair/Outpost Variant mission to another location. The Altair and Outpost Variant need to be within 100m of each other. (+5)
  • Altair descent stage science: +1 for each science-equipped Altair landed on Mun (+3)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  bs1110101 said:
Building a boosted single stage rocket with 6.4 scale Kerbin is more or less impossible, so i've kinda given up on it. Anyway, this is the Nova-1





The Nova was what was planned if the Saturn 5 was too small, the first stage on this is 10m before the conical engine mount, it uses 8 F-1 engines from FASA upscaled to 3.75m.

It's the Nova-1 because it's still not big enough for many things, though i'm worried ksp isn't going to like 20m diameter rockets, and as these get bigger there stops being room for the engines, hence the conic first stage and angled out engines of the second.

The lander is a multipurpose descent stage with an assent craft attached. The same descent stage can be used for rovers, outposts, cargo, scientific stuff, or more or less anything, though the lack of the transfer stage is a problem, and likely one that's not being fixed soon because of the simple reason of ksp not being stable with things this huge.



Playing around with tank sizes and making a transfer stage helped a lot, still a behemoth of a rocket.

Relatedly, i challenge anyone with 6.4 scale Kerbin to build a proper Ares V.

You need to install a convertible roof on the VAB. Thanks for the update!

  Xeldrak said:
At last! The potato-snack union has finally come to an agreement with our contractors and the Pressure Drop Program can continue!


  • Munar Outpost: Using at least one crewed Altair lander, an Outpost Variant and a pressurized rover set up a Munar Outpost. The Outpost Variant can join a crewed Altair already on the Mun or can be part of a separate Altair/Outpost Variant mission to another location. The Altair and Outpost Variant need to be within 100m of each other. (+5)
  • Altair descent stage science: +1 for each science-equipped Altair landed on Mun (+3)

Very impressive precision landing there! :cool:

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  Death Engineering said:
You need to install a convertible roof on the VAB. Thanks for the update!

Indeed i do, and there's a mod for that. Anyway, changing mods have borked that challenge entry, though Real Fuels makes a far better Ares V doable.

LES test!


Edit: on hold again, tweakscale derping out and making my srbs useless.

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Since I'm starting to loose track of my own space programm, this is just a overview:



2*Moff Münar Lander Block I

2*Moff Münar Lander Block II

2*Vyr Pressurized Rover

2*Irfan Compact Outpost

3*Vader Crew Vehicle Block I&II

4*Gnosis Duna Lander

5*Tarkin Crew Launch Vehicle

8*Chorkun Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle


PDPM01 - Unmanned suborbital flight

PDPM02 - Unmanned LES test

PDPM03 - Unmanned 3*Vader Lifeboat docking

PDPM04 - Unmanned Mün fly-by

PDPM05 - LKO test of 2*Moff

PDPM06 - LMO test of 2*Moff

PDPM07 - Space station crew exchange

PDPM08 - Unmanned münar landing of 2*Moff

PDPM09 - Manned münar landing (Münshot)

PDPM10 - Unmanned 2*Irfan münar landing

PDPM11 - Unmanned 2*Vyr münar landing

PDPM12 - Manning the münar base

PDPM13 - 4*Gnosis high speed reentry

PDPM14 - 4*Gnosis manned LKO test


Crew Launch Vehicle (Ares I) - Max 11 points

Two stage rocket to LKO (+2)

Does not jettison any radial stages (solid or liquid tanks/engines) (+2)

Can carry Orion Block 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+1)

Can carry Orion Block 2 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+2)

Uses any solid fuel booster on first stage (+1)

Uses only solid fuel on first stage (+3)

Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle (Ares V) - Max 11 points

Five or six liquid engines on first stage (+3)

Does not jettison any radial liquid tanks/engines (+2)

Uses and jettisons at least two solid fuel boosters on first stage (+1)

Two stage rocket to LKO: After the first stage is dropped, the second stage (EDS), carries payload to orbit (+2)

Can carry the Earth Departure Stage (EDS) and Orion BLock 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the EDS (+1)

EDS Bonus: Second stage can put Orion Block 1 into Munar free-return trajectory (+2)

Crew Vehicle (Orion) - Max 14 points

Supports at least 4 crew (+4)

Each crew over 4, up to 6 crew maximum (+1 each; max +2)

Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft: Launch Escape System (LES), Power, RCS fuel/thrusters, orbital maneuvering engine/fuel, docking port, probe core (+2)

Service module: Before landing, drops orbital maneuvering engine and all it's fuel and at least a portion of RCS fuel (+2)

Safely touches down on land and water (+1)

Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2)

Block 1/2 bonus: Develop a Block 2 with slightly higher delta-V. Block 1 is intended for low orbit missions and the Block 2 for Munar/deep space missions (+1)

Munar Lander (Altair) - Max 19 points

Supports 4 crew (+4)

Each crew over 4, up to 6 crew maximum (+1 each; max +2)

Can perform un-Kerballed landings without the use of an Orion spacecraft (Altair and EDS launched on Ares V) (+1)

Can perform Munar orbit insertion from Kerbin-Mun trajectory for both an Altair and and Orion capsule (either Block I or II) without using any Orion fuel (+2)

2 stage lander with separate ascent stage (descent stage stays on Munar surface) (+2)

Rover bonus: Can deploy at least one rover with seats for at least half (round up) of the lander crew (+3)

Addition rover: Can deploy a second rover (same or different than first rover) (+1)

Pressurized rover: Develop a rover that can seat at least two crew in a pressurized pod. This rover can be delivered with a crewed or uncrewed Altair lander, an Outpost Variant lander or a specialized Cargo Altair that brings only the rover (+2)

Outpost Variant: Develop a version of the Altair that can land robotically and has enough room for 1.5 times your Altair landing crew size (round up). Eg. If your Altair lander seats 4, the Outpost Variant should have pressurized seats for 6. If your Altair lander seats 5, your Outpost Variant should seat 8. The Outpost Variant can have, but does not require, the ability to return from Munar surface. (+2)

Duna Lander (Mars Direct) - Max 15 points

Lander supports 4 crew (+4)

Kerbin Return Vehicle capable of Kerbin return with either direct ascent to Kerbin or Duna Orbit Rendezvous with Kerbin return stage (+3)

Rover bonus: Bring at least one rover with seats for at least half (round up) of the lander crew (+3)

Addition rover: Bring a second rover (same or different than first rover) (+1)

Develop a rover that can seat at least two crew in a pressurized pod. This rover can be delivered with either the Kerbin Return Vehicle or the Duna lander (+2)

Outpost Variant: Develop the Duna lander to remain on Duna as a permanent outpost. The Duna landing mission should include pressurized seats for 1.5 times your crew size (round up). Eg. If your Duna lander seats 4, the Outpost Variant should have pressurized seats for 6. If your Duna lander seats 5, your Outpost Variant should seat 8 (+2)

Mission Points (Max 59 points):

Research and Development - Max 22 points

Launch a boilerplate Orion capsule/EDS on suborbital flight using Ares I (+1)

Perform an abort and recovery (LES) of an un-Kerballed Orion capsule using the Launch Escape System, while first stage is firing (+1)

Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Using an Ares V and EDS, send an un-Kerballed Orion spacecraft into a free-return trajectory orbit to the Mun and perform a high speed re-entry test. Re-entry g-force must exceed 9g's (+2)

Perform a LKO test of an Altair Munar lander. With at least one Kerbal on board, fly an Altair Munar lander at least 100km away from the Orion spacecraft. Dispose of the descent stage, then fly the ascent stage back to the Orion. Transfer the crew to the Orion then robotically control the ascent stage into a re-entry orbit (+3)

Perform the above Altair test in Munar orbit using EOR mission (+1)

Using an un-Kerballed Duna lander and an EDS on Ares V, perform a high-speed re-entry from at least 15,000km Ap. (+2)

Launch an un-Kerballed Duna lander on Ares V into low orbit. Perform an orbital test and descent of the lander (crewed or uncrewed) (+3)

Use an Ares I in at least one space station docking mission (+1)

Use an Ares I in at least one Munar mission (flyby, orbital or landing) (+1)

Use an Ares I in at least one Duna mission (flyby or landing) (+1)

Use an Ares V in at least one Munar mission (orbital or landing) (+2)

Use an Ares V in at least one Duna mission (flyby or landing) (+2)

Space Station - Orion/Ares I - Max 3 points

Have already successfully orbited an Orion with full crew and returned safely to Kerbin.

Launch an Orion to the orbiting space station with at least 4 crew. Perform a crew exchange and return four Kerbals from the space station to Kerbin using the Orion. (+2)

Return at least one Kerbal from the space station to Kerbin in an Orion which was docked robotically. This is a "liferaft" scenario intended to use the Orion left at the space station in "Research and Development" above. (+1)

Mun - Orion/Ares I/Ares V/Altair - Max 14 points

Have already docked an Orion to the space station (crewed or robotic)

Land an un-Kerballed Altair on the Mun without the use of an Orion spacecraft (EDS and Altair only launched from Ares V) (+2)

Demonstrate that your Altair can, on its own, brake the Orion and Altair into Mun orbit and perform a polar landing: north pole (>66°N), south pole (>66°S) (+2)

Land at least 4 Kerbals in an Altair on the Mun within 1km of either above Altair (+3)

Return four Kerbals from a Munar landing to Kerbin (+2)

Munar Outpost: Using at least one crewed Altair lander, an Outpost Variant and a pressurized rover set up a Munar Outpost. The Outpost Variant can join a crewed Altair already on the Mun or can be part of a separate Altair/Outpost Variant mission to another location. The Altair and Outpost Variant need to be within 100m of each other. (+5)

Duna - Orion/Ares I/Ares V/Duna Lander - Max 20 points

Have already successfully completed a Mun landing and return with Orion and Altair

Land an un-Kerballed Kerbin Return Vehicle on Duna. Can be either Duna-Kerbin direct ascent capable or dock with an orbiting Duna-Kerbin return stage (+4)

At least 4 Kerbals pass withing 5000km of Duna (+2)

Land at least four Kerbals on Duna within 10 km (100 km if by rover) of the above Duna lander. To earn these points, the un-Kerballed lander above must be landed and remain powered. Successful landing must take place before the landing crew has committed to Duna re-entry (+5)

Duna Outpost: The Duna lander uses the Duna Outpost Variant which stays on the surface and includes a pressurized rover. (+3)

Each landing crew over 4, up to 6 crew maximum (+1 each; max +2)

Return the Duna landing crew and any remaining Duna orbiting crew to Kerbin (+4)

Science Points (Max 7 points):

Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope: Using an Ares V/EDS, deploy a science package to Kerbol synchronous orbit (Pe and Ap at 1 508 045.29 km +/- 1000km) (+2)

Altair descent stage science: +1 for each science-equipped Altair landed on Mun (maximum +3)

Kerbin Return Vehicle: Pre-landed Kerbin return vehicle on the Duna mission contains a science package (+1)

Duna Lander: Lander on the Duna mission contains a science package (+1)

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It's time to get to Duna!

Our research-division is working 24/7 on the new hardware. We can now proudly present our Duna Lander/Kerbin Return Vehicle:


  • Lander supports 4 crew (+4)
  • Kerbin Return Vehicle capable of Kerbin return with either direct ascent to Kerbin or Duna Orbit Rendezvous with Kerbin return stage (+3)
  • Rover bonus: Bring at least one rover with seats for at least half (round up) of the lander crew (+3)
  • Addition rover: Bring a second rover (same or different than first rover) (+1)

This should get me another 11 points.

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